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Author Topic:   Welfare (of the people)
PawtheUnstuk posted 12-04-98 09:45 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk   Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk  
To seems to me that any civilized government really ought to have welfare. How can a government in good conscience let its citizens starve to death on the streets? Just a thought.

BTW, I'm a US Citizen in case you're interested.

Steel_Dragon posted 12-04-98 11:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Steel_Dragon  Click Here to Email Steel_Dragon     
Is having food a right?

If the answer is yes, then their should be welfare.

if the answer is no, then no there should not be welfare, becuase are government is based loosely on John Locke. Which means our government only legitimate duty is the protection of rights.

Master Debater(say it fast ) Steel_Dragon

DCA posted 12-04-98 11:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Masturbater Steel_Dragon: I guess one could argue that if you don't have food, freedom of speech (etc.) will sort of lose its significance...

Most important decisions are made by people who are drunk.

PawtheUnstuk posted 12-05-98 03:13 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
Right to life?
DHE_X2 posted 12-05-98 03:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DHE_X2  Click Here to Email DHE_X2     
Welfare, hmmm. All citizens should have an equal oppurtunity to get what they desire, i.e. food, but whether they do actually work for it is up to them. Lets face it, people are lazy, and if it is more advantageous to sit at home and collect your food stamps than it is to work for $6.25 at a Burger King, the unmotivated will choose the former. As for people that do not have equal oppurtunities, such as the extremly poor, the destitute, etc, those among them that are willing to work to better their life should be put on temporary welfare, and should be put into the workforce asap.
That was pretty vulgar, DCA. Keep up the good work.
Imran Siddiqui posted 12-05-98 03:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Actually Paw, right to life was just in the Declaration of Independence. It is not in the Constitution, so it doesn't apply. I think that welfare should be small and basically advocate people to work. 6 month time limit. A drain on the taxes, these people are who don't go get a job, but just collect welfare. Despicable.

Imran Siddiqui

DHE_X2 posted 12-05-98 03:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DHE_X2  Click Here to Email DHE_X2     
exactly my point, Imran. Give them a chance, it is their choice whether they follow through with it. and those that do not are destined to remain destitute.
DCA posted 12-05-98 04:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Hm. If I was poor and hungry, you can bet your ass I would steal your stuff to get something to eat! (at least if you could afford it)

Anyway, lots of people think that in the (near) future there simply won't jobs for a large part of the workforce. Their contribution will not be needed; machines can do the job more efficiently. So, what do we do - let the excess people starve?

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-05-98 07:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
DCA, this is not a post, persay, but a retaliation to your tag:

"If you are 20 and you are not a liberal, you have heart, if you are 40 and not a conservative YOU HAVE NO MIND." - Winston Churchill

Imran Siddiqui
Happy that he has a mind, unlike others

PawtheUnstuk posted 12-05-98 09:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
Amendent XIV:
"...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, libery, or proery, without due process of law;" Jee wiz, Imran, I though you had the Consitution memorized Of course, regardless of where it is, we still have a duty to enforce the right to life. The socail contract idea invented by Locke says govenment's duty is to protect the rights of its citzenry to life, libery, and property. The government of the US is based on Locke, more or less. We have a socail contract built into our system through democracy, and the consiuntion protects our rights.

In any event, 6 months just means ppl don't starve for 6 months, which is enough to help you find a job, but if you can't, you're screwed, you're out on the streets, heck, you're dead. Welfare is barely enough to live anyway. (At least in the US) I personally cannot say in good conscience, that I'm going to let US citizens starve while the top 1% of the population controls a third of the wealth (more every day.) The Wealth of Bill Gates alone (just to give an example) could proabably fund welfare.

The Quote, BTW, is: "Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid ppl are conservative." BTW, Imran, how old are you ? And if 20's are liberal or have no heart, and 40's are conervative or have no brain, who do we want running our country, the elderly or the young? Not that I agree with Churchill of course.

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-05-98 09:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
What does my age have to do with anything!!! In my profile, along with some posts I have stated that I go to Rutgers U. And I'd rather have people in their 40's be in charge than people in their 20's. Btw, I did mess up the quote.

"If you are 20 and are not a liberal, you have NO heart, if you are 40 and are not a conservative, you have NO MIND." - Winston Churchill

So, Mr. Churchill, a great man, agrees with my political believes and that I have a mind. Anyway, your rude post doesn't not merit my tag on the response.

