Topic: For morale: Who have NO problems?
OmniDude |
posted 02-23-99 05:58 AM ET
After reading through the postings here out of general interest, I'm getting depressed by the amount of fatal error-reports that seem to be coming in in a steady stream. This is so different from how I remember the sturdiness of CivII.I have only just started playing - unfortunately I have a real world to deal with as well - and reading in this forum makes me think that it will only be a matter of time before my life will be pestered with illegal operations, page faults and BSD's. Therefore I would like everyone who read this and have had absolutely NO problems running the game (apart from gameplay bugs and issues, which is to be expected in a game with this level of complexity). I'm sure Jeffrey Morris would appreciate this too, sure glad I'm not in his shoes at the moment. What he (and others at Firaxis, AFAIK) is doing is NOT a part of the game developer dreamjob, we all would fancy to hold.
posted 02-23-99 07:37 AM ET
me! Hey, you are at the troubleshooting forum, what do you expect to hear? |
posted 02-23-99 07:52 AM ET
I guess I expected gameplay issues, not setup/HW/SW-problems. Somehow I was under the impression that TBS games are not wery demanding games and therefore not hard to get to run on any- and everything with a Pentium(like) CPU in it. Like the case was - AFAIK - with CivII. I guess back in the DOS days, Brian and Co. was more in control, coding I/O themselves. Nowadays they (and pretty much everybody else) use MS DirectX and hope for the best.... |
quizara tafwid
posted 02-23-99 07:58 AM ET
I have a system with the AMD k2 processor 333 mH by HP. Ran first time no problem. |
posted 02-23-99 09:06 AM ET
I have played several games. I have not experienced a single "crash". I have a PII 300, 64 megs, etc. I think the most important "feature" of my system is my Soundblaster 16. It's at least 5-6 years old and I have rarely if ever had sound issues on any game. I have read lots of posts regarding problems with "compatible" sound cards. These can cause illegal operations and other anomalies.My $.02. Ron |
posted 02-23-99 09:41 AM ET
Verminlord, I agree. I assembled custom-PC's for a living a few years back, and that taught me to avoid abything less than well-established motherboards, graphics- and soundcards like the plague. Call me conservative if you will, I have been running on the same win95-install for 2 years now. Had practically every part of the hardware upgraded during this period, and it still spins like a cat. |
posted 02-23-99 07:59 PM ET
I've owned the game since it was released and it has crashed once, while I had lots of other apps running in the background. And I am far from having a top-o-da-line system. |
posted 02-23-99 08:36 PM ET
The only thing that has 'crashed' it for me is ICQ dropping to the desktop. After that, I can't get back to the game & have to ctrl-alt-del it away. But no page faults or blue screens. |
posted 02-23-99 10:44 PM ET
I play version 2.0 on a P-100 with 64 MB RAM, an ESS-688 soundcard and a Diamond Stealth 2000 with 2 MB DRAM video card. The cruddy (and probably ill-supported by DirectX) soundcard may be responsible for the continuation of the infamous echo. Other than that, and the fact that around turn 250 on a random Huge map with lots of land and six factions still alive, the game runs about 2 minutes between turns, it's just fine. While waiting I can read the manual.One issue though: when I tried selecting a group from the list of cities and what they're building, that window went Solid BLACK until I saved, exited and reloaded. As for Civ2 being stable, it had how many patches? Fifty? Lots of people reported a wide variety of problems with Civ2, mostly little niggly things, but some serious crash-inducers. Btw, Jeffrey Morris (ISTR) said that we should get version 6.1 of DirectX. Trouble is, Microsoft's website is a logistic nightmare (typical!) that has me running around in circles through a series of stupid pages and never reaching the actual, real, download button. I've tried Netscape (4.5), which exits the moment it touches the Microsoft site, Lynx which takes me almost where I need to be, kfm (the KDE file manager) which makes the site look good but by the same procedure takes me to a different page (huh?), and I'm getting a little more disappointed with bad website design. KISS!
posted 02-26-99 02:28 AM ET
Zoetrope, check for DirectX--they should have a direct-download link to it. Otherwise, try browsing to and see what you can find from there.- Coyote |