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  Having a graphical glitch with audio pref screen

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Author Topic:   Having a graphical glitch with audio pref screen
Jim Vieira posted 02-11-99 06:28 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Jim Vieira   Click Here to Email Jim Vieira  
I just picked up SMAC yesterday and am LOVING it. However I've got a small
graphical glitch in the audio pref screen
that I also had in the demo. I haven't
mentioned it before now because I assumed
someone else would. But no one has,
so it must be something on my machine

About half the time that I go into that audio pref screen, the scroll bars for
different volumes are 'shifted' upward
a few lines higher than they should be.
So they overlap the text of some of the
options. It doesn't always happen when
I first go to that screen, but if I choose
any option on that screen (like turning
movies on or off) the area where the scrolls
bars SHOULD be goes black and the bars move
up. What's also weird is that even tho they
are not in the right place, I can still
manipulate them

I'm assuming its something about my system. I have a Matrox Mystique 220 (newest drivers verified today), a BlackMagic VooDoo2 12mb
(I only mention this because I wonder about
any kinda of conflict) also with newest
drivers. I also have Directx 6.1. I went
thru the 'DXDIAG' program and found NO
problems. All my files are certified and
'no problems found' is on the bottom of the

Anyhow, it's not a major thing, I can live with it. I just wondered if it was happening to anyone else, or if there was a simple way to fix it.


JaimeWolf posted 02-12-99 12:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JaimeWolf    
Yup ... that happens on both my systems - 1 Win95b, 1 NT4 SP3.


Jim Vieira posted 02-12-99 01:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jim Vieira  Click Here to Email Jim Vieira     
Since someone else also reported the problem I figured I'd better give more specific system info in case anyone wants to compare.
Please don't make fun of my system One
of these days I'm gonna get some upgrades LOL

P150 on an Amptron PM-8800 motherboard
48mb non edo (2 x 16 + 2 x 8)
Matrox Mystique 220 4MB
Black Magic voodoo2 12MB
Sound Blaster 16 (old)

All drivers are newest and certified, DX6.1

Also never had any poblems with any other games recently.


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