DCA posted 12-05-98 10:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Ah, the infamous quote wars. How about:

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

Anyway, Imran, I think Paw's point (about your age) is that, according to Churchill, you'd probably have no heart... Not that I agree with the quote either.

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt.

PawtheUnstuk posted 12-05-98 10:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
I couldn't care less about how old you are! My point is that your quoting againist yourself. (or proabably are, because most ppl in this forum are around 20, not any reflection on you in particular.) Why exactly is my post so rude?

A little test of mine to try to figure out how the various faces work: :>, :-) :-( :< anyone know how they actually do work? just curious?

CrackGenius posted 12-05-98 11:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrackGenius  Click Here to Email CrackGenius     
You must study John Locke and the other English (+Scots) and French liberals a little bit more. The right to Life does not mean that somebody else has the obligation to support you in order to live. The same with the right to Property. You have the right to your own property but nobody else has an obligation to give you property. Generally all the rights from the liberal point of view are 'negative' and not 'positive'. This implies that the right to Life means that nobody can threaten or kill you by initiating force (i.e. self-defense is allowed). The same with all the rights. From a liberal point of view the government cannot force the people to do anything. In our case a liberal government would not volate the right to Property by taking away money from some people and giving it to other people. Such ideas are not liberal. They are either conservative (paternalistic state) or socialistic.

"It is often easier for our children to obtain a gun than it is to find a good school."
Joycelyn Elders
"Maybe that's because guns are sold at a profit, while schools are provided by the government."
David Boaz

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-06-98 02:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
"Government does not solve the problem, it is the problem" - Ronald Reagan

The moral is Slash Welfare!!

Imran Siddiqui
Conservative against more government spending (oh, sounds like an interest group)

DCA posted 12-06-98 10:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
anyone around? i'm drunk and ready for a chat...

crack: so what?!

imran: Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.

Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 12-06-98 12:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
You still drunk?? No. Damn. Oh well, taking advantage of drunk people is fun. Just put one in front of a steering wheel & make him drive around the parking lot. Loads of laughs!

On welfare: I think it should only be given to you for a period of 6 months, & during that time you are forced to look for a job every day. If you can't find one, your welfare is cut. We need to weed the lazy ones out. Some people should be able to get it for a long period, like a single mother with twins, she won't have time for work. But we need to just get rid of the lazy bastards who screw the public over, & the illegal immigrants who take advantage of it as well.

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

RM posted 12-06-98 01:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for RM  Click Here to Email RM     
One of the problems with unemployment is that there is not enough jobs for everyone.
If someone can't get a job, the reason does not have to be that he is lazy, it could be that noone wants to hire him.
Steel_Dragon posted 12-06-98 01:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Steel_Dragon  Click Here to Email Steel_Dragon     
I personally think welfare should be given to only people who are working, but working at jobs that put them under the poverity level. Like a mon who could work, but child care would cost more than working would produces. Welfare should be Government supported soup kitchens, government supported selters, and government supported childcare.


CrackGenius posted 12-06-98 10:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrackGenius  Click Here to Email CrackGenius     
"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."
Mark Twain
"The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else."
Fredric Bastiat, early French economist

DCA: What I was trying to establish is that according to the liberal philosophy a welfare state is not justified if ALL the people who pay for it do so voluntarily. Of course you can denounce liberty and choose coercion in which case liberalism is indeed irrelevant to you.

"It is often easier for our children to obtain a gun than it is to find a good school."
Joycelyn Elders
"Maybe that's because guns are sold at a profit, while schools are provided by the government."
David Boaz

DHE_X2 posted 12-06-98 10:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DHE_X2  Click Here to Email DHE_X2     
RM, actually, there is a severe labor shortage, mainly in high tech fields. Most people on the street couldn't get these jobs, though, but if people in "lesser" jobs moved up and learned new skills, jobs would open up for those on the street. Or maybe not. But the point remains the same, in America, at least, there are not enough able workers.
PawtheUnstuk posted 12-07-98 12:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
CrackGenuis: Locke's basic argument: Ppl have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Government is there to guaruntee those rights. Although government is not obliged to take postitive actions to perserve your life, and not doing so is by no means a violation of the socail contract, It would help to guaruntee theese rights if Government would iniate such programs. And as that is the function of government, they are certainly justified in doing so. They are not required to do so, but it would be a good idea for them to do so.

