posted 02-23-99 01:40 AM ET
Ok, most of these are as the Gians, all on transcendence.17) Occasionally, when I left click and drag on the main viewscreen to tell a unit to "go to this spot", the line goes off in some direction, and the cursor indicates that the unit can't go there. A second try usually works.
18) The program performs an illegal opperation if I am assigning a patrol route, and accidentally indicate the end of the route is right on top of the last waypoint I put.
19) When a condenser is built, a message usually pops up at the botton telling me rainfall has been altered near city X. However, city X is the last city I built, not the city the condencer was built by. I have noticed this with other things too, eg another faction altered rainfall near Y, and as far as I can tell no change has happened to Y (not verified this part, though)
20) CPU players can call a council without having ever contacted me before ( can they know my frequency without my knowing theirs?)
21) I can build rivers or boreholes over every inch of terrain simply by starting to build a second one in an adjacent square before the first has been finished. The result is ridiculous: ever seen a river start halfway up a hill, go uphill and then down the other side? I have now!
22) I had this happen in the demo as well, nearly the same chain of events. I also posted this bug then... I am the Gians, but not doing that great. (Rated 3 or 4 overall) I am at war with the UoP, as is the Hive. The hive is tied for first in terms of overall. The hive kills off most of the UoP, then I take their third to last city. I am hoping to get them to submit to me, so I contact them. They submit to me, as I hoped. THEN, since I didn't want my allies the HIVE to kill them off (I have a pact with them comeing into this diplomacy), I contact them right away. The HIVE surprises me by sending me all their tech, and I look up at the top of the screen... they are submissive towards me! I have a save of the game at this point for anyone who wants to look at, it is very rediculous. The hive is 2-3 times my size and has the largest military in the game, but they are submissive to me for no reason... don't tell me I am mistaken about this one, I played the game for another 50 years and the Hive remained willing to do whatever I wanted, including selling me their bases for very cheap prices. I will email the game to anyone who wants it...