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  Iraq and Impeachment: Clinton's Folly?

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Author Topic:   Iraq and Impeachment: Clinton's Folly?
Imran Siddiqui posted 12-17-98 05:35 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui   Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui  
Well, Clinton has decided to bomb Iraq. It seems interesting that, in all the oppurtunities he had to bomb Iraq, he picks the day before his impeachment hearings began. It did work, impeachment hearings are pushed back to Monday at the latest. However, there is no doubt in my mind, now, that Clinton was acting on saving himself, so he decided to actually take initiative for once. Unfortunetly he did it for the wrong reasons: to save himself. I think the Reepublicans in Congress have every right to be outraged. This comes at a very peculeur time. He decides to bomb Iraq without any warning a day before his impeachment. I think that this qualifies as another impeachable offence: abuse of power (another one). This is despicable and sickening; that a President would use US troops to further his own gain. Any chance of gaining moderate Republican votes are down the tubes, and Clinton had shown himself to be worse than Nixon! Now, I do agree that we should bomb Iraq, but must it be ordered by the President at such a time? Just the fact that his motives have been questioned (and most rightfully so), shows that he is unfit to be President. Let the Impeachment Begin! (and hopefully the Senate comes to their sences and removes Clinton from office after he is impeached)

Imran Siddiqui
Disgruntled Patriot

Roland posted 12-17-98 06:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Yeah, excellent point. Let's have the republicans abuse the constitution, make the president a lame duck and then remove him from office because this construed impeachment hurt his ability to act efficiently. And clearly it's worse to get a bj and not to volunteer information about your sex life than to manipulate the political process by burglary, theft etc.

Gee, I loooove american conservatives...

dushan posted 12-17-98 07:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dushan  Click Here to Email dushan     
Ok, I'm not an expert on (US) politics, but the following seems pretty clear to me:

-The vote that was supposed to go ahead today would most likely go against Bill
-A delay of a couple of days will hardly change its outcome - if anything it will make people more suspicious of Bill and make his situation even worse.

One might argue that Bill hopes that during the bombing, the voting will not go ahead as that would be seen as not patriotic. I think this argument is flawed, as the air-strike can not go on forever (most likely a couple of days) and Bill has more to lose than to gain.

Clinton's main hope is that the impeachment will not get 2/3 majority in the senate.

I'm not trying to argue now that the attack was justified, but if it was going to happen, the timing was necessary from the military/political point of view and was triggered by the UNSCOM report.

So, as I said earlier, suggesting that Bill think this will help his situation is quite silly, as in the best case it will not affect it whatsoever and in the worst case will swing more people against him and get him impeached.

His best bet was just to sit and wait for the Senate vote, which would most likely fail to impeach him. Attacking Iraq for just political reasons would be a completely unreasonable gamble, and the result we're seeing now could be easily predicted even by Clinton.


Jimmy posted 12-17-98 11:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jimmy  Click Here to Email Jimmy     
I aggree with Imran 100%.
Clinton should be removed from office immediately. For all you liberals out there, it is about the rule of law. How can Clinton remain president when he has affairs with an employee, lies about in court (perjury), and then actually uses the military at the risk of war just to save his own skin. It is unacceptable to start a war to prevent your own impeachment: that is abuse of power.
Tolls posted 12-17-98 12:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
Read dushan's post. He has some very important points. Also remember that the UK is supporting this, and we wouldn't if there wasn't a good reason (in the form of the UNSCOM report). All parties in the UK government are in support of this action. They wouldn't have supported it if it had been done just to get Clinton of the hook! Give us some credit.
Bell posted 12-17-98 12:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bell  Click Here to Email Bell     
I'm not saying whether or not he should be impeached. But what don't people understand about cause and effect?

CAUSE: Saddam & Co. repeatedly defy UN resolutions, and after years of this, on 5 Nov. the security council decides they've had enough and votes to support action to bring about compliance. Military or otherwise is not stated, but two days later, they pull the inspection teams out, so I don't think they're deal with diplomacy here.

EFFECT: On 15-16 Nov., as a military strike has already been initiated, Saddam changes his mind. The strike is called off, but Clinton says that the next time Iraq fails to allow UNSCOM full access, a strike will happen immeadiately, without warning and withour further diplomatic efforts. A few days later, it's announced that Iraqi compliance will be determined by Burton's report. At this point, nobody knows when the impeachment hearings will begin, and in fact, it looks as though Clinton will win the vote in the full house, so he has nothing to fear.

CAUSE: Iraq fails to comply with its memorandum of understanding with Sec. Gen. Annan from February in regards to allowing UNSCOM total access.

EFFECT: Burton writes his report on Iraqi compliance, stating that they have refused the vast majority of requests UNSCOM has made.

CAUSE: The report hits Clintons desk. He reads it.

EFFECT: It starts raining cruise missiles in Iraq the next day, without warning, and without further diplomatic efforts (isn't seven years enough?)

Bell posted 12-17-98 12:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bell  Click Here to Email Bell     
By the way, impeachment will be ratified by the House, but the Senate will never pass it. As far as trying to avoid impeachment, Clinton is more concerned about his leadership and legacy than being removed from office. The impeachment is far more important to Gore's presidential aspirations than Clinton. He's primarily worried about perjury indictments once he leaves the White House. He doesn't want to be thrown in jail, and since he knows the Senate will never allow him to be removed from office, he's been playing a defence against jail time and allowing the Senate democrats to get his back.
Jojo posted 12-17-98 12:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jojo  Click Here to Email Jojo     
Nothing them Americans like more than a president showing force. Clinton knows this.

