platypus |
posted 03-05-99 10:15 PM ET
In my current game I designed, built, and tried to deploy a couple of "temporary garrison" units to take bases after the defenders had been removed using air power. These units had drop pods, high defense, and probe-team ability to resist recapture by enemy probe teams. You can probably figure out what happened to annoy me next. Once the probe-team capability is added, this is not considered a combat unit. It cannot drop into an enemy base, and if it tries to move into one (even an undefended one) it is only able to do probe-team things but not capture the base.Now that I know, I simply won't do that. However, it's very frustrating to've had to find this out by building and deploying the units and having them fail in their intended use (especially when the game's so damn slow that it takes a half hour or more to do the experiment). This interaction between unit abilities should be mentioned _prominently_ in the manual, and perhaps a warning should be added to the unit-design screen when such a combination is attempted. Speaking of prominent mention, it would be nice if the proper place for bug reports were mentioned somewhere obvious in the game itself and/or on this website. It would also be nice if the forum code wouldn't throw away and force you to start over again if any tiny error occurs. That's just sloppy coding on the part of your web-coders; thank God the game itself is better implemented.