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  I have invented Secrets of Alpha Centauri, but I can't get Temple of Planet facility

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Author Topic:   I have invented Secrets of Alpha Centauri, but I can't get Temple of Planet facility
Nusuth posted 03-11-99 02:22 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Nusuth   Click Here to Email Nusuth  
So, like title says, I have invented The Secrets of Alpha Centauri science project, which allows building of the Temple of Planet facility. But, I don't get the option to build it in city. Why is that? I'm drowning in pollution and planet-damage. Anyone know why? Please help. I'm playing on Talent difficulty with University fraction. I'm in year 2411, and I have invented about 90% of all inventions. Help.


Victor posted 03-11-99 02:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor  Click Here to Email Victor     
The University Fraction??? :-P

You have to build Voice of Planet first. Don't build it unless you can control the other factions or build The transcend wonder first, because there is no tech required to build the last wonder.

Nusuth posted 03-11-99 05:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Nusuth  Click Here to Email Nusuth     
Hmmm Victor I think you misunderstood me. I don't want to build Ascent to Transcendence, for which Voice of Planet IS prerequisite, but I was talking about base facility, which is called Temple of Planet, and it functions in pretty same way as the Centauri Preserve, and is cumulative with. Again, problem is: I have discovered Secrets of Alpha centauri (DISCOVERY 12, if I am not mistaken), which allows you to build Temple of Planet facility in your base. But, I don't have that option, and that is VERY annoying.

And why that negative stand towards University fraction?


Wombat posted 03-11-99 09:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wombat    
There is a bug which prevents you from building temples of planet until the voice of planet secret project has been finished. I believe it is on the list of things to be fixed in the next patch.
Destructor posted 03-12-99 03:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Destructor  Click Here to Email Destructor     
Nusuth, get your dictionary and check the difference between faction and fraction
Nusuth posted 03-12-99 06:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Nusuth  Click Here to Email Nusuth     
A bug? Excellent. And I'm simply DROWNING in pollution. Anyway, Wombat and Victor, thanx for the tip. And, Destructor, well, sorry ). I'm from Croatia, and I guess I mistook those two words, because we say "frakcija" hehe. Thanx again guys.


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