However, it can only be a delaying tactic, if in fact, Cliton has done it to avoid impeachment. The House may yet wote for impeachment hearings, but we know full well that getting 67 senators to vote for impeachment is about as likely as Saddam revealing his entire arsenal without air strikes.

MSNBC last reported that a poll found that 61% of U.S. citizens thought the strike was trigered by Iraqi noncompliance. 27% thought it was "Wag the Dog" politics.

My own theory, however, is that it is Sdaam Hussein who is the leader of the Right-Wing Conspiracy, Newt was just a patsy.

CEO Landon posted 12-17-98 01:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CEO Landon  Click Here to Email CEO Landon     
I am deeply saddened by what is taking place in American Politics right now.

I believe that air strikes against Iraq are in order and I firmly support the action. What troubles me so greatly is that we have a President in office whose motives in ordering the attack can legitimately be questioned. The fact that there is this thread in an international forum embarasses me. Americans should be able to trust their duly elected representative to be acting in the interest of the people (yes, the President is supposed to represent and bring honor to me as an American). There should be no question in our minds that his motives are pure. The fact that the question is there, even if it is among a minority, is a strong example of the mistrust that people have in Clinton.

I desperately want to believe that the President ordered the strikes without considering its effects on his own impeachment. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that he has been accused of 'Wag the Dog' politics. The mistrust in Clinton is not because he wanted to keep his private life private, it is because he has a consistent record of misrepresenting himself, abusing the power of his elected offices (including Gov.), and doing everything he can to avoid the natural consequences of his own choices (even obstructing justice).

Now, concerning the impeachment. The congress should continue with the impeachment hearings and vote for the same reason that Clinton and his supporters justify the timing of his airstrikes. While the President claims that the domestic situation did not influence the timing of the strikes, the timing of the strikes should not affect the domestic situation. Congress would be wise to take enough time out to pass a resolution supporting the attack on Iraq and then get back to business.

Even if the President is never impeached, he will still be a liar. Politics and politicians cannot change that real-world fact.

Fenris posted 12-17-98 04:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fenris  Click Here to Email Fenris     
I do believe that the bombing of Iraq was started due to the UNSCOM(?) report, however I also think that the President's decision was weighted by the effect it would have on the Impeachment hearings. I must say, however, that I get more than a little sick of hearing that this is just about sex. It isn't. It's about purjury and abuse of power. Currently there are 105 people serving time in Federal Prisons for purjuring themselves in Employeer Sexual Relations cases. In each of these cases, the sex was consenual, between adults, and the defendant denied the relationship under oath. These are people that the Justice Department under Janet Reno has tried and convicted of purjury and had imprissoned.

That the President can stand before the People and place himself above the law isn't acceptable. It cannot be allowed to happen, but it will most probably happen. During the Nixon Impeachment proceedings, many Republicans crossed the line and announced their willingness to vote for Impeachment, I would hope that the Democrats would act as honorably now.

Talon posted 12-17-98 05:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Okay how about this:

Clinton:I must resign

Gore:Alright! I'm President! Who should be my Vice-President?

Clinton:How about me?

Gore kay! My first act of office is to resign.

Clinton:WooHoo! Al, i nominate you as my new vice-president



Jimmy posted 12-17-98 05:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jimmy  Click Here to Email Jimmy     
All I am saying is that the timing really is weird: when Monica lewinsky was about to testify, Clinton ordered missiles attacks on Sudan and Aghanistan (the Sudan target was revealed to be actually just a pharmaceutical factory not producing bio weapons), now, as more and more undecided republicans were changing their minds in favor of impeachment, the day before a vote, Clinton orders attacks on Irak because of the report. I will grant you that the report proved that Irak was not comlying, so attacks are justified, but the timing once again seems to be just right to save Clinton's political situation. Now, some republicans want to go ahead with a vote despite the attacks. If they do, then it impeachment will certainly fail in the House because too many democrats will vote against just because of the attacks. The overall, result will be that impeachment which was looking like it would pass the House, will have failed because of the attacks on Irak. Whether or not it was Clinton's plan, the attacks certainly look like they will help him get out of the impeachment. Ans so I wonder ?
Spoe posted 12-17-98 06:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Not even delayed to Monday, last I heard. The impeachment hearings start tomorrow with a vote Saturday. If he did this to delay the hearings, he got one day while the Congress passed resolutions supporting our troops.
CClark posted 12-17-98 06:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CClark  Click Here to Email CClark     
A local commentator had this interesting observation: Anyone who thinks that the attacks were a "Wag the Dog" incident and not a direct result of the UNSCOM report must think that Clinton is a moron. He would have had to consider the possible backlash and know that people would suggest this was a tactic to delay the impeachment. Because of allegations like this, Clinton has much more to lose than he has to gain from the attacks. In reality, the attacks were probably the last thing that Clinton wanted to do. The fact that Tony Blair was so vocal should prove that.

(Unless you think that Clinton put Blair up to it to hide the fact that it really was a Wag the Dog incident.)

P.S. Clinton never "lied" about things. He just "denied" them. Big difference. (Yeah...whatever)

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-17-98 07:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Well, I do think that Clinton did this mainly because of his situation. Like I said before No overt action has been taken against Iraq until the President was in trouble. During the Sudan and Afghanistan bombings, I supported the President, and said no he didn't so this because of Monica. Now, I am not so sure. If you can question the President's motives at a time like this, does he deserve the office. His staying in office is harmful to national security. You have Congressmen and Senators openly accusing the President of doing this for his own gain (Lott). Can a leader function like this, when people in the Legislature question his motives for war? No! This constitutes another Abuse of Power (added to two counts of Perjury, one count of Obstruction of Justice, and one count of Abuse of Power). This man should be relieved of his position (even though President Gore sends shivers down my spine). O, I don't think our international friends know what impeachment really means. Impeachment is an indictment by the House. There is no doubt, now, that the President will get impeached. After impeachment, there is a trial in the Senate to remove the President. Clinton will be only the second President to be impeached (Nixon resigned before impeachment could occur).

