posted 04-24-99 11:21 PM ET
I'm playing a game where I'm soundly beating the Believers. Luckily, I'm ahead in Tech, so my Shard Copters are ripping through their hordes. All of a sudden ...BOOM... Sparta Command gets PB'd into the sea.Odd ... I've got infilitrators in her system. I can see the 2 cities that are building PB's, and they are nowhere near completion.
Even Odder: The 2 cities within PB range of Sparta Command don't have PB's in them. Where'd that PB come from?
I check things out with the scenario editor... Nope, Miriam doesn't have any PB's anywhere! Even better ... her world view doesn't cover my home contient... Miriam's firing her Mystery PB blind and just luckily hitting my capital!
Time to play around... I reload the game, and on a lark move the Clean Neutronium Garrison out of SC and end my turn. This time the mystery PB hits The Hive (which I had just liberated). I reload again. Empty SC and The Hive of units... The PB hits a third city: Fort Survivalist... Do it again, this time Blast Rifle Crag ... Then New Jerusalem. Yada Yada Yada...
Something I noticed, BTW, is that each time it is a city with at least 1 Project in it...
All I have to say is WTF!