posted 03-17-99 09:04 AM ET
Hi whilst I am not an expert yet I have come across a few niggling problems.When using the security nexus it would be wonderfull if you had the option to upgrade or retire all units of a class from there instead of having to cancel orders and then do them all manually.
When using the base operations screen it would be great to be able to change/hurry production etc on all selected bases instead of having to do them all manually. Ie when you get a warning that global sea levels are going to rise 13000 meters over the next 20 years it is time to build pressure domes every where, you try doing this with over 45 bases one at a time! 
Automated units. The AI seems to be very inconsistant in that one time an automated unit will attack a stack of 20 demon boil mindworms and the next time it will go right around them to get to nowhere in particular and no the units are not damaged or anything like that they just seem to lose interest in the alien life around them and go away. I know the answer is to unautomate them.
Interrupting move - When processing all the units with orders it would be very useful if you could interrupt the processing without stopping after each unit. Half the time an interruption comes up but you cannot access menu items or use hot keys.
Using the govenor to build - instead of using govenors to build classes of vehicles the option to selct specific vehichles to build and q would be a great help. EG every time I ask the gov to build air defense it always defaults to locusts of chiron. I cannot retire this unit but would like occasionally to force bases to build copters instead.
I am not whinging or whineing... I really do enjoy this game and have played it non stop since getting it last week.
I am just trying to come up with the most annoying things that if I was asked I would like to see changed.
How about any body else do they have any comments or improvements they would like to see?