Imran Siddiqui

Steel_Dragon posted 12-17-98 07:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Steel_Dragon  Click Here to Email Steel_Dragon     
My understanding is.
Clinton has done nothing technically illegal, if you ask lawyers. Which means the issue of his impeachment is SEX.

And since having an affair is legal in this country, even if it should not be, Clinton has done nothing which would call for him to be impeachment.

Jojo posted 12-17-98 07:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jojo  Click Here to Email Jojo     
What if the impeachment debate was merely about sex, as has been suggested?

How many military officers or company presidents have lost their jobs due to sexual misconduct? Why should the public employ and pay for a sex addict as President of the nation, when they won't pay for them in their armed forces?

But I think the issue is more than sex-- just pretnding I thought otherwise for a momment.

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-17-98 07:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
If you ask HIS lawyers they'll say Clinton has done nothing wrong. Perjury is impeachable. The last impeachment was in 1986 for an impeachment of Judge Nixon (Nice coincidence isn't it, at least they got one Nixon!). Abuse of Power, well look what he did with executive privildge with his lawyers and secret service. Obstruction of Justice, he helped Monice get another job, for goodness-sake! This President is guilty, guilty, guilty!

Imran Siddiqui

Zorloc posted 12-17-98 09:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zorloc  Click Here to Email Zorloc     
My problem with the attack are not that they weren't justified, because if part of a comprehensive policy program toward Iraq, it would be a perfectly justified move. But Clinton's policy toward Iraq and Terrorism, has been "Whatever is politically convenient, I'll do."

At the start, it was "Sanctions 'till Sadam is gone" with an occasional HARM or Tomohawk lauched.

Then, "Sanctions 'till the weapons of mass destruction are gone"

Then, We won't let him regain control of northern Iraq, so we'll launch cruise missiles at southern Iraq. - result: Sadam controls the north.

Then, major showdown. Sadam backs down, but US get's major bad press around the world, so...

It is "Pretend Inspections." According to Scott Ritter, During this period of time the US vetoed any suprise inspections of sensative sites (i.e., they didn't want a conflict).

And now that the Pres is in serious trouble it is hard ass time.

In the end nothing will be served by these attacks, thus ... NOT JUSTIFIED

PS IMHO: Clinton should be removed from office.

Spoe posted 12-17-98 09:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Anyone mention Bob Livingston's rumored resignation of next year's Speakership due to affairs he has had over the years?
Imran Siddiqui posted 12-18-98 01:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Actually Speaker Livingston won't be resigning the Speakership if I am not mistaken. I am happy, though, instead of lying about it and evading question (like someone we know), he told the truth!!

Imran Siddiqui

Bokonon posted 12-18-98 01:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bokonon  Click Here to Email Bokonon     
Imran, what would you have said if the Prez had admitted the affair? I bet something to the effect of "He's a sex addict, impeach him, have him resign!"

I believe, like others have mentioned, that Clinton AND HIS POLITICAL ANALYSTS could figure out that this sort of action would cause "Wag the Dog" outcry. But what could he do? After 6 years of diplomacy, the only recourse left was air strikes, especially with Ramadan coming up. If the air strikes were in Ramadan, the rest of the Mid-East would have been in an uproar. Ought he have gained UN Security Council support? Sure, but they would have denied him. Should he have let the report go? In that case, no doubt, people would have cried out at how ineffectual he is for not taking action, the domestic problems are too much?

Ever wonder what the real cause is for his perceived lack of trust? It's cause he did a bad thing IN HIS PERSONAL LIFE,and was extremely evasive, to the point of being illegal. As a result, everyone else double checks his moves, even though any objective mind could see that the strikes were called for, and well timed. It's the cynical minds of the public, cultivated by the media, that make him seem to lose effectiveness. But funny enough, this whole deal hasn't seemed to mess with the Prez's judgment. He's done what he's always done in public affairs. Now whether you agree with his stances on such things is a whole different discussion.

Anyone who thinks Clinton was trying to get the people behind him/delay the impeachment is crazy. After these strikes (which won't go on more than a week, probably less), the media will have nothing better to do than to pick up the impeachment again, so there was no possible gain out of a "maneuver"(sp). CLINTON WILL NOT BE ABLE TO WIGGLE OUT OF THE IMPEACHMENT. If anything, it's the spineless Congressmen's fault, for thinking they had to delay (I understand they have to do some paper work. But if they care as much as they say, it shouldn't really be an issue in the impeachment process). He simply did what was called for given the evidence at hand.

Oh, and Imran, about abuse of power for getting Monica a job, guess what? A friend of mine was reaing a college job-search magazine, which said that something like 75% of all hires, out of college, in this case, happen due to connections! Not going to lots of interviews, but flat out connections. And because of the presidency's perceived position, it's a hell of a connection to use, so why not use it? I'm sure Monica isn't the only intern to use the president in that way.


Steel_Dragon posted 12-18-98 02:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Steel_Dragon  Click Here to Email Steel_Dragon     
Based on cnn reporting of independant lawyers they say he did not commint perjury, which take out that charge.

executive privildge with his lawyers and secret service. This is very important issue that needed to go to the courts, becuase the Secret Service is not in the bussiness of spying on our president, it is there to protect the President.

