Topic: 3 questions about the european patch...
Stealthy |
posted 02-27-99 02:45 AM ET
Will the next european patch be realeased sooner after the US patch then the first?I mean will it be easier for you to release the second patch once you have "learned" how to make the first? Will the first European patch be exactly the same as the US? /Stealthy
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 02-27-99 03:16 PM ET
It should follow quicker. Just one of the major holdups is that we need to send the executable to the company that copy protects it and that can take up to a week to get back. Yes, v2.0 patch will be identical to v2.0 US, except for the copy protection.jkm firaxis games |
posted 02-27-99 04:57 PM ET
When the copy protection gets more important than the game, something is seriously wrong.This is the last time I bought an UK EA-distributed game. I hope you take this seriously, and next time get a deal that if there is to be any copy protection, it will be YOU who make it. (This is not the first time they screw up a game, with a bad copy protection.) L�D - We must dissent |
posted 02-28-99 05:59 AM ET
Honest buyers of computer games shouldn't have to care about the copy protection, otherwise the protection is bad. Having to put the Game-CD in the Drive every time i want to play ONLY because of the copy protection really sucks!!! |
posted 02-28-99 08:55 AM ET
Why are the UK version copy protected when the US are not? |
posted 03-01-99 02:06 AM ET
It is a while since SMAC entered Europe and more than a week sence the US patch. So if it takes a week to get the copyprotection ready we should have had it by now.For me it looks like European customers is'nt taken to seriously. It's bad that you know that you could get a HACKED US version from the net that can use the patch. But because you buy the game (as you should) you get "punished" and have to waith for weeks to get the game playable. And to show that you are not trusted you get a build in copyprotection just for you. Why copyprotect the European version when the hacker groups mainly work on US releases?
posted 03-01-99 11:12 AM ET
Why is the UK always treated as the evil stepchild in the global video games market. I mean , we pay more than any other major market. We should at least get the same service. How long till the patch is ready anyhow? |
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 03-01-99 03:47 PM ET
We take the european market extremely seriously. They can easily equal or exceed sales in the US. The problem is a technical one, not a "dis". The patch will be available as soon as humanly possible. Period.jkm firaxis games |
posted 03-01-99 04:10 PM ET
Copy protectionis stupid. It just annoys the real people who want to play the game, and people who want to cheat the system will find a way. So it is pointless.Milamber. |
posted 03-02-99 12:58 AM ET
I just want to say that I don't mind having the CD in drive. Mr Morris says that once the first european patch comes out then the next one won't be as late after the US version comes out.So this delay won't happen with following patch(es)This is a great game even without the patch so I can wait a little while longer. Besides Firaxis support is very good and I bet they do everything in their power to get the patch into our hands. ...just another swede rambling /Stealthy |
posted 03-02-99 05:09 AM ET
I have the german version of the game and the copy protection sometimes just simply fails. Sometimes I need to load the game three or more times until it finally does so. On my PC, I cannot start the game from the icon in the start menu; it seems that my 12x toshiba scsi cd-rom takes too long to power up so that the copy protection fails.(that is the cdrom is already in the pc when i power the pc up)When I insert the cd and select start at the autostartmenu of the cd, it usually works since the cdrom is then already spinning. Also a question about multiplayer. Is it allowed to start the game from one cd then, when in the main menu of the game, remove the cd and start up a second pc with it to play LAN multiplayer? Because in the german manual or booklet i couldn't find anything like "you need a cd for every player" or so. It simply worked. I'm currently feverishly awaiting the german (international, whatever) patch 2.0 for pbem. Hope it comes soon. btw. go to and klick on "Deutsch" then on the next page again on "Deutsch". The german page was last updated in late NOVEMBER whereas it seems that the us gets new entries at least once in a week. Maybe you should wake them up... CU Drax P.S.: The game itself is great. |
posted 03-02-99 08:41 AM ET
Keep the faith Firaxis. SMAC is great. I'm content to wait for the European patch. Just don't:a) keep us non-US players waiting *too* long; b) promise release dates for patches that don't come about. Better to say "It'll be done when it's ready" (as you have  I'm still reeling from Interplay's Fallout 2. Buggy as hell. US patch came out. Then a two month !!! delay before non-US patches (ostensibly for QA). Then the non-US patches turn out to mess up more than they fix. Please do a better job than Interplay ? |