Topic: O.K. Its been bugging me for years now...
d848 |
posted 03-03-99 12:51 AM ET
Alright I was sitting down staring at my Alpha Centauri box admiring the artwork and I asked myself as I had before with Civ II. How do you pronounce Sid Meier's last name. Is it pronounced like Meyer (rhymes with wire)? Or is it Mir (like the space station, rhymes with near)? And while I'm on such a stupid subject, how do you pronounce Firaxis. Is it like fear-axis or fire-axis? I don't know if anyone cares but I thought I would get it off my chest.
posted 03-03-99 02:29 AM ET
I always assumed Meier was pronounced _ /mi er'/(If my pronunciation key is unreadable, pronounce as "my air" with accent on "air") |
posted 03-03-99 11:23 AM ET
My opinion:Meier is pronounced just the same as Meyer. "My Er". Firaxis is pronounced like "Fir Axis". |
posted 03-03-99 06:51 PM ET
IMO (not particulrly humble, making statements about something so subjective ) I'd say "My-er", emphasis on the My and Fear-ax-is, emphasis on the ax James |
posted 03-04-99 08:15 AM ET
Don't know why this query counts as a bug report, but just to cast my two pennies in the fountain:In Australia, and I presume in Mother England, all variants on Myer, Meier, Meyer, are pronounced `My ah', with emphasis on the `My'. Firaxis state that their symbol represents what it seems, fire on an axis, so it's `Fire Axis'. If they'd spelt it `Fireaxis', I guess half the population would make a double take at the `ea'. |
posted 03-04-99 08:16 AM ET
Btw, I'm insignificant, I know, but how come noone asks how to pronounce my handle, or even what it means?  |
posted 03-04-99 06:41 PM ET
Ok, how do you pronounce it?!I'm curious to know where half the handles on this forum came from, but I never thought to ask. I guess I'd sound like an idiot. |
posted 03-04-99 06:49 PM ET
Gosh, we are a sad bunch of people, aren't we?For what it's worth, I think it's 'my-er' and I always thought it would be 'fear-axis', but as somebody pointed out there logo suggests otherwise. Oh, and the reason this inane discussion is under support and troubleshooting is because the original person who posted it stated that he was bugged by the pronunciation issue - everybody happy now? |
Provost Pyrexian
posted 03-04-99 11:41 PM ET
Zoetrope? I built one once... |
posted 03-06-99 05:44 PM ET
Honestly, I put it into this forum because this is the only forum I read. But if I was to think about it where else would I put it? This doesn't relate to gameplay and it is still SMAC related. Also, I was hoping to get a reply from someone from Firaxis and I would think that this is the forum they read and reply to the most. |
Brian Reynolds FIRAXIS
posted 03-13-99 09:30 PM ET
"Meier" rhymes with "higher""Firaxis": First syllable pronounced same as the "fir" in "fir tree" or "first". Stress is on second syllable (Ax), so: fuhr-AX-iss Why? Because we like you. BR
posted 03-14-99 03:29 AM ET
"Zoetrope" - Zo--Trope, both o's are long.I believe it is the name of Francis Ford Coppola's daughter and also the name of his production company. Further meanings escape me.
posted 03-15-99 05:19 AM ET
Fir AX iss? Fer asking out loud, why a fir tree? Btw, I saw a Californian Redwood at Ballaarat's Begonia Festival on the weekend before last. Nice _big_ tree, and this was just a baby.Zoetrope, as noted, is Zoe + trope (and is pronounced Zo E. Trope). It means `turning to life', like the heliotrope flower that turns to the sun. It's also a reference to my alltime favorite adventure game, Twinsen's Odyssey - because Twinsen's Adventure (Little Big Adventure) doesn't run on my system (maybe I need to instal TDK? - Twinsen's the player character and his wife's name is Zoe. Also Zoe was one of Doctor Who's companions in the very good but largely lost episodes from the early to mid sixties. Btw, I have a set of story slides pertaining to those early episodes that I persuaded my parents to buy me during that time; they may be all that's left of some of those stories. I can tell you, the Zarbie (giant ants) had me shivering in my boots. They were a sight more realistic (and horrible) than the `ants' in Antz and A Bug's Life which don't even have the proper jaws or in ABL even the right number of legs and don't use their antennae for anything better than coiffure. Yes, Brian's right Meier rhymes with higher. Now, why didn't I think of that? Yes, I know, it takes genius to point out the obvious. |