Imran: Quoting Ronald Reagan will work againist you with most people.

PawtheUnstuk posted 12-07-98 02:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
YYYH: "If you can't find [a job], your welfare is cut." -YYYH And then what? You starve on the street? You phrased it perfectly, if you CAN'T find a job. Not won't, can't. Yes, there are some ppl for whom there truly are no jobs. Even in the US. I'm going to let those ppl starve? Its not because they're lazy. No one WANTS to be on welfare. Its emotionaly awful, a blow to your pride, or what's left of it.
Someone is going to say "Yes, there are ppl who would rather take Welfare than work", so to preempt the point: theese ppl are always going to be the minority. I wouldn't think someone of your (plural) attitudes would think they would be in the majority.

Steel Dragon: I don't think ppl should be given cash on a pearmanent basis, on the other hand I think giving it out for 6 months or so would be a good idea. What if someone loses their job through no fault of their own , say downsizing, should they immitately be forced to give up their house and move into a Shelter and eat at Soup Kitchens? Would you want this to happen to you? Even if you have a job that can't be downsized, just say you did find yourself without a job? I'm not saying give ppl cash forever, just 6 months, after which yes, we should probabaly just give them a place to live, food, etc.

Hoping for a miracle (the election of Wellstone to the presidency ),

Saras posted 12-07-98 05:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Yeehaa!! another capitalism-socialism sorta debate!!!

PawtheUnstuk - why starve w/o welfare? There IS charity. If there was no welfare, there would be more charity (more guilt felt by the rich, less tax (hopefully...)).

The argument 'bout not enough jobs is true, in part. There is excess demand for jobs in some industries and overstaffing in others. Overall, there is a fine balance which, in the long run, distributes jobs efficiently among sectors, ie, now there aren't that few computer programmers as there were in early eighties, and good ones are still in big demand. It is the many choices that people make that cause unemployment most of the times, not all is the system.

The argument about machines doing everything - nonsense. Just look at the proportion of services in GDP of industrialised nations. Over 70% in most, over 80% in some. Robot-barbers and computer-consultants? Nope...

RM posted 12-07-98 09:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for RM  Click Here to Email RM     
Less welfare would increase volountary charity? Perhaps, but I am a bit pessimistic about human nature. I never trust anyone to be nice, unless they are forced to, or have something to gain on it.

Saras posted 12-07-98 10:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Force people to be nice??? Do I hear a contradiction?
CrackGenius posted 12-07-98 10:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrackGenius  Click Here to Email CrackGenius     
I think that a distinction must be made. This thread was about whether government shoul force people to give their money to others not whether some form of help to the less well-off would be good. Now, should people die on the streets because of starvation and cold? I think not. And I guess that in all western countries the majority thinks the same. So why do all those people who think that some people should get some kind of help don't do so? It's quite simple if you believe in freedom and not in force and coercion (that's why I analyzed a bit liberalism above). Those people who want to help are free to do so. Since in all countries the majority is in favour of the welfare state there are many people who will help the less well-off, unless of course these people (of the majority) are hypocrites in which case there is no reason even to argue with them. On the other hand the (small) minority that does not want to help others should be equally free to keep its property without coercion.

As for John Locke, his theory was that the basic natural rights are those of Life, Liberty and Property (and not the Pursuit of Happiness since this follows from the above).

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice,
moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
---Barry Goldwater

RM posted 12-07-98 11:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for RM  Click Here to Email RM     
With "forced to be nice", I did not mean force with violence, I meant more like having to be nice. In this specific case: paying tax (of which some goes to welfare).
Steel_Dragon posted 12-07-98 12:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Steel_Dragon  Click Here to Email Steel_Dragon     
If you lose your job their is unemployment, which I guess is a form of welfare, but it is still a totally differant thing to most Americans. And the fact is Welfare "pays" more than a job can in same ways. ie when you have children. If someone cannot find employment before unployment expires, YES move them in to a government shelter instead of playing their rent. Them eat some a kitchen instead of giving them food stamps. And take care of their childern while they get a job. This last benifit should be for all low income families not just those in the gutter.
DJ RRebel posted 12-07-98 01:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Paw .. the problem of cost arises, most nations want all their citizens to have a certain minimum level standard of living, but this level cannot be attainedby will alone. Working taxpayers basically subsidize the welfare recipiants !!!

