Topic: SMAC Attack - Current turn
Ted Dennison |
posted 02-24-99 10:10 PM ET
This topic is for posting the current holder of the save-game file for the SMAC Attack beta-tester PBEM game. Players should post a message here whenever they complete their turn and email the save-game file to the next player. This way it will be easier to track down the problem if something goes awry in the email system (or in Real Life).
Ted Dennison
posted 02-24-99 10:13 PM ET
I have sent the very first save game file off to Gaia (Mark). |
Ted Dennison
posted 02-25-99 09:44 PM ET
Hive done. Turn sent to George. |
George Politis
posted 02-26-99 10:38 AM ET
Turn completed last night, sent to Martin |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 02-28-99 01:27 AM ET
Received file from Martin (2:58 am)Completed turn and sent to Brian (10:25 pm) |
Brian Reynolds FIRAXIS
posted 02-28-99 10:29 AM ET
Received file from Andrew at 10:00am. Sent file to Jeff at 10:24am.Be sure to read my post in the other thread for important message about diplomacy. Also-- Andrew asked why SMAC uses a handoff system instead of a spoke system. The answer is because PBEM was implemented after the product was not only complete but had actually shipped, so the handoff system (which pretty much models the way turns work in single player) was possible to implement over top of the existing code. A spoke system (where all players get their files at the same time and all send them back to the host) requires a "issue all orders and then every unit tries to move at the same time" interface, which you'll note is pretty different from the way SMAC normally operates. So the answer is just that this is what was possible at the time. BR
posted 02-28-99 07:20 PM ET
Sorry about missing my post here. As Andrew Noted, it was 2AM.  |
Ted Dennison
posted 03-01-99 09:03 PM ET
Hive done w/ turn 2. Sent to Univ (George) |
George Politis
posted 03-01-99 11:13 PM ET
Turn complete - sent to Martin. |
posted 03-03-99 02:04 AM ET
Turn sent to Andrew. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 03-03-99 01:33 PM ET
Spartan Turn Completed - Sent to BrianNote that I ignored Brian's transmissions since it was not agreed upon whether or not we should be able to communicate even though we haven't met (PBEM Bug). |
Brian Reynolds FIRAXIS
posted 03-03-99 01:59 PM ET
Believers turn completed... sent to Jeff @ 1:56pm.Looks like we've agreed not to contact each other until we meet on the board. BR
Ted Dennison
posted 03-04-99 09:59 PM ET
Hive turn completed and sent to Univ.My email filter put it in the Junk drawer this morning, so I didn't see it for 12 hours. Yikes! That filter has now been updated. |
George Politis
posted 03-04-99 10:37 PM ET
UoP complete - sent to Morgan... |
posted 03-05-99 11:58 AM ET
Sent turn to Andrew late last night. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 03-05-99 11:10 PM ET
Spartan Turn Completed - Sent to Brian. |
Brian Reynolds FIRAXIS
posted 03-06-99 12:59 PM ET
Believers turn finished, sent to Jeff.BR |
Jeff Vitous
posted 03-06-99 01:44 PM ET
File passed to Mark.You guys need to step it up a're being out-performed by *gasp* a game loaded with computer game journalists! We are turning over a 7 player turn in about a day and a half in that game. |
Ted Dennison
posted 03-06-99 09:27 PM ET
Glorious Hive turn done. Turn sent on to lowly University. |
George Politis
posted 03-07-99 01:30 AM ET
"Lowly" you say? We shall see who is lowly when our technology storms upon you all...-*"Turn Complete"*- |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 03-07-99 01:17 PM ET
Spartan turn completed - Sent to Brian. |
Jeff Vitous
posted 03-07-99 05:14 PM ET
File to Mark |
Ted Dennison
posted 03-08-99 06:56 PM ET
Hive done. Turn sent to *lovely* University. That's what I meant. Yeah... |
George Politis
posted 03-09-99 11:31 AM ET
Turn completed last night and sent to Morgan. |
posted 03-10-99 11:25 AM ET
Turn finished last night and sent to Sparta. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 03-10-99 02:33 PM ET
Spartan turn completed - Sent to Brian.Nothing exciting has happenned this turn. I suspect that for a few more weeks, this will be the standard situation barring a random event. |
posted 03-10-99 06:11 PM ET
Typical Spartan. Things the only way to have fun is to Blow Things Up.  CEO Morgan, who's busy accumulating energy reserves. |
Ted Dennison
posted 03-11-99 09:02 AM ET
Hive turn complete. Passed on to Univ. |
George Politis
posted 03-11-99 08:35 PM ET
*Turn Complete*Passed to Morgan. |
posted 03-12-99 12:54 PM ET
Turn sent to Sparta last night. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 03-14-99 02:27 AM ET
Spartan turn completed - Sent to Brian. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 03-15-99 02:50 AM ET
Resent Brian the save file (game year 2166). I had to replay my turn, so it will look like tampering...sorry! |
Brian Reynolds FIRAXIS
posted 03-15-99 09:16 AM ET
Turn sent to Jeff.
