posted 01-26-99 12:30 PM ET
This was posted elsewhere, but I felt it deserved special attention:Here's Brian's full posting from usenet.
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to announce that Alpha Centauri -will- support hotseat
play and play-by-email. This will be available in our first free
download enhancement, which we hope to have ready for download as soon
as the product is in stores.
A lot of people asked us about hotseat and PBEM, so we figured it was worth taking a look at the possibility, and ... surprise! ... it only took me about 8 hours of coding to put them in. :-)
Here are some of the features:
* 2-7 players supported for hotseat/email games
* FULL diplomatic support, including full negotiations w/ other human
players. The multiplayer negotiation screen (a la net games) is used;
you put your offers on the chart; the other player, once his/her turn
rolls around, sees your offers, puts his/her offers up (and can click
"agree" or "decline" if desired). On your next turn you see the full
deal and can agree/decline. If you both agree, deal is resolved;
otherwise deal can be modified (negotiations continue) or cancelled.
Deal can be for tech, energy, attack-my-enemy, truce, treaty, pact.
Gifts are also allowed.
* Yes, the PLANETARY COUNCIL is also supported in hotseat/PBEM; works
on the same general model as human-to-human diplomacy.
* "Chat" messages are saved from turn to turn in diplomacy window, so
you can type private messages for another player to read.
* You can "drop" from a hotseat/e-mail game if your position is
hopeless-- the AI takes over your position and the game stops
prompting for your turns.
* Your faction can be "password protected".
* Saved games are tamper-resistant.
* Saved games are "save/reload" cheat resistant. (Someone up here suggested an excellent algorithm for this; now that I've implemented it I won't discuss in further detail).
We've also added quite a few miscellaneous features, as requested by player here. I'll list a few of them here to tantalize... :-)
* Made "custom map size" much easier to do; maximum map size limited only by your computer's sanity (& AI's ability to comprehend it all). A 256x256 map ran fine for me (65000+ squares, compared to 3200 in a standard map and ~9000 in a "huge" map). 1000x1000 (1,000,000 squares) took the AI so long to find paths it was pretty hard to play.
* You can see the destination of a unit (i.e. the whole path) whenever you highlight it.
* You can release mindworms "into the wild" (i.e. they turn 'red' again). Great way to wreak havoc in opponent's area w/o incurring overt diplomatic penalties).
* Probe teams don't have colored flags (harder to tell whose they are).
* As you already know, both hi-res and lo-res unit graphics will be available.
* We're working on a "color-blind-friendly" alternate palette, which we hope to have ready by then.
I don't actually have my list with me, so that'll have to do for now.
I'm going to be out of town for a week so my posts may diminish or cease until 1st week of February.
Brian Reynolds
Alpha Centauri Designer