I personally, as a taxpayer am disgusted to see functional people take welfare !!! Welfare is a good thing if done right, but unfortunately too many people are abusing it !!!

The world has no room for such selfish individuals who basically steal from others !!! I have no querels contributing for people who are handicaped (even there, there should be limits), or for single mother with a newborn child ... etc etc ... Those are what I consider acceptable reasons for being on welfare !!!

Not being able to find a good job is not what I consider a good reason to be on welfare !!! There is an acceptable time frame that should be permisible between jobs, but being on welfare for 3 months is not acceptable in my point of view !!!

Also, a greater focus on job-placement should be made .. if you employed one person who had the job of finding a job for just one person a month, just think of the total end of year saving for the government (taxes from the 13 people, plus 13 less welfare recipiants ... all for the cost of one person's salary) ... there would also be more people in the workforce, and in turn more capital in circulation, which in turn would create more jobs !!!

As you said, any civilized government should have welfare, but anyone who abuses welfare for months/years on end, simply isn't civilized in my books !!!

Comments on comments !!!

DHE ... I agree 100% ..welfare should be used ... not abused !!! Anyone who is truly (how can we judge this though) looking for employment should be given welfare/unemployment Insurence !!!

Imran .. you are right in saying they a dispicable ... in effect, they are thieves !!! As to your 6 month time limit, I personally think it should be shorter, but that really should be on a case by case basis ... everyone's situation is different, plus available employment varies from area to area !!!

DCA .. that is an excelent point you make .. that is a possibility, but don't forget, people need to make the machines, make the programs ... also, the service industry will never become obsolete (well, not until we get a real working HAL 2000)!!! The fact is, at this point in time, there are more than enough jobs for everyone (at least here in NorAm and Europe) !!!

Anyways, the solution to your problem lies in what I stated before, welfare should be for those truly willing to work, if there truly is no work, then they should get welfare !!! But anyways, if that happens, the global economy would colapse, and there wouldn't be any money for welfare anyways !!!

I hate when people bash Bill Gates ... the fact is, he worked for his money ... he may have had a hundred thousand horseshoes up his @$$, but it is his money that he earned !!! (Sorry for the mental picture there LOL)

The fact is, that most of these extremely rich people will donate more to charities in one hour than any of us will ever donate in our entire life !!! Look at media empire entripeneur Ted Turner ... he'll be donating ONE BILLION dollars to the UN over the next 10 years (100 million per year for 10 years) !!! The fact also is, that he, Bill Gates and the other super rich have created employment for millions of people !!! We are all so quick to accuse these people when they cut jobs, but no one ever truly thanks them for the jobs that are actually there !!!

CrackGenius: "The right to life does not mean someone else has obligation to provide you with that right" ... (more or less) .. anyways, that is what it really comes down to, I agree with you 110% !!! Why should my standards of living be lowered to support someone else's laziness ??? That would not even be tolerated in a purely socialist society !!!

RM .. You are wrong !!! There are more than enough jobs out there for everyone, in fact, I don't see a shortage of jobs coming in the forseable future !!! But you do bring up a point that what if no one wants to hire him/her ... I guess that would fall into the extended period category !!!

Anyways, when people in society finally get over their fear of being a number, we can finally proceed to more effective plans !!!

For instance, if everyone were to be identified by a card with their picture and DNA, to proove 100% who they are, we can then proceed with plans that moght be more costly at first, but much more effective in the long run !!!

EX: Someone who is destitute could be given a start-up sum (say $5000) .. to get an apartment to shower in, some clothes, etc .. they would then be much more likely to be given employment than when they were living on the streets and all dirty and stinky !!! There is no way this system could be used today because of the massive amounts of abuse it would be subject to !!! But if there was a way to confirm 100% that these people are who they say they are, then it would be a worthwile cost !!!! Of course, this type of thing would only be given out to each person once !!! And the whole government system would have to be set up so that we would know where everyone works, so this couldn't be abused !!! The data infrastruture needed for this type of thing is extensive, but once done, it will more than pay for itself !!!!

Steel Dragon .. your idea of supporting people with extra money if they live below the poverty line is great !!! That is pretty much the direction Russia watted to take decades ago !!! If socialism is applied properly on a global level, it wouldn't be long before ASSENDENCE TO TRANSENDENCE !!! (For lack of a better term of virtual perfect harmony)

Wow .. this has been a long post .. am I turning into Maya ??? LOL
Anyways, for those who are wondering, I am Canadian, so the $$$s metioned are Canadian [$1US = $1.5Can][$.65US=$1Can] !!!

