posted 03-07-99 01:16 AM ET
Hmm...These problems sound so much like others I have had with another game (not any of Sid's). Same thing, demo worked fine (well, for the most part) then I shelled out my $50 for the real thing. Okay, it ran fine for a few hours then suddenly, it didn't like my computer. No matter what I did (short of reinstalling Win 95) it would not behave.I looked on the web and yes there were problems, but the software company was not doing anything (let me know when the next patch is out). Had this been a few years (Win 3.1) ago, I could have made a call to tech support and had my problem fixed. Or, as I did many times, simply return the software since it would not work.
That was then, this is buy the game and break the shrink wrap you own it. I was able to fight my way among the managers at Best Buy to get them to take the game back (they ended up letting me exchange for something of equal value).
So now, before I buy software I like to scope around the web first and check out these fourms to see what is going on. Keep up the good work Jeff and do let me know what happens with the next patch.