Ted Dennison
posted 03-16-99 10:21 AM ET
Hive turn complete, sent on to University. |
George Politis
posted 03-16-99 08:32 PM ET
Turn sent to Martin. |
posted 03-17-99 12:09 PM ET
Turn sent to Sparta. Have fun blowing things up!  |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 03-18-99 12:15 AM ET
Spartan Turn Completed - Sent to Brian So far there's nothing to blow up except fungle fields...
Ted Dennison
posted 03-20-99 10:50 AM ET
Hive turn complete - sent on to the eggheads. |
George Politis
posted 03-21-99 07:19 PM ET
Jealous Yang? Turn sent to Martin. |
Ted Dennison
posted 03-26-99 08:17 PM ET
Hive complete. Turn sent to impressivly intelligent but sadly unharmonious University faction. |
George Politis
posted 03-28-99 11:22 PM ET
Turn Complete. Sent to Morgan. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 03-29-99 01:29 AM ET
Spartan turn completed. Sent to Brian, the Believer. |
Ted Dennison
posted 03-31-99 10:43 PM ET
Hive turn complete. Sent SMAC to Zack |
George Politis
posted 03-31-99 10:53 PM ET
Turn complete, passed to Morgan |
Ted Dennison
posted 04-02-99 03:34 PM ET
Hive turn complete. Sent to Zhak |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 04-10-99 12:46 AM ET
It's been about a week since I've recieved a turn file....(My troops are getting tired of blowing up fungle fields... - Col. Corazon Santiago) |
George Politis
posted 04-11-99 12:20 AM ET
I checked my sent email, and I sent turn to Morgan (martinl) on 4/2 - I forgot to post to the forum however... |
Ted Dennison
posted 04-12-99 08:45 AM ET
I'm getting ready to send out a general email query about it. Its been 12 days since I received turn 1271. I suspect someone's on spring break, but it could have got lost in the mail too. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 04-14-99 09:56 PM ET
Turn sent to the Holier than Thou, Brian the Believer. |
Ted Dennison
posted 04-19-99 11:12 PM ET
Whoops. Now I'm forgetting.Turn sent to Zack on Saturday at 1:40PM |
George Politis
posted 04-21-99 07:41 PM ET
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...Turn completed and sent on to Morgan... |
Ted Dennison
posted 04-25-99 07:33 PM ET
Turn sent to Zack |
Ted Dennison
posted 04-26-99 11:39 AM ET
sent to Zack again...this time with the save game file actually attached to the message.:-) |
posted 04-26-99 06:52 PM ET
I'm out of town for the rest of the week. I'll take my turn Sunday night, when I return.Presuming it's got to me by then.  |
George Politis
posted 04-28-99 08:01 PM ET
Turn complete - sent to Morgan |
Ted Dennison
posted 04-29-99 08:18 AM ET
(sigh). Well, I have my final next week, so perhaps this is a good thing. |
posted 05-02-99 09:21 PM ET
I'm back. Turn sent to sparta. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 05-03-99 02:49 AM ET
Spartan Turn Completed - Sent to Brian |
Ted Dennison
posted 05-05-99 10:00 PM ET
Turn sent to Zack |
George Politis
posted 05-05-99 10:13 PM ET
Turn completed, sent to Morgan |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 05-07-99 01:21 AM ET
Turn Completed - Sent to Brian.PS. I had some problems launching, so the game will report me as tampering. |
Ted Dennison
posted 05-12-99 09:27 PM ET
Sent to Zack last night at 10:35 |
George Politis
posted 05-15-99 02:14 PM ET
Sent to Morgan a couple of days ago--- |
posted 05-19-99 06:13 PM ET