Obstruction of Justice, he helped Monice get another job, for goodness-sake! He would be a scum-bag if he didn't help a "good" employee.

All charges are overstated and mired in partisan politics.

Getting caught in a liar is a catch-22, since the main issue, sex, is not important to the sercurity of the nation and since we do not live in a theocracy(in a sarcastic voice "Thank God"), Congress Should Drop IT. LIKE MOST AMERICANS WANT, we do still live in a deomcracy right?

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-18-98 02:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Congress SHOULD NOT drop it. Steel, we do not live in a democracy!! We live in a democratic republic. The founding fathers made ths distinction so US policy would not be subject to majority tyranny. Thr representative, by the Constitution have a job to do. Now, I believe he committed pejury (I didn't have sex, wait, yes I did!), obstruction of justice (not only helping Monica to get a job, but also telling people to lie on his behalf, ex. Betty Curie, who said no), and abuse of power (executive priveldge). The last two charges are two of the same from Watergate trial on Nixon. I sincerily believe that the President was trying to evade impeachment, this has happened twice now!! He did this aweful fast don't ya think. Part of our navy (that is supposed to be there in case of war) is not even there yet, they are still in the Atlantic!! and to top it all off, Dick Morris, former Presidential aide to the President, believes that this was inspired by impeachment proceedings. Another abuse of power!! Impeach the bastard and get him out of the White House, maybe if the Democrats stop their partisan politics.

Imran Siddiqui

Antiam posted 12-18-98 02:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Antiam  Click Here to Email Antiam     
I don't have time to read through everything right now, so I apologize if this has been brought up. But, Imran, don't you think that the President or any number of his aides would realize that while a bombing may delay the impeachment it would end up hurting the president more. It wouldn't take a genious to predict what reactions many of the House Republicans would have, and there was really no way bombing could bear positively on the impeachment vote. Therefore, I find it unlikely that operation Dessert Fox is even remotely as sinister as some people believe. He might be doing his job.


Hothram Upravda posted 12-18-98 03:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hothram Upravda  Click Here to Email Hothram Upravda     
Get we lose Clinton.. so now we get all those great Republicans like Helms...

At least Clinton has a brain.

Its not like he is the first Prez to hid his Sex life. Everyone from FDR to Washington had other women. Not like this is a new thing.

If we could not even impeach Nixon for breaking every Constitutional right possible we should not impeach Clinton for having Sex..

Hothram Upravda

Roland posted 12-18-98 09:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Imran: "Can a leader function like this, when people in the Legislature question his motives for war? No! This constitutes another Abuse of Power.."

But on the side of the people in the legislature, I suppose!

"O, I don't think our international friends know what impeachment really means."

Well, I know... got the US constitution on my table right next to me...

"Abuse of Power, well look what he did with executive privildge with his lawyers and secret service. Obstruction of Justice, he helped Monice get another job, for goodness-sake! This President is guilty, guilty, guilty!"

Invoking a legal remedy is NOT obstruction of justice. It was before the courts, and they decided it. This argument should be about the most stupid on the rabid right agenda. And the job thing, well, where's the evidence ? Starr twisted it, and even by that he hasn't got a compelling case. And your last sentence could come from the spanish inquisition (so I didn't expect it... ).

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-18-98 04:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Well Roland, I said maybe some of our international friends don't know what impeachment is, because they think impeachment means removal. It is just kind of a super-censure! Anyway, Hothram, the reason Nixon wasn't impeached was becaused he resigned before it could happen. I bet you guys didn't know that this is the most scandel-besiged presidency in American history. It has 5 independent councils and 32 scandels, and there should be another one, for Clinton's fundrasing practices (advocated by FBI Director Louis Freeh). This President has widened the credibility gap, and will be considered a monumental failure. In addition, he HAS committed perjury, he HAS abused power, he HAS obstructed justice, it is just that the partisan manuvers of the Democrats aremaking it seem that the Republicans are on a witch hunt. If it were the other way around, the Democrats would be after this guy's blood.

Imran Siddiqui

Bokonon posted 12-18-98 04:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bokonon  Click Here to Email Bokonon     
Imran, that's because Independent Counsels are new as of the last few presidencies... That is irrelevant.

As for 32 scandals, please name them, I can only think of a few...

And funny, forall the problems Clinton has had due to his personal life, I think he's acted pretty true to himself (and his stances, at least no worse than any other politician) in govt. affairs, and will be known as a decent president, who got black-marked by a cynical media, and partisan politics. Unless of course he is successfully kicked out.


PS: If it were the other way around, th Repulicans would be defending the guy to the death, so what's your point? That partisan politics exist? Well, duh!

The Thomas A Stobie posted 12-18-98 04:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
Imran, there is also solid grounds to impeach Janet Reno on obstructing Justice and violating her oath of office by covering up for the wrong doings of the Clinton Administration.

The most serious charge I find against Clinton is the misuse of his presidential powers to obstruct justice. If Clinton had been open and cooperative, impeachment would not have been necessary. Now, even as much as I prefer Clinton to Gore as President, for the sake of the dignity of the Office, the House must vote to impeach, and the Senate must try him and find him in violation of his oath office and remove him from office. This must be done to restore dignity to the Office. Clinton continues to obstruct justice, making it more and more imperative. Congress has the constitutional duty and obligation to remove him from office.

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-18-98 06:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Btw, any of you listening to the impeachment debates like I am?

Imran Siddiqui

Hothram Upravda posted 12-18-98 06:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hothram Upravda  Click Here to Email Hothram Upravda     
Not really. Do not see the point any more. No way they can actualy Impeach the guy.