DJ RRebel posted 12-07-98 02:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Continuing down the thread responding to your posts!!!

Paw .. you're right that some people can't even perform simple jobs, but this should be covered in what I refered to in my post and the start up package .. as well as a lump sum, people should be assessed on their abilities and given job training programs if needed !!!

As for letting who abuse the system die on the streets, even if it will contribute to making society better as a whole, I really don't think that's very humane !!! In theory, there should be a government shelter for anyone who needs it, with food, and other necessities, but nothing else !!!

Even if these people should be shot for their greed, we should have some charity as a society to at least provide some basics even if they aren't deserved !!!

Roland posted 12-08-98 12:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
I'd just recommend to Imran reading the 5th amendment to the US constitution... protecting the right to life from the federal government.

On the rest, just keep this thread up until I'm definately back on Sunday or Monday. I'll be discussing the topic tomorrow in the seminar I'm attending, should be fun.

As I'd support welfare, maybe it is correct that people vote for me as socialist of the year ? Hmmm....

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-08-98 06:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Amendment V - US Constitution

"No person shall be held to answer for a capita, or otherwise infamous crim, unless presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or in public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any Criminal Case to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shallprivate property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Yeah Roland, so? A person cannot be deprived of life without due process, that doesn't mean the same thing as having a right to life.

Imran Siddiqui

Rednallaw posted 12-08-98 07:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Rednallaw  Click Here to Email Rednallaw     
I just wanted to post a quick reply to everyone who thinks that there is enough jobs for everyone. There isn't.

In most western countries economy is considered more important than a decent livingstandard for the citizens of the country. And in order for the government to keep a low inflation rate they have to maintain a unemployment rate of at least 4%. Otherwise people would get more money, the prices would go up so people would need more money etc.

At least this is the case in Sweden (a journalist even got the manager of the national bank to admit this was the policy), the economical rules might be diffrent in America but I doubt it.


Steel_Dragon posted 12-08-98 07:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Steel_Dragon  Click Here to Email Steel_Dragon     
Yeh 4-5% unemployment is consider healthy, and right now I think local unemployment Dallas/Fort Worth is at 2.8%. An Country wide(US) is at 3.8. And I might be off my rocker though
DCA posted 12-08-98 07:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Rednallaw: You're right - a certain amount of unemployment is required to keep the economy afloat. In Norway the unemployment rate was down to 2% or thereabouts for a while, which was said to harm the economy.

Crack: "you can denounce liberty and choose coercion in which case liberalism is indeed irrelevant to you." Hehehe - very eloquent. Of course, I see your point - the "who cares" thing was more of a drunken joke Still, I don't think the 'voluntary welfare' system really works, though I agree it would be ideal.

I guess growing up in Norway has made me a bad capitalist - I don't care how much people exploit the welfare system, as long as the economy can handle it...

Hey, I have an idea! Let's all go spray paint some cars in Singapore.

PawtheUnstuk posted 12-08-98 09:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
Charity is rather small scale, and has plenty to do without having to feed the homeless.

CrackGenuis: First of all: the whole point of a democracy is its not coercion. The point of government is largely to make the rescources of a country go in the same direction.
Secondly: I am forced to pay for many things which I would not normally choose to pay for. Much of the military, for example. No one is going to say, "let those who want a military pay for it".


PawtheUnstuk posted 12-08-98 09:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
DJ Rebel: First of all, I think you have some facts wrong: first of all, 3 months is MUCH to short. Usually, when laying ppl off due to no fault of their own, companies sometimes give them parachutes. Meaning a month or two of salary, during which time they can find work. Theese, when given, usually last at over three months, even for unskilled workers. That suggests s trongly that finding a job is not easy. As for "there are plenty of jobs for everyone", where? In Switzerland, to an extent in the US, although here the places were there is a demand for workers tends to be radically different from the places where there are workers, meaning some unemployment does, in fact, result. In Germany, though, unemployment is in the double digits, as in France, as in the UK. It might have gone down in one or two of theese countries, but we're still looking at very high figures.

