Craig McPherson |
posted 05-19-99 10:55 PM ET
I've only played one full game of Alpha Centauri so far (although it lasted about 85 hours), and I noticed some strange behavior when trying to contruct Mag Tubes. When I first got Monopole Magnets, I noticed that the Mag Tube options on all of my Terraform menues were greyed out. Not too long later, I noticed that they were no longer greyed out, and I built Mag Tubes between all of my bases. Once I began expanding (DIE Miriam), I tried to build some more mag tubes, but I found that they were again greyed out. I couldn't find anything in the manual or help files about requirements for mag tubes other than Monopole Magnets, and I know I never lost any technology. In fact, some of my formers on auto built mag tubes on their own, but I had no luck trying to order mag tubes from the terraform menu or with the mag tube hotkey. Is there any particular reason for this?