posted 04-07-99 02:59 PM ET
I also have had some weird graphics probs,
but different than the ones you describe -I'm running a P200MMX, 64MB, with DX6 and a
Laguna3d (4MB) + Diamond Monster II (8MB)
with SMAC V3 - I like the treehuggers, as
the Mind Worms make pretty good soldiers! .
The game runs fine for a while, but about the
time that 'missle' weapons enter the game, (mine or some other faction), any unit that starts moving has, like these arch shaped
lines with little black dots on the ends, and
start messing up the display until about 5
turns later, screen gets a bunch of snowy,
horizontal colored lines, locks up, and I have to hit reset or power off/on to reset it. I have not seen this on any other game, I
have quite a few.
I DID find a work around - I removed the "missle" line from the alpha.txt file - when
I restart the game it now gives me a warning
about a bad technology twice, after I hit
continue button the game plays at a greatly improved performance level, and no more wierd (what seems to me as a memory leak) problems
with my graphics...
Pehaps someone else has seen this problem??