TSA: Janet Reno has NEVER done anything that in any way could be consitered "partisen." See is one of the few people in Washington that could be consitered in any way honist.

Hothram Upravda

Utrecht posted 12-18-98 06:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Utrecht  Click Here to Email Utrecht     
First off,

I have a question. What is in the oath of the office of President of the US? I remeber vague items, but If someone could post it.

Second. Yes, the impeachment process is partisan. But the real question should be: "should it be?"

As I understand it, most of Clinton's problems stem from the fact that he was asked under OATH during the Paula Jones deposition whether he had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. He answer No (paraphrasing).

If I did that. I would be in jail. Now should those questions have been asked that is a different debate (and where Clinton's private life argument has merit)

However, I think that we all can agree that the office of the President has been damaged (whether you believe that Starr did it or Clinton did it) So much so that we have Letterman and Leno openly mocking the office (they were pretty funny). We have the Russian Senate (Duma) making fun of the president and passing insulting resolutions.

The question becomes, what is necessary to resotre the office. I lean toward his resigning. However, Clinton firmly believes (and I agree with him) that the Senate will not vote to convict.

Finally, what I find most disturbing is the self-confessed "scorched earth policy"(their words) the white house is taking. I.e. leaking Livingston's affair and threatening to release private information about senator. This to me is sinking to an entirely new low.

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-18-98 06:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Hothram are you serious!!! Reno is the definition of partisan. Btw, just now, a Congressman just stated that perjury is a more serious crime than bribery in the courts. I never knew that!! Anyway, Clinton will be impeached!! However, he will not be removed. I apologize, it seems that some Americans do not know what impeachment. I qote here a New York Post editorial today:

Operation Desert Fox - how odd to name a war after a Nazi field marshal - proceeded apace yesterday. Details remained sketchy, but there were no reports of U.S. casualties, for which the nation can be grateful.
This is unlikely to remain the case for long - war is risky business even apart from enemy action - and so presently there should be mothers in America asking themselves a very ugly question:

Did my child die to preserve Bill Clinton's tenuous grip on the presidency?

This might be an uninformed question, given the complexities both of the now-stalled impeachment process and of the chain of events leading up to the ongoing aerial assault on Iraq.

But it would not be an unfair question. This is because - it is necessary to be blunt here - the president is a liar.

If he will lie openly to the American people - and twice under oath - about Monica Lewinsky, why is it reasonable to believe that he will tell the truth about his reasons for sending airmen into harm's way?

Certainly there is good cause for bombing Iraq; indeed, there is cause for going well beyond bombing and taking out Saddam Hussein himself. The man is an objective threat to peace and stability in a region of vital economic and strategic significance to the United States - and he has been for years.

But what's being undertaken at the moment won't achieve even the limited objectives advanced by the Clinton administration: To degrade Iraq's ability to manufacture, deploy and deliver weapons of mass destruction.

Degradation is not destruction. The distinction boils down to this: Sooner or later -sooner, most likely - the entire exercise will have to be repeated.

Yesterday, the Pentagon said that many of the 200-plus Tomahawk land-attack missiles fired at Iraq hit their targets - happy news, given that the weapons cost more than $1 million a copy.

Gen. Hugh Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Tomahawks had destroyed buildings - but admitted with chagrin that some missile strikes were ''not as successful'' as others.

In other words, the Navy has been blowing holes in the desert again. Just as it did in August, the last time the president got in Monica trouble and trained Tomahawks on the African-embassy bombers - but missed them.

Again, there are many good reasons to shoot at Saddam and his death factories.

Just as there are many good reasons to believe that Bill Clinton is doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

In 1991, America went to war with a sense of purpose and pride. Now it's with the wholly legitimate suspicion that soliders, sailors and airmen are going into combat mostly to cover the president's rear.

Bill Clinton degrades everything he touches, which is one more reason to speed the impeachment process along.

Regarding which, debate on impeachment will begin in the House today, despite Democratic leader Dick Gephardt's opposition: ''We strongly object to this matter coming up ... on any day in which our young men and women in the military are in harm's way.''

By that standard, of course, Operation Desert Fox could last until Jan. 21, 2001.

But this is a dangerous world. America needs a leader it can trust. Now.

