posted 05-05-99 01:13 PM ET
My friend and I have had been trying to set up a 2 player AC game over the net using both IPX and TCP/IP, and have encountered some weird problems. When the client joins the host (doesn't matter who's hosting), the the whole game locks up at the hostside, and after 5-10 secs the host gets an error message saying "net send time expired", with the option to drop the client, or ignore the error. When ignoring the error, the game seems to be running along fine, but when we try to launch the game, det hostside keeps getting a "net send time expired" error message while loading the worldmap etc. If the serverside consistently ignores the error, he will eventually get into the game, but the client will be left in the chatroom, as if no map data has reached him, but we can still type to eachother using the "chat" option.
We're both using SMACP3UK (Patch 3.0, UK version),and have average ping (peer-to-peer) 50-100 ms and 0-2 % packetloss.