Topic: European patch. Can you give a status update?
Wendelius |
posted 03-03-99 04:15 PM ET
Hi, I bought SMAC when it finally decided to show up in UK (after version 2.0 was made available in the US, actually) and have been enjoying it ever since. However, I'm really only able to enjoy half (OK, I'm exaggerating a bit here) the game people in the US are enjoying because all of the enhancements brought by V2 are unavailable here. I've got American friends waiting for me to start a PBEM game and they're starting to consider playing without me as well. Can you tell us when we can hope to see the patch appear? Obviously, the functionality has been tested. It should only be a matter of integrating the copy protection (Gee! Lucky us... NOT!) and translating new messages in the various languages. I don't think this justifies this serious lagging behind of the European patch. Please, let us know what we can expect... Regards, Wendy Gasperazzo East Molesey, UK.
posted 03-03-99 07:01 PM ET
I agree very much with these comments; frankly I wish I had ordered a copy directly from the States. I think you've pushed it far too much to claim that it'll be "coming soon". If you'd said "we'll get round to it when we can be bothered" that would have been more like it.Also, I've read in another thread that the requirement for copy protection was not due to Firaxis or EA but to the distributors. It has been a very long time since I was in the retail games industry in the UK (about 10 years), but EA was the one of the biggest *distributor* at that time. Is this not still the case? If not, who is? Frankly I suspect that no-one at Firaxis operation has any great interest at supporting customers in the European market at all merely because they have no idea how annoyed we become, and how much we base future purchase decisions on things such as this. This has been, unfortuantly, a common problem with less experienced US houses (which usually go bust, I'm glad to say). Cheers, Ian |
posted 03-03-99 08:01 PM ET
Hiya Ian, Thanks for the support. Glad to see I'm not the only one getting annoyed at having to wait so long for "enhancing" the game. It's a pity really because I really admire Sid Meier and Brian Reynolds. They have a great track record and usually do seem to care about the players. Oh well, I'm curious to see if a more established house like Activision would dare to play this kind of trick with Call To Power. Come on Firaxis! Don't let us down. Give us reasons to buy your upcoming games... (and if they're the same quality as SMAC and you do show a bit of support for the European market, many will) Wendy |
posted 03-03-99 08:56 PM ET
Not wanting to rub their noses in it, "a friend" who spent 10 minutes downloading the US version reports it (with patch) runs quite happily under NT whereas the UK version breaks immediately after trying to access the CD-ROM (yes, he *does* have the proper CD in there).The equation copy-protection = smaller market + more support needed + less happy customers seems to still hold valid even when dealing with us untrustworthy Europeans. BTW, I *do* like the game. Just not the way you treat us. Cheers, Ian |
posted 03-04-99 05:59 AM ET
You're all right. Did you try to buy SMAC online from EA in the US? Well, guess what: they don't let you.I tend to buy US-releases, because they're released earlier, seem to have less bugs in them and are supported better. However, colleagues of EA (like Sierra) actually do ship from the US to Europe. Hmmm... Well, Firaxis doesn't seem to have any influence on this and, understandably, get a bit tired of us nagging. Likewise, I get a bit tired of waiting... I guess it must be because we Europeans cannot be trusted. Wonder why? Ciao from the UN Copy HQ (The Netherlands) mic ps Did you know Philips is world leader in CD burners?  |
posted 03-04-99 08:06 AM ET
But regional copy protection makes no sense. Pirates can easily get hold of one (1) copy of the US version, carry it back with them, and copy it a zillion times wherever they like.Remember that pirates grow rich quickly, so they can easily afford one airfare for each season's most popular games. Even more so when they operate as groups. Whereas legitimate purchasers bear the burden of mangled and broken officially sanctioned versions. The consequence of this mistreatment of only the law-abiding members of a large market sector must be to drive up sales of pirated copies. Scenario: I see a copy of a game I want on sale at retail price. I look at the cover, hmm US version. Good, this release may work, unlike the broken European version I bought last week. I pay recommended retail price, thinking this will benefit the developers. What I don't know is that this copy was mass-produced by pirates from an original and legitimately purchased US copy, and that the markup is going to the pirates! The distributors are shooting themselves in the wallet. |