Imran Siddiqui

Wraith posted 12-18-98 10:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wraith  Click Here to Email Wraith     
I hate politics (but hate is an attractive force, just like love. If I loathed it, I'd be able to forget about it...), and before I get accused of partisanship, I'd like to say I'm a Libertarian (note for the uniformed: Libertarian is not equal to Liberal).
I became old enough to vote in '95, and voted Libertarian the next year (even though I knew we didn't have a chance in hell thanks to complete lack of media coverage or debates). I knew then, as many Amercians did, that Clinton is a lying scumbag of a politician (but there was no need to repeat myself). I'm starting to think this country damn well deserves whatever it gets. If we allow Presidential elections to become ideology fashion shows to see who can appeal to the most special interest groups while ignoring the realities of the candidate's past, well, hey, we get this. Big surprise.
Since my first Presidential vote was cast during the Clinton presidency, I have paid an unfortunate attention to doing in our capital (the only place I know of where the slums are a block away from the capitol building).
This whole Lewinsky affair is a minor note in the Clinton orchestra of crud, but unfortunately seems to be the only one available to remove him with.
I've seen some explanations of the difference between impeachment and removal from office in here, and I realize the neccessity for them at the same time I'm disgusted by it. The Democrats constantly say 70% or 80% or whatever% of Americans don't think Clinton should be impeached. Unfortunately, 70%-80% of Americans probably couldn't quote a line from, much less have read the entire constitution. The congressmen, our lawmakers, are supposed to have a deep understanding of law; it's their job. The "American Public" is not a judge.
I listened to the debates today and heard several politicans mention "overturning the will of the American people as expressed by their votes, yadda, yadda, yadda", which is interesting since I hadn't realized they intended to put Dole in office instead of Gore (gee, what is a VP for? It's not like he's got much real power unless something happens to the President). Unless voting methods have changed radically, The American People (from now on reffered to as TAP) voted for Clinton-Gore, not Clinton-someone else.
I've heard Democrats say that Republicans are engaged in partizan bickering, which of course they are, but is a case of the pot calling the kettle. I've even heard that someone has suggested the Dems sign a letter saying they will never impeach Clinton under any circumstances (which was actualy done once, though not for a President, which is truly scary).
Did Clinton commit purjory? I say yes, although this seems to be divisive among lawyers and judges. The most common objection seems to be that the questions weren't central to the case (which is a prequisite for perjury, apparently). Of course, establishing a patter of sexual activity with subordinates has no place in a sexual harrasment trial. That was sarcasm.
Obstruction of justice? This was planned out before Monica was even on a witness list, although there was increased activity after she was. Did the President try to buy her silence with a job? Well, she had been pestering Jordan for months about, and bang, the day after she files her false afidavit, she's got an offer (which fits with earlier patterns such as giving funding for a new aircraft carrier to get congressional votes for NAFTA).
Abuse of power, now, is a trickier one. Asserting Presidential Privledge is his right, but he also got government employees (his employees, including Secret Service), to lie for him and to hide his meetings with Monica. Add to this some rather suspicion timing in the foreign policy arena (he only seems to have a foreign policy when he has domestic troubles).
The attack on Iraq was justifiable, but the timing is suspicious. If the attack was triggered by an UNSCOM report, why was the UN not at least notified of the attack? At least he consulted American advisors this time, since he didn't even talk to the Joint Cheifs about the attack on Sudam. Is this a delaying tactic? Probably. The entire Democratic party is calling for the impeachment debate to halt while the attacks continue... with no ending date or range of dates announced. If the debates continue, Clinton stops the attacks for Ramadan (sp?) and gets the Republicans bad press. If they stop, he continues them until Congress is out of session, gaining a handful of Democratic seats. And it fits his pattern of distraction and misdirection (unfortunately, Reno didn't allow an investigation into a far more important matter: Clinton changed a rather important law regarding exports of sensitive military info to China, at the same time a DOJ team was investigating the biggest Democratic donor for doing just that).
Now to what I see as the very core of the issue (assuming anyone is still reading).
Clinton broke the two most powerful oaths an American can take.
To Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth.
And even more importantly:
To Faithfully Uphold the Laws of the Country. The oath he took on becoming president. Personal honor is important, and if the man running the military shows himself to be without it, he has no business running the country.
Do we really want someone who will argue over the definition of the word "is" in the Oval Office? People think he can compartmentalize this behaviour, but he's really only pretty good at hiding it (see the aforementioned NAFTA comment).

Oh, one last thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but about the propriety of asking about someone's sex life in court...
Wasn't the bill that allowed that signed into law by Clinton?

"Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half the people are right more than half the time" -- Elwyn Brooks White
Every free election is a societal IQ test

Hothram Upravda posted 12-18-98 10:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hothram Upravda  Click Here to Email Hothram Upravda     
Frankly Clinton lying is not the first time a Prez has lied to the American people.

Remember Reagen? The whole Iran Contra? He not only had people lie to the American People, but also Congress. And yet people still like him. Even though he did more to hurt this nation then some people have done in wars against us...

O yea Reno is very non-partisen. If she had wanted this whole thing could not even exsite. But she did her job. No matter what the Republicans like to say.

Hothram Upravda

Q Cubed posted 12-18-98 10:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
You know what? if the impeachment is nothing more than infidelity, sexual addiction, and men using power to get women to have affairs with them, i can imagine some future election scenario:

�Female Candidate 1: I swear, I will never use my power to get another 'Monica Lewinsky' to perform oral sex on me.
�Male Candidate 1: If elected, I will undergo chemical castration for the duration of my term.
�Female Candidate 2: I have no previous sexual record...I'm a celibate nun!
�Male Candidate 2: I will not only chemically castrate myself, but will turn my self into an androgenous Revived Heaven's Gate Cultist to prevent myself from having any sort of affair while in office.

-So who wins?
I'm serious about that, too.

Now...about the entire coincidence...yes, it does have a strange ring to it. Clinton is giving Iraq some of what it deserves, but choosing this time of all possible times...just a wee bit suspicious.


Shining1 posted 12-18-98 10:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
What IS the point, man?

If Clinton gets impeached by a vote in Congress (this is very likely), he then has to stand trial in the Senate, who take a vote on whether to sack him or not. This is NOT likely.

So the Republicans get Clinton to trial, drag him through this process in the middle of the most important foreign affair of his term, merely to lose the vote. Clinton stays Pres, the public (who are against this according to opinion poles), end up hating the Republicians for their stupidity and partisanship, and the Democrats' somehow emerge with a victory from what should have been an embrassasing, demoralizing defeat. Amazing! Is there no political sense at all in the Republican party?

As I see it, Clinton 'Got Lucky'. The Iraqi crisis occured at the same time as the impeachment hearings. (Lets not forget that these hearings are being rushed through early before the newly elected congress arrives, a measure instigated by the Republicans to ensure a YES vote while they still have majority support). Any suggestion that the President colluded with the Pentagon, the U.N ambassador (Madeline Albright), and the U.K merely to delay the hearing is, quite frankly, ricidulous, and shows how narrow minded the Republican party has been in its pursuit of Bill Clinton.