Also, if you absolutely cannot support yourself due to a handicap or the like, then I don't think you should be made to starve, despite the length of time you are unemployed. Also, why is not being able to find a job not a good reason for Welfare? If you can't find a job, should you have to starve? Its not your fault if you can't find a job.

PPl aren't abusing Welfare, no one WANTS to be on welfare. Maybe a very small minority are, but I think most of the ppl have valid reasons for needing it. You can't get valid statistics for this area, so it is basically jsut whatever you want to believe: not a scientific way to go about things.

PawtheUnstuk posted 12-08-98 10:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
Second half of my reply to DJRebel....god damn it DJ that was a long msg. Its burgoise spirit establishment spirit is making sick though, as much as I hate to say it.
We should THANK the rich ppl for the jobs they create to increase their own wealth? For the pitiful $ they give? They may give more $, but it is a smaller % of ther wealth. Ted Turner can give away the billion dollars, and NEVER KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. Think of that for a second. He has enough money to buy everything money can buy. His giving a billion dollars away means nothing to him, whereas a middle class indivual who pays his taxes will notice this tax burden much more. A subsistence farmer in a third world country proabably brings in food equavelent to no more than two thousand dollars. How much does Bill Gates make now? Who is working harder? Let's loo at a domestic example. Let's say Gates makes a billion dollars a year, this is MUCH smaller than the amount he actually makes, but I don't know the number know. Let's say I make 50 thousand a year, workinga 40 hr job. (and there are many who make less working more.) He is making two hundred thousand times as much as I am. Is he working two hundred thousand times as hard as I am? Is it POSSIBLE to work TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES AS HARD as someone working 40 hours a week?

AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO NOTICES A PROBLEM HERE????? Am I the only person who thinks that SOMETHING can be done about this? The only person who thinks Welfare is a good way to start, if not a solution in and of itself? I hope not.

CrackGenius posted 12-09-98 01:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrackGenius  Click Here to Email CrackGenius     
PawtheUnstuk: Just a quick reply. Don't merely compare the hours of work between individuals; look how society values them (in a free market this is the salary).
And come European unemployment figures in the 5 major economies: UK 6.1%, Germany ~11%, France ~12%, Italy ~12%, Spain ~19% and I think that unemployment in the US is ~4%. SURPRISE; the countries with the free-er markets (US, Britain) have half unemployment than the others. Now, does this mean anything to you?
Steel_Dragon posted 12-09-98 03:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Steel_Dragon  Click Here to Email Steel_Dragon     
Part of the problem with are current welfare system is:

one month welfare = 1000

one month working = 1200
one month childcare = 400
working net wage = 800

Taking a hand out and staying with your kids is worth $200, that is really lazyness. We need to change our welfare system to reward going to work, so that it would not be a pay cut. I really don't know how welfare work elseware, but here you get a job you lose it all.

Saras posted 12-09-98 05:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     

you do not see a problem. You have created a problem, and it looks like a problem to you. Your example with Bill Gates is flawed at the core of it. What you get is not the payment for the effort, it is for the end result. And in fact Evil Billy has given a lot of people an opportunity to earn much more than they could before - investing in MS stox 10 years ago, working for MS, using Windows and MSOffice at work etc. He created an immense amount of value to the world, and got paid for it through his Microsoft shares and his salary (which is not among top ten executive salaries of the US).

And please everyone arguing about "the poor dying on the streets" grow up and face reality - even in Lithuania people are not dying on the streets, while montly benefits are a joke - US$25-US$75, and that is basically what you've got. They collect recyclable glass bottles, paper, cans and make some money, but they do not get it for free - THEY provide society with some value. I personally do not believe that there are more people on welfare because they are forced to or are unlucky. I think most of them are plain lazy and/or not smart enough to think beyond "i was trained this and that, so i aint gonna work as nobody else". Please prove me wrong.

PawtheUnstuk posted 12-10-98 03:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
Saras: Someone said Bill Gates earned every penny he made. My point is, you can't possibly EARN that much money. No matter how much good Gates has done for the world (and I personally don't think he's all that great, but this is another thread), he doesn't deserve to have that much wealth concentrated in his hands when so many don't even have enough to eat.

As for the "Grow up and face reality" pharagraph....nonsense. Living on the streets picking up cans and barely getting enough to eat is no kind of a life. And THERE are ppl dying. I think its a tad silly of you to say "grow up and face reality" when you have no actual facts and fairly little reasnoning. Your basically just pontificating, which is nice but don't tell me to face "reality" but what you actually want me to do is accept whatever you've decided is the truth this morning.

