Topic: Does it run at AMD K6-II?
ASDytz |
posted 04-15-99 01:49 PM ET
My computer: Epox mainboard, K6-II 350, 64 Mb PC100, Monster Fusion AGP, Sound Blaster Live, 8.4 Mb UDMA, CD-ROM. I want to know if this game will run in my computer? I know that some progrs (like F1 Racing Simulation) doesn't run at K6-II based computers...
posted 04-15-99 03:37 PM ET
ASDytz,Your cpu shouldn't be a problem. I've got a Voxon m/b, K6-2/300, 64mb RAM, 100mHz bus, Yamaha sound, and 4mb video. No problems at all running under Win98. Now, I've seen many a thread complaining about audio/video drivers giving SMAC the heeby-jeebies. Your mileage may vary. JAMiAM |
posted 04-15-99 04:58 PM ET
everything in your system is fine for running SMAC. Only thing that may cause a few problems is your Live! card. Most of the sound related problems are minor and can easily be overlooked, except for one. If you experience crashes later in the game when you discover new techs, go into the audio/video preferences in SMAC and completely turn off voice. Should fix that problem, atleast it did for me. |
posted 04-16-99 08:32 AM ET
I try to run the game but the only thing that happens is a momentary blank screen and after returning to windows, just like F1 Racing Sim. Is there something to do??? |