posted 02-25-99 06:57 PM ET
Some of these may be bugs, some particular game quirks, and most have probably been said by someone else (but you never know).#1) First off, a question: How much does the Recycling Plant increase city values by, anyway? +1 on all three?
#2) The Resource Mode map says that 1 Nutrient is available, but with a Farm 1 Nutrient is still available. The correct value shows on the City Resource Map. Minor bug, I think, but still pesky.
#3)On page 111 of the included manual, there is this nifty looking graphical report interface for the F1 thru F8 keys. I, unfortunately, cannot locate it anywhere? Does it really exist, or was this just artistic license on behalf of the writers?
#4) Numerous sound echoes and overlaps. I do like the "fade out" when you leave a screen before the message is done, tho.
#5) The Believers seem to be underbalanced, IMHO. Otherwise, everything works pretty well.