Whatever his crimes (and I include whitewater and the campaign funding inconsistancies), they are diminished by the fact that they do NOT directly affect the effectiveness of the office of the president or American as a whole. He may be liable for criminal charges when he steps down. He certainly deserves to be censured for making America and the presidency look stupid. But this is not grounds for impeachment.

The Republican party does not want Bill Clinton removed because he represents a threat to America. They want him removed because this has become _personal_ to them. And it's becoming more and more evident that they're determined to get him at any cost - even if this DOES represent a threat to America. I have no trouble in pointing out who are the real bad guys here.

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-18-98 11:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
I stand behind every word of Wraith's eloquent post. This impeachment is about sex, as Watergate was about a third-rate burglury! The President committed perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power. These are grounds for impeachment! The first charge in Nixon's impeachment was obstruction of justice!! He should be impeached! I hear many Democrats saying the public doesn't want this to happen. This is why we don't live in a democracy! We live in a Constitutional Republic, and that is because so people who know the law, and what is best for the nation can serve. Both sides believe what they are doing are right for the nation. Both sides are partisan, but don't say one side is more partisan than the other! The are both equally partisan! More Republicans have come against impeachment, than Democrats have come for (and yes, some Democrats have come out for impeachment). Clinton has disgraced the office of the Presidency! He has committed dubious acts, which are impeachable. Do you know, that in the courts perjury has a higher penalty than bribery. Also, do you know that the last impeachment was of a judge for perjury?

Imran Siddiqui

Shining1 posted 12-18-98 11:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Yes, but the lie he told was nothing to do with America's interests, but his own personal life. 'Perjury' needs to be seen in context - he was lying to avoid trouble with his wife (this is a VERY stupid thing to do to any female. Or male...).

In this case, perjury amounts to a technicality - a mechanism for impeachment - rather than a good reason for it. (I suspect that a Judge would be rather more lenient on a man who lied to the court about an affair than someone who gave a bribe to a high official. And where does this bribery thing come from anyway. Perjury also has a higher penalty than most traffic offenses. So what?)

Anyway, that doesn't answer my question, which was: How can the Republican party be so stupid?

P.S what is the difference between a democracy and a Constitutional Republic. Eventually, the people get their say...

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-19-98 12:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Neither did the other impeachments that dealth with perjury have a national implication. Perjury is an impeachable offence. It is a high crime and misdemenor. Now the Republican Party is not stupid, it realizes that the public will vote on issues (unfortunetly, issues weren't emphasized by the party this November), and the people in charge of this impeachment have a firm hand on their districts. Democracy and a Constitutional Republic are vastly different governments. If you don't know the difference, I suggest you read up on some government books.

Imran Siddiqui

Shining1 posted 12-19-98 12:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Was it actually possible for the other impeachments to have a national implication (give details, I mean how high ranking were these people, anyway?). And secondly, the President is not a Judge (to the best of my knowledge - that's what the supreme court does, isn't it?). A Judge deals almost exclusively with finding the truth, so any instance of lying in court is very grave indeed. The President deals with running America effecitively, including national security - often NOT an area where telling the truth is the best idea .

Whether the American people will respond negatively to the impeachment trial remains to be seen (although the congressional elections may provide a good pointer, with an unanticipated swing towards the democrats). Certainly some Republicans in open electorates may be disadvantaged by this affair (but this is entirely outside my area of experience).

As for democracy, if you're refering to the type practised by the ancient greeks (primarily in athens, where the assembly would meet and argue issues together, and then each and every man would get a vote) then you're technically correct that america is vastly different. Conventionally, however, America is classed as a democracy, in that each person over a certain age gets a vote, and you have two houses of parliament and a president.

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-19-98 05:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Actually if you want my opinion (and no one said they didn't), to classify any nation as a democracy is ludicrous. A Constitutional Republic is what we are. We elect Representatives, who know the law and how to make policy better than any of us do know (except those politics junkies, who never had the right stuff), to uphold the Constitution. That is what the Republicans believe they are doing. Of course, the Democrats believe they are saving the Constitution by what they are doing. I favor the Republicans. This President is a perjurer and an abuser of power! He cannot be trusted to lead the most powerful position in the world.

Imran Siddiqui

Roland posted 12-19-98 03:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
1. democracy: I've seen the debate again and again, it's just a matter of terms:

europeans - US

direct democracy - democracy
representative democracy - republic

2. oath: Art II section 1 last para: "I do selemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States"

3. perjury: the statement constituting perjury has to be material for the case; as the Jones case has been thrown out, many lawyers say that Clinton did not commit perjury. So the perjury thing is in no way a given fact.

"When we remember that we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained" (Mark Twain)

Wraith posted 12-19-98 09:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wraith  Click Here to Email Wraith     
Well, he was impeached on two counts, so this argument moves towards the irrelavant, but I like to argue, so here goes

True, he's not the first to lie to TAP. But he's the first to do it in court under oath and get caught. There is a rather important difference between lying on TV and lying on the stand (or else every ad writer in the country would be writing from prison). Like I said, the only way to judge a candidate is by their past and actions, not by the milkwarm pap they spew on TV spots.

Reno has been fairly partisan. There are several important investigations that have been put off or denied by her, such as the transfer of national security info to China by one of the biggest Democratic donors that Clinton shielded (along with a whole host of other fundraising schemes); that rabid minorities rights dork the congress refused to put in office but that Clinton put in as "acting" anyway, and so on. I bet she was thinking at the time "Well, got to give them something or they'll come after me, and they can't possibly get him on this" and has since been trying to make it up to the President.

