posted 03-25-99 09:21 AM ET
-(Reply to Xenofungus, if he still checks here)You have an ISO version of the game. A.k.a Pirated, Copy Version. You don't have the original. So, you're game CD, contains the actualy game itself, no install prog. Probably some wierd 'Pirating Copy Error'
Take Half Life for example, ISO's of Half Life do not come equipped with bypassed serial numbers. But if you regedit, you can locate a number which, at least allows you to play single player. Good luck with multiplayer, you'd have to get a legit number for that. (Those who are interested, use regedit, and move browse around, I forgot, it was a long time ago, but inside one of the 'sierra/halflife' directories, should be something that says Machine ID. Copy that number, and it can serve as a temporary SP-Only Serial.
-Replt to JM (FIRAXIS) You're right, if you have an original, you CAN'T play off the CD. Original Games have an Installation Program which extracts game files into your HDD. Xeno can't install, you'd have to copy everything off an ISO-SMAC CD into an HDD to even remotely have a chance of playing. But, you'll prolly get an Illegal Op' Message. I am not sure how, or why though.