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Author Topic:   Warranty/Return Information for SMAC
Kusobaba posted 03-25-99 01:13 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Kusobaba   Click Here to Email Kusobaba  
Here is the information for those of us who want to return this game:

1) Send the boxed game back to Electronic Arts at:

P.O. Box 9025
Redwood City, CA 94073=9025

2) Now note that the company's policy is to send back a shrink-wrapped version of the game that can be returned to the store where the game was originally purchased. For those of us who, while waiting for a patch, exceeded the time required to return a game (usually 30 days), we are able to exchange our game for another game in the EA lineup of equal value. (I recommend Populous)

I should like to note that all 3 tech support people I've spoken to over the phone at EA have acknowledged that there is a real problem with TERRAN.EXE. So those of you who take issue with our "whining" should realize that there is a real problem at hand.

tfs99 posted 03-25-99 05:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for tfs99  Click Here to Email tfs99     
This is good information Kusobaba. A very positive and construtive post about an extremely unfortunate circumstance.

Of course there is a real problem in TERRAN.EXE. It is a _MEMORY HOG_. And I suspect that along with this there is at least one substantial memory leak.

I have a program that reports on the amount of _physical_ memory still available under Win98 and it is interesting to watch what happens with TERRAN.EXE loaded. The amount jumps up and down like crazy. And this is with the game just sitting there idling waiting for me to move. Something weird is going on.

The reason you can tell it is a memory leak (or possibly a fragmentation problem) is that you can save the game and reload and SMAC will again function quite well again.

Don't get me wrong, I love SMAC and don't experience very many crashes in Single Player mode (MP is a different story). I wish that whatever the heck these problems are with memory would get resolved. That way others could enjoy the game as much as I do instead of getting aggravated.

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