Topic: more Terran.exe problems
tlusk |
posted 04-30-99 09:40 AM ET
I can't seem to find any specific info on how to eliminate the terran.exe issue on this site. Lots of posts, but no solid resolutions. Can someone please let me know if there is a fix.I have an HP6370Z system with lots of resources available. I have yet to be able to complete an entire Alpha Centauri game without running into the terran.exe error. I downloaded the patch for 3.0 and installed it, now I cannot even start a new game. I get the terran.exe error right of the bat. I love Sid Meier games, but am extremely disappointed that I am unable to play this one.
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 04-30-99 09:47 AM ET
There can be a number of things that contribute to the terran.exe, so there is not simple solution. Where exactly is the crash occuring with v3.0? Is the error message to the effect of Terran.exe crashed in sound.dll? If so, what's the sound card? Assuming that's the case, try setting EAX and DS3D to 0 in the alpha centauri.ini file. Renaming the sound.dll to sound.dl_ will disable sound, but if the then game works, we know it's the soundcard that's the problem.jkm firaxis games |