Topic: Heh, how about some new features?
BenedictHamilton |
posted 05-03-99 06:46 PM ET
How about some new search functions, to show:a) where all your, e.g. command centres are, so you know where to send a damaged vehicle. b) what social engineering choices the other factions have made, to help you determine how much you like them... c) The net mineral production of each city, so you know which one to make that AAA Cruiser in. (assuming your biggest one is already on a secret project). Ta. BH
posted 05-23-99 12:40 PM ET
it would be nice if the base readout screen had a 4th tab, that listed all the bases' minerals, nutrients, labs, psych, etc etc in one go. would be a lot easier finding which base can build a project quickest. |
posted 05-23-99 01:23 PM ET
like the colonies screen in Master of Orion II.  |
posted 05-23-99 01:50 PM ET
Here's a tip, play as the Gaians then just plant fungus everywhere, then all your bases have the same output =P |
posted 05-23-99 03:49 PM ET
This is one area where CTP has a few good ideas. Its City Status Screen lists different types of production and by clicking on the headings for the columns one can get a most-to-least (or the opposite) listing. That makes it easy to find your highest-producing cities, your best science city, etc.Makes deciding where to place improvements and/or Wonders much easier. However, I like SMAC's implementation of the corresponding screen much better: more graphical rather than numerical (although with numbers when it makes sense, as in the production report (x minerals of y needed)), with intelligent use of the right mouse button. But with a few more columns and the ordering feature, it would be incredible. |