posted 03-12-99 07:16 PM ET
Air Superiority is at variance with the documentation, and works differently for "Scramble" vs. attacking during a regular turn.1. In a "scramble" against a bomber the 100% "Air Superiority" bonus is missing. However, if a "scramble" is considered a defense and is thus not entitled to the "Air Superiority" attack bonus, then it doesn't get the 25% sensor bonus. Either way, your fighter is hosed.
2. Direct attack against air units by air units results in the defender's armor value being used. The documentation states that all air-to-air combat uses weapon values.
3. Fighters cannot be ordered NOT to scramble.
The end result of these bugs is debilitating -- fighters throw themselves into suicidal scrambles against bombers one minute but can shoot those same bombers down like fish in a barrel the next. However, since you can't tell your fighters to stand down, you have to carefully move them just out of scramble range -- if you even want to mess with the hassle of fighters in the first place.
If "scrambled" fighters lose their two big advantages against bombers, why even have this "feature" at all? Fighers are expensive; I would rather lose a supply crawler than a fighter! If a Missile Fighter has no chance in hell in a scramble against a Chaos Bomber (which it doesn't -- believe me) it should just wait until its turn, when it goes up against the bomber's "no armor" and gets 100% for "Air Superiority" -- I'll take that over a "suicide scramble" any day.
At least explain the rationale for doing this. Why is a scramble against a bomber an even match (unless the bomber has a slightly bigger gun), but a direct attack on a returning bomber is a turkey shoot? If it's going to be so lopsided, why didn't you give us the option of turning the accursed "suicide switch" OFF?