Shining 1, I think that the Republicans are doing this not for political gain -- not even they are stupid enough to think it'll win them support from anyone but the Religious Right -- but because they have some lingering sense of right. This investigation happened, this evidence turned up, the impeachment process MUST be initiated. If it is doomed to fail in the Senate because of partisanship, it must nevertheless be started, and history will be the judge.
As for the hearings being rushed through, since everyone seems to care so much about the opinions of TAP, well, they want it over with soon, yes? ;P In any case, there's questions whether or not a different House can take up the impeachment matter where it stands; as I understand things, they'd probably have to start all over with the Starr report.

As for his actions not harming the country (or that the President deals with running the country)...
There are three branches of government:
The Judicial, ie. the courts, who interpret the laws.
The Legislative, ie. congress, who write the laws.
The Executive, ie. President, who execute the laws.
See the problem here? Obstruction of Justice by the President is a threat to the system of checks and balances, a threat to the basics of the Constitution. A judge lying under oath is serious enough to warrant impeachment; a President lying under oath is just as serious.

As to the Perjury charge being unwarranted: don't forget there are (well, were) two charges of perjury. One in the Paula Jones case (it didn't pass) and one before the Grand Jury (it did). The second is by far the more serious and clear-cut. However, the first is by no means not perjury. Establishing other sexual relations with subordinates seems perfectly central to a sexual harrasment suit, although it was thrown out because the Lewinsky affair was lied about and the pattern wasn't established. If they hadn't hit a settlement, they'd be back in court.

To clarify matters a little bit, I call us a representative democracy because we elect people to represent us in the goverment, and those people are (theoreticaly) voting in our best interest. In a true democracy, everyone would be able to vote on all the laws, not on who votes for the the laws.

Balance the Budget: Declare Politicians a Game Species and sell hunting stamps

Wraith posted 12-20-98 01:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wraith  Click Here to Email Wraith     
Hail, (or perhaps hell would be more appropriate)

Can I call them or what? The Republicans go ahead and impeach Clinton, he calls off the air strike having accomplished nothing of any military, political, or diplomatic value.

"Darkling I listen; &, for many a time I have been half in love
with easeful Death, call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme,
to take into the air my quiet breath; now more than ever seems
it rich to die, to cease upon the midnight with no pain."- Keats

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 12-20-98 12:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
A few things I'd like to address.

1.) About the attack on Iraq(which finished yesterday). Clinton didn't pick the time for the attacks, Saddam did. Saddam knew the impeachment hearings for Clinton were a few days away, & any attack on Iraq would immediately draw the skepticism of the American public(which it obviously has). Therefore Saddam knew if he screwed with anyone now, Clinton would be unlikely to keep to his word. Well, Saddam screwed with us, & Clinton just kept his resolve. This has nothing to do with hoping to stall the impeachment hearings, this was to tell Saddam we're people of our words.

2.) To Imran, & everyone who is saying Clinton did this & Clinton did that. If you believe in innocent until proven guilty so much, please use 'allegedly' before any of the crimes. To be fair, Clinton was never convicted of anything. Even if he did do it, & you know he did, the courts don't, so use allegedly.

Nitpicking is fun....

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

BoomBoom posted 12-20-98 02:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BoomBoom  Click Here to Email BoomBoom     
He is the best prez you've had in a long time. I still wonder why JFK got Marylin Monroe, and Bill got Monica. Talking about differences, jeez.
Imran Siddiqui posted 12-20-98 11:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
BoomBoom!! Clinton best we've had in a long time?? I think you've forgotten about Reagan, and I'd put Bush above Clinton, and Ford as well. Anyway, Clinton could have bombed Iraq so many times, why'd he pick now? Can you say impeachment?

Imran Siddiqui
God Bless America

TheClockKing posted 12-21-98 03:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheClockKing  Click Here to Email TheClockKing     
Hello everyone, this is my first post.

Just a couple of quick comments:

To BoomBoom: In regard to your statement that Clinton is our best president in along time, to what are you refering? I agree that he his distinguished himself from Nixon and Kennedy (in not very respectable ways) but aside from that I can not think of a single positve thing that he has done.

To Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey: In response to your statement that Sadam picked the timing of this war, I would beg to differ. Sadam has been constant though most of this. The only variable has been Clinton. A few months ago the chief weapon inspector, Ritter, resigned due to the fact that the United States had all but told him they wanted to avoid a conflict with Iraq. This brings us to the present where we recently bombed Iraq. According to Ritter for the past month the U.S. of A. has been tring to provoke Iraq. Clinton has known for weeks what would be in the report that "caused" this incident, yet he chose not to act. He acted instead when the house was about to vote for impeachment. Why? Also let us look at what we targeted. To "degrade" Sadam's arsenal we chose to not target it but instead other targets. Should we not have also destroyed his weapons? I beleive that we should have. Why didn't we? It would have lasted more than 4 days and by then in Clinton's mind impeachment would be over so what did he care? Survival is everything to this man, everything and (indeed everyone) else is a mere pawn to Clinton.

Well that's my two cents worth. Please critize any points that I made, please don't critize my spelling, it marks the bane of my existance.

Steel_Dragon posted 12-22-98 01:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Steel_Dragon  Click Here to Email Steel_Dragon     
TheClockKing, Clinton chose to degrade instead of destroy becuase the only way to destroy is to go into the country with ground troops and take over. And the US is not ready to do that. Even though we should be.

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