posted 04-02-99 10:41 AM ET
Step by step, here's the problem:1. Fight some poor slob and win. Or lose.
2. Immediately after combat, another unit is blinking, ready to move.
3. Drag a line out to the destination. The drag starts while the two faction faces are showing in the bottom of the display.
4. Let up on the mouse button to end the drag. Nothing happens. Display re-centers on blinking unit. A subsequent attempt works as expected.
Some notes:
- Somewhere between 3 and 4, the faction faces may change back to the unit info and terrain info display. Either way, it doesn't seem to affect anything (originally I thought it did).
- If I click somewhere on the map prior to step 3, my click-and-drag works.
- If I perform some other operation on the map prior to step 3, my next attempt to click-and-drag works.
- If I don't start the click-and-drag immediately, but twiddle my thumbs until the combat faction faces go away and the unit/terrain display comes back, the click-and-drag operation will work normally the first time.
- This is 100% consistent. It will happen every single time.
- Obviously, I don't have it set up to pause after combat.
My guess, as a programmer:
- I click-and-drag to start fighting. The code doesn't see my mouse-up event, maybe because it jumped into the combat code. My subsequent click-and-drag fails because the mouse-up at the end of that basically "ends" the earlier drag that lead to combat. I've seen this many times. Usually I cheat and fix it by faking a WM_MOUSEUP just before I jump into the offending routine.