posted 02-17-99 10:10 PM ET
I was probably asking for it when I did this, but I decided to report it anyway.One time when I was talking to a computer player in a single player game, I clicked the Check Intellegence (or whatever it's called) button at the bottom of the screen. From there I clicked on some of the other buttons at the bottom of the screen (like score and energy banks), ending on base ops. From there I clicked went to one of my cities and changed production. After I left the Change production screen, the upper half of the screen wouldn't accept any input and the buttons wouldn't light up. The lower half of the screen worked fine, so I managed to get back to the HQ screen by activating a unit, but I couldn't get out of that screen, so I just had to hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete and close SMAC.
As I said, I was just asking for it to go so deep, but I thought you might want to know about it. Now, back to that addictive game!