posted 03-26-99 10:32 PM ET
OK, it's still crashing on me...same circumstances. I'm attacking a Spartan Needlejet near a base, there's a Spartan Interceptor on alert, and I'm attacking the Needlejet with one of my interceptors. Bang! As the Spartan responds, the game crashes. Here's the crash dump:TERRAN.EXE caused fault #c0000005 in TERRAN.EXE at address 022f:004b8123
To date, CrashGuard has recorded 8 fatal error(s) in this program.
Reported By:
CrashGuard v3.03
Report Date:
03/26/1999 19:21:44
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Last Message:
MSG("Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri", 0100, 00000063, 00510001)
(03/11/99 18:32 - 2932736)
EAX=fffff7aa CS=022f
EIP=004b8123 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=0247000c SS=0237
ESP=00bf1b80 EBP=00bf1c2c
ECX=0000592c DS=0237
ESI=fffffffd FS=6957
EDX=00000000 ES=0237
EDI=fffffffd GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8a 14 83 83 e2 e0 83 fa 60 0f 8c 4d 01 00 00 0f
Stack dump:
00bf48a0 00bf4914 00000020 00bf21d8 00bf2238 00bf21d8 000000b4 00000000 005be441 00008292 00000018 00bf48a0 00bf48a4 00bf4b48 00000004 00000000
Look familar? For the record my swap file is on an unfragmented disk, and the fragmentation rate is 2% on the disk where SMAC lives.
Still having the choppy sound problems, mostly "echoes" of voice bits after the latest Special Project or first build of a facility.
This is getting to be very annoying...I expect better from this team. You're not rank amateurs of the Derek Smart variety, but there are just too many annoying problems like this that are not going away, and, yes, I've made the fixes in my .ini file.
Also for the record:
P200MMX, 64Mb EDO RAM, Win95b (installed only two weeks ago on a new WD Caviar HD), SB 64AWE Value. So it's not like I'm using bizzare, hard to plan for hardware or anything.