Just a query into the state of the Science and Technology and Off-Topic Forums. The SciTech forum has been broken for a while, with new threads linking to old threads in the pre-crash Strategy and Tactics forum. The Off-Topic forum seems to have just recently developed a new condition by which new threads split into two threads. A post to either apparently appears in both. It's kind of hard to describe, but I hope you understand.
Thanks in advance for any attention give to these problems and in retrospect for the great service you've provided in the past.
posted 02-10-99 03:32 PM ET
do notice too that the post count for the off-topic forum was reset from 4??? to 0 at some time.
also: - the search function doesn't work - the "edit your own posts" promised in the faq doesn't work - the ligthbulbs on the main paga has disappeared - threads containing new posts no longer are marked in read - a "take me to the new posts" at the start of a thread would be nice - please enable HTML or at least UBB in the other forums
That should be all
posted 02-10-99 03:34 PM ET
just curious: why did you close that threadin the off-topic forum?
comment: Ultimate Bulletin Board, Version 5.18??
posted 02-10-99 03:37 PM ET
and then I hit the "edit post" as promised in the faq and changed "paga" to "page" and "threadin" to "thread in" ... oh it doesn't work
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