Topic: Late game reactor problem (please reply)
Florgie17 |
posted 03-27-99 11:40 PM ET
Ok, it's late in the game and I'm UoP. Its around 2300. Im getting the advanced reactors. This game is basically won, im just going for transcendance for some reason. So, i figure why go for the R:3 one, its such a pain to upgrade everything, ill just go straight for the R:4 one. So i go around the R:3 to R:4. All my units have that wonderful *4 at the end. But wait... they only have 30 power points!!! What's up with taht? And the worst part is this... In case you didn't know, mindworms are never disadvantaged by reactors because they always imflict proportional damage to the reactor. Ever had a fusion unit start with an even number of power and end up with an odd number of power against mind worms??? Of course not, it goes down by twoes. The thing is, with my *4 at the end, i have only 30 PP BUT mindworms hit me for 4, making them worse then my R:1 units against mindworms!!! I dont have 3.0 yet, does it correct this? Thanks in advance.
posted 03-29-99 09:57 PM ET
I know this has been discussed before, but I would like to know the answer too. A reply from Firaxis would be nice. |
Dim Cat
posted 03-30-99 10:40 PM ET
In fact, I didn't pay attention to this weirdie till I read the first message in this thread, but today I checked my current game, and sure enough all my *4 units had only 30 strength points. More than that, I didn't get 40 points even after two or three upgrades. Isn't it weird? |
Dim Cat
posted 03-30-99 10:42 PM ET
And yeah, I have 3.0 |
posted 03-30-99 10:46 PM ET
In an earlier post, Jeff Morris said the level 4 reactor was supposed to have 30 hitpoints. Makes me wonder what the purpose of upgrading to that reactor is then, besides making new units cheaper. |
posted 03-31-99 12:10 AM ET
I've posted about this problem several times, since it occurs in both versions 2.0 and 3.0, but have had no clear answer from Firaxis. The manual clearly states (p. 182) that singlarity engined units receive 40 hit points. I think Firaxis owes us a clear statement whether this is an error in the manual (and I'd be as shocked as Claude Rains to find an error in this indexless masterpiece) or a bug. (Note that the Prima game guide, which appears to be a largely Firaxis product, similarly states that a unit receives ten hit points for each power level of reactor, with the singularity engine listed at number 4.) If this is a deliberate design decision, I think it's a bad one. It seems consistent to get another ten hit points with this advance as with the earlier reactors -- after all, Id like to reap the fruit of my technological superiority; additional range for air units and a lower cost for new units renders this late game advance much less useful than the earlier breakthroughs. Moreover, why does the game query you on upgrading current units when you gain this technology when (except for the minor upgrade for air units) the good energy I spent fails to improve the unit (and, apparently, makes them even more vulnerable to mind worms just in time for the end game mind worm rushes). If this was a deliberate decision, I think it's a good candidate for change in version 4.0. How about it Firaxis -- we want 40 hit points for aour hard won singularity engines. |
posted 03-31-99 12:19 AM ET
Reactors have NO bearing on Psi combat. Bigger reactors may not be better, but they aren't "more vulnerable", either.The nastiest "feature" of Psi combat is that "Empath" doesn't work on Locusts. |
posted 03-31-99 12:36 AM ET
To answer everyone's question: (I know because I posted the same question and also found another site with the same question; both sites had answers given by Firaxis)Firaxis says: The manual is wrong, it is not a bug. It is supposed to be 30. For more info and our opinions (we all feel like we've been ripped off 10 power), go to "The Game" thread and look for my topic posted 3/30, "Singularity Reactor can't do math: 4*10=30??" |