posted 03-04-99 10:15 AM ET
I am one the many that whait for the patch that was soon to be released 3 weeks ago.When i told some gamers abouth my problem they told me this. The US version have been available on the net for 1 month +. And that the patch is integrated into the "download". If i hadnt been honest i could: Get it earlier. Cheaper. Better. Instead: I got it later. Payd 55$ for it. Dont get to use all it's features. Get a less satisfactionary produtct. Animaster. Thinking it is the worst case so far in my years as a gamer. |
posted 03-05-99 08:30 AM ET
I was told by the the sales dude where I bought the my SMAC (UK version) that this was a updated version with PBEM-support and whathaveyou, leading me to believe that the european versions came with the 2.0-patch preinstalled. I should have known better than to trust a sales dude... Anyway, Firaxis: I have to agree with a lot of posters around here. "Coming soon" just doesn't cut it after three weeks of daily check-in. If you or your subcontractors can't hold a deadline, well tough for all, that's life and so on, we (the customers) can handle that, but INFORM us please, don't give us the silent treatment. Acknowledge that you have a large group of loyal and ressourceful followers and allocate the few extra ressources it will take to keep us on the level with what's going on behind the walls of your corporation. Now it may seem rather ungrateful to complain like this when several Firaxis-teammembers have posted regularly in these forums (Jeff's up to 700+ messages now), but the fact remains that you seem dreadfully understaffed to cope with the post-release stress of efficient bug-reporting and -fixing. I think that the next time you release a game, you should think twice about setting up a dedicated website with all the frills (like this support/bughunting-forum) if you're not prepared - mentally and/or financially - to meet the (fair)expectations that such a service raises.
OmniDude - eagerly awaiting the 2.0 patch, already knowing that the game will need further patching than that... |
Doctor D
posted 03-05-99 10:39 AM ET
Hello,full agreement to all of the posts on this topic though I haven't encountered serious problems with my German version yet. But one thing that really bothered me was that I downloaded the US-Patch. If I'm right the site does not tell you that it's only for the US version. That's a waste of my time and money. In addition you can't get access to without the patch. It's a great game though, in my opinion, as I spent three consecutive nights playing til 3 in the morning. THAT'S why I'm waiting for the patch. |
Doctor D
posted 03-05-99 12:49 PM ET
They did say it was only for the US. Sorry. |
posted 03-05-99 08:37 PM ET
mic wrote: >>>Well, Firaxis doesn't seem to have any influence on this and, understandably, get a bit tired of us nagging. Likewise, I get a bit tired of waiting...<<<Well, that might very well be the case, but I've tried emailing EA in UK and they simply refuse to answer (how rude btw). IMO Firaxis should provide us with atleast a proper email address where we can send our complaints. I bought the game fair and square, but was forced to get the US version of terran.exe in order to play SMAC under Win2000. (I've played for more than 15 hours now in total, not a single crash so far!) I was also recently haunted by BlueByte's lame copyprotection scheme as well, so from now on I'll exclusively buy all my games from the US. (fyi: I wrote a small webpage in a vain attempt to show BlueByte the finger) -- Rune |
posted 03-06-99 07:10 AM ET
I only bought the game (excellent btw) about ten days ago and immediately came on-line looking for a patch (as one does!). Imagine my contentment when I found a patch available which not only enhances the game considerably, but also allows hotseat and PBEM multiplayer modes. Imagine my disappointment when I noticed the small print: "ONLY for the US version." I have been checking back almost daily since then, waiting for that "soon-to-be-released" European patch to appear. And yet nothing, no word even, silence. Just that ever-present "soon" which has, according to what I read here, been there for over three weeks!This is in stark contrast to the support offered by Red Orb Entertainment for their Warlords 3 - Darklords Rising game. When they released a patch for their US version, in advance of the European patch, the cry went up. The lead programmer then offered to e-mail the files from the US version to anyone who asked for them, effectively turning the UK version into a US version, and therefore able to utilise the patch! Come on Firaxis! Or EA! Or whoever it may be! Here in Europe, we want the patch and we want it now! If we can't have it now, we want to know why and we want to know when - rather than a non-specific "soon". MouseMat.
