Topic: Why is my framerate ****e :(
Bert Peers |
posted 02-20-99 02:58 PM ET
I just installed the 50Mb demo on a P2/300 w/256Mb and a 16Mb Banshee. I noticed the readme has some performance tips for tweaking the framerate, but I was assuming those would apply to Pentiums or even low end P2's, not a reasonably recent config like mine... From counting the frames in a moving patrol with one eye on the clock I'd say I get about 6-8 Fps. If that's normal behavior for SMAC with the demo's default settings, I may have to reconsider rushing out to buy this as soon as it hits the stores -- which I was planning ever since Civ hit a nerve long time ago.. Is Firaxis really serious as this Fps being the final way to play ??? I sure hope not..BP
posted 02-20-99 03:12 PM ET
I have bought the game and I am running a P120 with 24Mb Ram, Matrox Mystique 220 and the frame rate is perfectly acceptable. Personally, I don't mind it not running too quickly, besides it is after all a turn based game and shouldn't require an "Unreal" frame rate! |
posted 02-20-99 03:20 PM ET
The demo had a slow graphics bug. The full game had too, but that was corrected in the first patch. |
posted 02-20-99 06:05 PM ET
I think the graphics are ridiculously slow. Even with all prefs on fast, it takes about a second to move a unit one square (late in the game) and battles sometimes take 15 seconds (2 evenly matched units with quantum engines.) This is too long! However, it's not a reason not to buy the game, but I sure hope the patch will fix it! |
Bert Peers
posted 02-21-99 07:56 AM ET
I agree it shouldn't be Q2-style 40+ fps, but if you have like 10fps after playing 5 turns (that is, 16 discovered tiles -> screen mostly black; no factions, trading, etc -> low on AI) than what the heck will happen if the world goes crazy in some World War 3 all-hell-breaks-loose gaming situation ??..  I hope Thue is right saying that there's a patch fixing this, but if not then I'll be stuck with a game that's too slow to play and 40$ down. I'm not sure if I'll take the risk. Maybe someone from Firaxis here can confirm this patch fixing the bad fps ?.. Also I was a bit surprised that this kind-of 3D gfx didn't have 3Dfx or Direct3D support, it could've been nice..BTW micje what machine are you reporting about ? P or P2, low end or high end range ?.. Tnx for the infos.. BP |
posted 02-21-99 06:55 PM ET
I have a AMD K6-2 300 and a very fast videocard. The game is playable, but it should be a lot faster. |