posted 03-03-99 01:13 PM ET First of all I'm playing the Hive at Telent or Librarian. When I change my social agenda to planned and police my EFFIC rating doesn't change. It neither goes up nor down.
I have two games where this happened and one game where it didn't. Is this a bug or is there some secret or building that eliminate the Efficiency rating?
posted 03-03-99 04:06 PM ET
After the new patch the hive never gets the efficiency below 0
posted 03-04-99 12:44 PM ET
Ok, but I do have saved games where the efficientcy IS below zero. Assuming that I hadn't patched the game before I made those saves, shouldn't the patched version not let the efficientcy go below zero?
And why won't it go above zero? Perhaps Firaxis should give some more documentation with that patch!
posted 03-04-99 02:26 PM ET
Nevermind. I figured it out, duh.
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