posted 04-03-99 11:49 PM ET
My computer is equipped with a STB Nitro 3D card running with the latest (06-23-97) drivers from the STB website. DirectX 6.1 is installed, too. The first time I started the game it didn't even show me the Firaxis Logo, crash - Terran.exe caused blabla in Kernel32.dll... Tweaking the DirectDraw setting in AC.ini solved the problem, but now everytime a movie starts I get the same crash (includes the intro movie which I have to skip with the AC.ini command)! And when I try to play a movie with the playuv15.exe by the command line I get the same damn crash!Ok, there's no way to get DDraw working on my system and everything is fine because AC runs without it...but why has that movie player to use it? Suggestion for SMAC 4.0 - please rewrite or replace the movie player for the WVE files with something running on every system. If somebody with a similar configuration has a solution, help me! RMA