posted 03-28-99 02:29 PM ET
I've had much the same problem with music.I originally did a custom install of SMAC with neither sound nor AVI files installed to the hard drive. The game ran well, and sound effects, music, and movies all played nicely from the CD. Then I installed patch 2. Gack, no music! I fiddled with game settings and the INI file, uninstalled and reinstalled sound drivers and DirectX drivers, checked multimedia settings, etc. Outstanding game, but, gack, no music!
By then, patch 3 was available, which I installed. Gack, still no music! Having tired of mentally producing the sound of Bill the Cat bringing up a hairball every time I loaded the game, I began systematically uninstalling and reinstalling the game, with or without sound files, with or without the patch, and testing each combination. The end results were as follows: (1) SMAC v.1, music with or without sound files installed to hard drive; (2) SMAC v.2 or 3, music IF AND ONLY IF sound files were installed. Well, OK, but, gack, 90+ mg!
While investigating the music problem, I had noted that the CD did not appear to contain anything resembling CD audio files or MIDI sequences. However, the \fx folder DID contain what appeared to be a bunch of individually wrapped musical notes. Hmm. Knowing that SM's games tend to take a "Look here first, then look there" approach to file locations, I then tried deleting all obviously non-musical files from the \fx folder on the hard drive (specifically, all those beginning with "cpu" or "fac"), as well as the \voices folder. Voila! The music played, and all the little people in the magic box still talked to me! And for only 31 mg!
Much better, but I've still got a couple of questions:
(1) Whuzzup with the music? Is there some way I can get it to play without that last 31 mg sitting on my hard drive? (I've got an SB AWE64--yes, it's set to wave effects synthesis--and a rather generic 24X CD drive.)
(2) Barring that, is there perhaps a list of JUST the files I need to play the music? The drones and I like the music. It makes us happy.