posted 05-06-99 08:00 PM ET
This game is entirely unplayable via lan. I have a PII-300 w/128 ram plenty of HDD space I am the host on a 100 tx tcp/ip net. I have no problem with the configuration of the network we play many games with no problems. We are playing on the huge map but I am unable to do the following when it is not my turn:
change production in a city
change anything in the hq menu
if I do these things when my opponent ends his turn the game is frozen:
communicate with any faction
there are many more bugs ( yes I have 3.0 ) when attacking a city with ground units and the city has ground units and air the air unit will jump to the top if it is not damaged and cause all the units in the city to receive collateral damage only!! I can not defeat this city which was really fustrating since it was my city that defected during drone riots.
When human players click in there cities the entire game slows down. Anything that is done on another machine is slowing down the host.