Topic: Bug with preferences screen
Trav |
posted 02-12-99 03:23 AM ET
I've noticed that some of the warning message preferences don't work. For example, when I select the 'stop for random events' option, the game won't actually stop for random events (I remember it worked in the demo, though). Also, if you select the 'stop for starvation' and the other shortages, exit the preferences screen, then go back, they will be de-selected once again. No matter what I do, I can't make these options stay selected. Anyone else notice any of this???-Trav
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 02-12-99 11:03 AM ET
Works for me. At the lowest two difficulties, the preferences are reset to the default to facilitate a simpler, more controlled game. Perhaps that's what you're talking about.jkm firaxis games |
posted 02-12-99 11:38 AM ET
Well, I was always playing on one of those two difficulties, so I tried swithcing to a higher level - still does the same thing. I can click the 'X' for the 'stop for starvation', 'stop for low energy' and 'stop for low minerals' (or however they're worded), then I click OK. Then ... everytime I go back into the preferences screen they're deselected once again. Any other reason why this might be happening??? Is it maybe something that will be fixed in the patch coming out soon? |
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 02-12-99 02:27 PM ET
Well, it's not reproducable so a patch won't fix it. Are you hitting OKAY versus ESCing? Do any prefs stay set? You didn't write protect your alpha centauri.ini file or run out of space?jkm firaxis games |
posted 02-12-99 02:47 PM ET
First thing I did was make sure I was hitting OK and not just escaping. (Knowing me, I'd do something silly like that). And I also tried going to the DOS prompt and typing in ATTRIB -r *.* (I'm trying everything!) and that didn't help. I also have a ton of space left on my hard drive (over a gig), so that's probably not it either. It seems that the only items I'm having problems with are the ones in the Warnings Menu when I hit the 'More' button. And, I got bored at work today, so I downloaded the new 1.1 demo onto my NT machine there and I had the exact same problems. I must be consistently doing something wrong, I just wish I could figure out what.  |
posted 02-12-99 03:05 PM ET
I'm having the same problem, too. Both times it has happened, I've been making other changes at the same time, and they all go through, but turning on the warnings after more don't take permentantly. |
posted 02-13-99 03:13 PM ET
Now that I've patched the game, the problem seems to have gone away...Have Fun, -+<([{Scutch}])>+- |
posted 02-14-99 04:20 PM ET
Yeah, fixed my problems to - everything seems to work fine now after the 2.0 patch. |