Topic: We all Love SMAC...
Bytor |
posted 03-21-99 08:39 PM ET
Hi all, I too have had the Terran.exe crash. I don't want it. Yet... it's there. I almost took it back to EB. They even said I could. But, I LOVE this game. I NEEEEEED it to work properly!!!!. I told them I would wait a week to see if Firaxis would patch it. I'm running out of time fast. Brian, Jeff, Sid, Can we sign up on a list to exchange our v1.0 disks for a new one when this all gets fixed? Patches are great. Yet with all the installing and uninstalling we do, we need an up to date version of this game in CD format. Please, Protect and Serve the faithful who bought your game when it came out. We all Love SMAC or we would not be here to talk about it.
posted 03-25-99 08:28 PM ET
ummmmm.... A simple." You must be out of your mind" (No) or a polite "Sure, thats a great idea" (Yes) would have been nice. |
Carpe MKarzi
posted 03-30-99 12:01 PM ET
I hear your pain. I uninstalled SMAC after it took out my system for the 5th time. Starts okay then I start getting GPF errors then my system becomes unstable and then I'm reinstalling windows. I will only reinsatll this game when I can come to this page and read that the newest patch works and the game is stable, I'm not holding my breath. What Pick me off is that I can run the most demanding, cranky games out there with no problem but SMAC crashes and I'm told it's my drivers.sigh.