posted 03-10-99 09:54 AM ET
OK, so I am a newbie to SMAC, but I played a lot of CivII so I figured I'd be ok....When you set your reasearch to say Explore, is there a good chance you could
discover a Conquer tech or some other than Explore? I have the default "Blind
reasearch" on. I thought that meant you couldnt pick which tech in that GROUP you
wanted to go for so for instance I pick Build, I may want Social Psyche to go to
Secrets of the Human Brain but I may get Industrial Base by chance. Apparently
though if I set my research to Explore i can get any tech, and it seems like an equal
chance, am i missing something????
BTW I set it like this:
X Build
just the one X on the tech I want, in this case Build.
Thanks for any help with this.