WrexSoul |
posted 03-28-99 02:48 AM ET
The optimal way for playing Alpha Centauri for me (which is of course in multiplayer), is running in 1024x768 with the task bar on auto-hide. This is good, because it lets me talk on ICQ about the game (like sending my IP address) easily, where any other combination makes it impossible for me. I personally am running normally in a very crackish resolution that I haven't seen anywhere else (1152x864), and every time I launch AC I have to change it to 1024 to be able to do anything else during the game. Which brings me to my other point- Why can't you allow you to run the game in high or true color if you can support it? Because I hate having to keep switching my resolution mid-game to run anything else well. I know the game can run in 16 and 24 bit color, I do all the time, but it would be a great convenience to have that option in the game.And one thing I liked about Civ II over this game is the nature of the windows allowed you to have almost any resolution and run the game. In a window. If the components of the SMAC window could be re-positioned and stretced to accomidate more than the two resolutions, then it'd be a blessing to us with large monitors who run in anything larger than 1024x768 resolution. It'd also be nice to have something as simple as "run in a window" so you could minimize the game and do other stuff simultaneously. Another thing, the windowed videos are deathly annoying. They make my screen flicker during the res change and always switch the res back to 1024x768 8 bit. It would be nice if you could just let them run in a window as well, like in Civ II, only with a zoom factor control. - WrexSoul \ / . vvv