posted 03-08-99 01:43 PM ET
Here's what you do if you want to chrash SMAC:
1) enter a city screen
2) click on a citizen in the row of faces and set him to some kind of specialist.
3) click on the new appointed specialist and reassign him
4) repeat 3) until you get the desired "unable to relocate draw buffer" and SMAC chrashesComments:
- I have been able to get this fault in the 2 save games I have tried.
- In both cases the specialists available was: empath, technitian, librarian.
- The chrash seem to occur after a random number of step 3). In the first attempt the number was ~8; in the second ~15
- I have not tried to find the bug in a wider area than the one described by the recipe.
2 more bugs:
1) with blind research off, if you use "F1" while choosing tech will bring the help screen up _behind_ the choose research screen. However the help screen still have focus, and you must guess the location of the hidden "close" button.
2) This one happened in a game where I had doctors(or was it empaths...?) awailable, but had not invented technitians. When you are using the citizen overview in the "F4" screen you can left-click a citizen to have the computer choose a specialist to convert him to. when no more doctors are needed the AI will automatically make other specialist instead. However, it should not be able to make technitians before you invented them...