posted 05-11-99 07:24 AM ET Here I was, ready to subvert a PK city with 4 population and 4 defending units. I was shocked to found out that it would take me 5200+ energy credits for the job! What the !@#$&^! I checked and Lal had only 255 energy credits. What is going on? Is this another one of those "balancing factors?"
posted 05-12-99 03:19 AM ET
I think cities cost too little actually - it's far too easy to capture hordes of your opponents troops that way. If your opponent has a "bottleneck" city between you and him, he'll pile all his troops in there. You just waltz in, take over his army, and use it to crush him.
Urban Ranger
posted 05-12-99 03:36 AM ET
With a navy, there are almost no bottlenecks you can't bypass.
But I digress. It's not cheap to take over a city with tons of units, and due to differences in SE settings, you probably need to disband a whole lot of them due to negative minerals situations.
posted 05-12-99 09:53 AM ET
On the one occassion I tried that tactic Mergle I had paid for so many units that the captured city couldn't support them all, and I lost them next turn.
Didn't consider that much of a bargain as I needed them to stop the next onslaught on the captured city.
(Yes I lost it again.)
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