axe |
posted 03-11-99 02:40 PM ET
Few bugs I've noticed: While trading techs with a computer player, they offer the same tech more then once (And you get it twice). Or when you ask them to give you something else, it continues to the next screen as if they agreed, but you still get the old one. Sometimes, if you turn the governer off, it comes right back on when you close the city screen, or comes back on next turn and changes your production. If you turn your sound off in the game, and then back on, the sound doesn't actually come back on until you restart the game. Or if you just leave the main and voiceovers on, you get no voiceovers. I've also had problems in the Sync part. The game will halt in the "Upkeep: Priliminary", and will only resume when one of the players quits. Everything else works, but the game stops. I might just blame that one on my system. =] One of my computers is a Cyrix 133+ with 16megs (Not really making the requirments) so I won't totally worry about that unless my new hardware doesn't fix it. I've also noticed that movies won't play off the CD. I'm not sure if that is what it should do or not. Looking for someone's opinion on these here, if they had these problems. Maybe there is a workaround. I think that's all for now, other then that, I can't quit playing the game, and it's hard to leave for work in the morning.. =] Most notable moment: Building a network node. "I don't know what I been told, Deidre's got a network node. Likes to push that on/off switch" yeah yeah yeah! hah! Funniest thing I ever heard.. =]