posted 03-25-99 01:13 PM ET
Here is the information for those of us who want to return this game:1) Send the boxed game back to Electronic Arts at:
P.O. Box 9025
Redwood City, CA 94073=9025
2) Now note that the company's policy is to send back a shrink-wrapped version of the game that can be returned to the store where the game was originally purchased. For those of us who, while waiting for a patch, exceeded the time required to return a game (usually 30 days), we are able to exchange our game for another game in the EA lineup of equal value. (I recommend Populous)
I should like to note that all 3 tech support people I've spoken to over the phone at EA have acknowledged that there is a real problem with TERRAN.EXE. So those of you who take issue with our "whining" should realize that there is a real problem at hand.