Sent to Andrew on the 13th...Came here to see if game had stalled. Suspect Brian has been busy. |
Ted Dennison
posted 05-20-99 08:52 AM ET
Nope. I just sent it to Zack yesterday at 4:46PM |
George Politis
posted 05-23-99 10:27 PM ET
Sent to Morgan a couple of days ago... |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 05-24-99 09:14 PM ET
Recived Turn 2176 from Martin, Friday, May 21. Completed my turn and sent to Brian, Monday, May 24. - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Col. Corazon Santiago logbook, Year 2176) Significant event - Had our first social breakthrough in governing, however it would be to disruptive to our struggling economy to implement at this time. Still no contact with other Unity leaders. I wonder how many have survived planet fall. It's been quite a few standard years... My engineers have designed several new prototype vehicles to help patrol against the mind worms. When some of the mining projects are completed, We'll start to build them. We are building a sea colony to start populating the ocean. |
Ted Dennison
posted 06-02-99 07:55 PM ET
Turn 2177 is now on its way to Zack. |
posted 06-03-99 05:33 PM ET
Sent to Sparta last night. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 06-04-99 09:19 PM ET
Turn 2177 sent to Tim, Friday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Col. Corazon Santiago Log for year 2177) The designs for a ocean colonization vessel is complete and the actual construction phase has begun. Volunteers are being asked for the project, although a few specialists may have to be drafted into this project. Leadership training for the governor and her aides for the new colony has started. I authorized extra funds to complete the building of a pressure dome over Sparta Command. This should allow greater freedom of movement for base personnel as well as improve and the efficiency of harvesting resources from Lake Sam Houston and in a few years, the ocean. This year, engineers have designed a hydrofoil version of the land terraformer. When build, this first one will be used to seed Lake Sam Houston with kelp farms. Still no word or message from other faction leaders although we have picked up some weak radio signals that might indicate some of the others did survive. Unfortunately the signals were extremely weak and garbled. Even though the evidence is weak. I have authorized funds to begin training an intelligence group for possible espionage and anti-terrorists activities�
Andrew Goldstein
posted 06-18-99 08:30 PM ET
It's been two weeks since I sent off my last turn (year 2177) to Tim.Hopefully the delay is not due to a mind worm... |
Ted Dennison
posted 06-20-99 06:19 PM ET
Turn sent to Zack. |
Ted Dennison
posted 07-01-99 09:00 AM ET
Turn sent to Zack |
Ted Dennison
posted 07-31-99 10:15 PM ET
My turn finally limped in this afternoon, looking like it hadn't slept in weeks. I gave it a thourough toungue-lashing for worring us so, then sent it to its room to recuperate. It is now up and around again, feeling much better. I sent it on to Zack. |
Andrew Goldstein
posted 09-27-99 02:25 PM ET
To anyone who's interested:The pbem game was halted while we all went about beta testing SMACX. There was some compatability problems with the our pbem game while we tested the various builds of SMACX. To my fellow players: Do we plan to resume playing this game? |