Topic: Sound Terrible with SB Live
DaveLessnau |
posted 02-16-99 08:32 AM ET
I'm using the latest beta patch. The sound is terrible with my SB Live and four speaker setup. Problems are:- Stuttering. Voices just stutter (become non-legible). Will start after a while. Only solution is to exit the game and re-boot machine. Simply re-starting the game won't help. Had to turn voices off because the problem is so bad. - Volumes not consistent. Some events are at a reasonable level, while others blast out. Setting levels in Audio/Visual menu doesn't necessarily help. - Sometimes sound disappears from events. Usually, explosions are so loud as to be unbearable (SFX menu setting doesn't affect). However, occasionally, those same explosions are noiseless. - Menu settings for sound don't stick across game shutdown and restart. I've had to turn voices off. Yet, after restarting game, the first thing I hear blasting out at me is "turn over." Checking the AV menu setting shows that voices are supposed to be off and master sound is about halfway down. I have to turn on/turn off voices again and move all the sliders to get the sound semi-reasonable again. I've got the latest drivers of everything on my system. If you need system details besides the sound card, just ask.
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 02-16-99 09:33 AM ET
Yeah, what are the driver version number and date? All our EAX/DS3D developement was done on that exact (and I mean EXACT) setup, so I wonder what's going on. jkm firaxis games |
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 02-16-99 09:33 AM ET
Oh, and if it's too distracting, just disable it in the alpha centauri.ini file. Set EAX and DS3D to 0.jkm firaxis games |
posted 02-16-99 11:12 AM ET
Here's my system info:- Pentium II/333MHz - 128 MB RAM - Win98 - DirectX 6.1 - ATI All-in-Wonder Pro (8MB, v. 5.24-C9Q-WEB, 24-bit color @ 1280x1024) - Creative SoundBlaster Live! with driver dated 11/12/98 (emu10k1.vxd - 4.05.1033, ctmm16.drv - 4.05.1062, ctwt16.drv - 4.05.1062, sfman.vxd - 4.05.1020, sfman32.dll - 4.05.1022, devcon32.dll - 4.05.1085, cifman.vxd - 4.05.1003, cifman.dll - 4.05.1005, cifman.crl - 4.05.1003, sblfx.dll - 4.05.1018, ctsyn.vxd - 4.05.1037, ctsyn16.drv - 4.05.1041, a3d.dll -, cspman.dll - 4.14.1) - Alpha Centauri full install with beta patch If there's anything else you need, let me know. |
posted 02-18-99 10:46 AM ET
BTW, the SFX volume differential is so bad, I'm now running with both Voices AND SFX off. Sure am glad I've got this fancy-dancy sound card and four (actually six) speakers.Please fix this. Sound effects are sound effects. The volume levels of explosions and boat launches should be controlled by the SFX slider on the AV menu. |
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 02-18-99 11:03 AM ET
Did the EAX tweak improve it? Are you saying the even with SFX off, you're still getting explosion sounds?jkm firaxis games |
posted 02-18-99 12:43 PM ET
Oops. It wasn't the eax=0 setting in alpha centauri.ini that fixed the problem with SFX blasting out. it was the ds3d=0 setting. Now that I've got eax=1 and ds3d=0, my SFX volumes are controllable by the volume sliders. Thanks. |