posted 03-06-99 09:10 AM ET
Hello MouseMat,correct, and I wish additional a german Forum for all the german Users,which can't speak english. Smiley  |
posted 03-06-99 03:21 PM ET
Right, That�s it. I�ve had it with this copy protection and patch rubbish. I say we all go and bombard EA with hate mail. It�s them who buggered up our games in the first place. I can't believe we can trust them any more. Besides what do THEY give us? More EA sports titles which aren't any better than last years. They may have the money to buy all the major development teams but one of these days, they�ll do a major f $##$ up and we�ll all be their to laugh it up. Ha Ha Ha!! The Fat Baron
posted 03-06-99 03:23 PM ET
Oh, that means we leave Firaxis alone. I don't think it's originally their fault any how.The Fat Baron |
posted 03-06-99 04:10 PM ET
Hmmm I have upgraded to a US version from the UK one. The Us version (2.0 patch) is so much better. I can't belive how badly firaxis/EA (or who else there is to blaim) are treating the europeans (treathing us like this is only promoting piracy). I seriously considering not to bye the next Firaxis game no matter the quality, since I want to be treated fairly and no like some second rate person. |
posted 03-07-99 06:58 AM ET
I for one have already decided not to buy Firaxis games anymore, which is a shame. Sid has a great record, and I know he has made great games in his lifetime as a programmer. But if the company he works for (founded) offers support like this, I'm sorry, but I don't trust it anymore. It's a pity, but Firaxis blew it. |
Doctor D
posted 03-07-99 07:26 AM ET
Although my English is not too bad buying US versions cannot be the solution for me - especially a game like this with it's heavy technological stuff you have to concentrate on. Even in german it's sometimes hard to understand.So what's the point in this discussion now? I don't like this Europeans vs. EA/Firaxis stuff because it is getting us nowhere. As I understand this is not Firaxis fault anyhow and their overall support seems to be quite good. I also think that everybody deserves a chance to learn and improve, so let's give it to Firaxis. On the other hand we as serious customers deserve at least a release date other than ASAP for the patch. This cannot be so difficult with the US patch being out already. All we can do is sit and wait. |
posted 03-07-99 08:40 AM ET
Hi,This whining and bitching vs. Firaxis/EA is getting us somewhere. We are customers just like the Americans and deserve to be treated equaly! The point is that Firaxis really blew it this time! Maybe it's not entirely Firaxis fault, but EA. That, however, is not my concern, I only know that I don't have a patch. Firaxis just should have anticipated this problem, but blaming the Europeans is pathetic! People and especially companies are not very quick to learn, on the contriary! They have to suffer to learn and companies can only suffer by losing money, our money! If we let them get away with this they won't learn from it! THEY HAVE TO SUFFER! :-) SMAC is also gathering dust on my shelf, not because it is a bad game, but I can't bring myself to playing it without the patch! And multiplayer is entirly impossible! I can't login at AlphaHQ, because it asks me to install the patch! THERE IS NO PATCH, you idiots! oh well, what is the release date of Civilization: CtP again? Just my two Eurocents! KAding |
Doctor D
posted 03-07-99 10:17 AM ET
D'accord, surely you're right. The 'silent treatment' on this issue from Firaxis, as someone put it, speaks for itself. What I wanted to say was that all this threatening and blaming special persons is not my style.Anyway, everyone can make his own decision whether to buy or not to buy in the future. |
posted 03-08-99 03:27 AM ET
This is being taken up by the online games media.See ..which is good because EA's "24 hour" e-mail response seems to be in the same time zone as Firaxis "shortly" or ASAP. |
Luke Hares
posted 03-08-99 05:51 AM ET
My 2 cents worth..The UK version of terrain.exe is compressed (1.5Mb as opposed to 3Mb for the US one). Presumably this is to make it harder to remove the copy protection (Why anyone would want to with the US version so readily available I don't know) I wouldn't be suprised if this makes it damn tricky to patch though.... Draw gun, aim at foot. |
posted 03-08-99 10:41 AM ET
I have heard that the reason is the EC' laws! But as i am from Norway and we are NOT a member of EC (and hopefully we will never be) i wonder why i get a version that is copyprotected because of EC rules. Could this EC law thing be just another excuse? |
posted 03-08-99 11:52 AM ET
Definately not a EU law, there isn't one single EU law that states software requires copy protection. That decision is totally made by either the producer or in this case the distributer EA. VIRGIN RULEZ!!! EA SUCKS!!! Juggler Vice Provost UoP |
posted 03-08-99 12:19 PM ET
Just peeked at the EA site some. They have a support page of SMAC. Somehow they left our any mentioning about the copy protection bugs. Wonder why..They also had a support email list for international needs................... <grin> E. |