posted 03-31-99 12:29 PM ET
OK, sorry if some of these have been covered.I'm playing on a Compaq Presario Pentium II 350MHz.
1) The sound has a nasty tendency to skip since I've installed the 3.0 patch. Before, it would catch up every once in a while, but now it is constant. I've turned the music off now, and am seriously considering turning off the voice overs, because they skip so much.
2) Sometimes in the unit designer, after I've made a number of changes, I will get the message, "Cannot rename default unit Scout" when I have made no attempt to rename it. If it is marked as obsolete, it will suddenly become current.
3) When moving units with the mouse, the cursor will change to a thick arrow as I drag it to the destination square. Sometimes, though, the unit will refuse to move, although the cursor is still in move mode. I have to click on the unit to get it to reset, and then usually I can move it.
4) Is there any way to turn off the redesign of all of your units when you discover a new reactor?