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  Peacekeeping talent bonus not working :(

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Author Topic:   Peacekeeping talent bonus not working :(
Naf posted 04-03-99 04:09 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Naf  
Ok the peacekeepers get an extra talent for every four citizens right? I was playing in Thinker level, and i got my first talent right away. Then four people later (at a pop of 5) i got another one. Then it quit. I got to pops of 9+ and never once more got any more talent people. Bug or not? I played once on transcend and got my pop up to around 8, yet still got no additional talents beyond my FIRST one, when i shouldve at least got another one at a pop of 5. Dont tell me the peacekeeper bonus is dependant on the difficulty.. Can someone explain?
PhysicsMan posted 04-04-99 01:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PhysicsMan  Click Here to Email PhysicsMan     
The number of talents, workers, and drones displayed in the population field of the colony base screen depends on the difficulty level, certain secret projects, certain base facilities, the size of your empire, your police rating and number of police, any fraction bonuses or penalties, and whether the base has been taken from another faction. Often the number of drones, workers, and talents will "exceed" the actual population of the colony. If talents are available, the program uses the talents to eliminate drones; replacing them with workers until either a) there are no more talents or b) the total number of talents, drones, and workers is equal to the colony population. I can up with the following example:

Faction: Peecekeepers
Difficulty: thinker
Empire is less than 10 colonies
PSYCH is 0%

Colony base is population 8. The base has 1 unit acting as police, a recreation commons, and a hologram theatre. There are no other secret projects or facilities affecting Psych in the game. The population field displays:

2 talents + 5 workers + 1 drone = 8

This represents the effect of base facilities (-4 drones), the police unit (-1 drone), the peecekeeper talent bonus (2 talents) acting on the number of drones (6 drones) produced by the difficulty level (every citizen after the first 2 is a drone for thinker).

Let's say the population has now risen to 9. Two things happen: 1) the base receives an extra talent for peecekeeper bonus and 2) the base has produced an extra drone from the difficulty level. This means the population display should now read:

3 talents + 5 workers + 2 drones = 9

But 3 + 5 + 2 = 10 !!! The program then uses 1 talent to eliminate 1 drone creating one new worker. Therefore, the population field actually reads:

2 talents + 6 workers + 1 drone = 9

The population display appears to have NOT given you your third talent. However, it actually used the third talents to remove the new drone created when your population grew by 1.

Hope this sheds some light on your confusion!!


Naf posted 04-04-99 06:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Naf    
Ahh, a tad confusing, but i think i understand. Thanks!

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