Concerning "There is no problem, you're making the problem, you see the problem. If you don't see a problem with some people living a wretched existecne and barely staying alive while some ppl have more wealth than they could ever possibly spend, then frankly I don't think we have anything to discuss.

"Every thought is an exception to the general rule that people do not think."
-Paul Valery

Saras posted 12-10-98 09:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
So you will be the judge now and decide who deserves what he has and who does not. Or appoint a government to do that.

Not that I like Billy or his Win95 full of bugs, but in fact he has not murdered, raped, looted, robbed, raqueteered or fraudulently possessed anybody's money - bingo, he earned it!

The fact that someone does not have anything to eat does not make Billy's wealth undeserved. He deserves it because people bought Windows and MSOffice and paid for it. And upgraded later - they actually liked that crap

"If you don't see a problem with some people living a wretched existecne and barely staying alive while some ppl have more wealth than they could ever possibly spend, then frankly I don't think we have anything to discuss" - I do in fact see a problem with that, but which country are you talking about when speaking about the poor dying on the streets?

I see a problem in the rich becoming more and more selfish and less and less charitable BECAUSE of the forced charity that is called welfare.

I see a problem with people dying on the streets (though I have never heard of this happening here, and believe me, since the Lithuanian press is the freest in the world, this WOULD be in the papers), but where I see a biggest problem is when somehow people start thinking that the poor have TITLE on everyone else's property just because they are poor, and by majority voting the minority rich are robbed and the loot in Robin Hood style is distributed to the poor.

It is sad that the rich do not do as much charity as they could, but this is no excuse to "tax John to pay Peter". Or is it?

Roland posted 12-14-98 08:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Imran: "Yeah Roland, so? A person cannot be deprived of life without due process, that doesn't mean the same thing as having a right to life."

What else ? The right to life is not unlimited; if that right were unlimited in the declaration, the US - according to the declaration, whether legally binding or not - couldn't have the death penalty. It couldn't go to war. It couldn't suppress violent uprisings. That was not the thing meant in the declaration; it was about the same as later "constitutionalised" in the 5th amendment. Therefore, the 5th amendment is about (among other things) the right to life.

Saras: "...but where I see a biggest problem is when somehow people start thinking that the poor have TITLE on everyone else's property just because they are poor, and by majority voting the minority rich are robbed..."

We've had that debate already, again, wealth can only exist in the context of society. Without the society protecting Mr Gates from thieves, without accepting currency, without providing for legal protection for inventions etc, Mr Gates would not be where he is. While I oppose taxes over 50 % in any bracket, society has a right to decide upon a certain amount of redistribution. If Mr Gates wants to do charity, ok. But I refuse to see the social system at the mercy of some ultra rich people. And yes, IMO everyone has a title to the basic material needs being satisfied. Even more so in societies that are very rich. Welfare benefits are, at least where I live, so low that only the most work shy people would prefer them to a job. I don't like them, but having them begging, stealing or just starving is no solution either. You'll say that's blackmail, but even if it is, I don't care - it's just the way it is and no moral judgment will change it.

Saras posted 12-14-98 12:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Welcome back to our favorite subject, ROLAND

A little correction - wealth cannot exist if there is no buyer for it, i.e., if MS would go bust, Billy would become not-as-rich-as-he-is-now. And one more correction - you don't need a society for wealth - you need laws, that is, government.

Society has a right ... to some redistribution - who gave it the right? Right to individual property is inalienable, and the laws just protect it, not CREATE it. IMO, society has no rights. Individuals do.

Anyway, glad to see you here, Rol

Roland posted 12-14-98 03:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Yup, back to this topic!

Is there a right to property without a social context ? If there is no society, and I take your stone axe away, am I violating your right ?

From a different angle: is every sort of redistribution of wealth a violation of the right to property ? Or every other (ie not direct for redistribution) tax ?

If the law says: you can't use your axe to smash my head, is that a violation of your right to property ?

Saras posted 12-15-98 04:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
If you take away my axe (I like the example) you ARE violating my rights. Why are you asking this question?

Other redistribution and tax - this is a flawed example. Roads, policing and army cannot be provided by an individual. Charity can.

Another example is also off-track - if I want to smash your head with my axe (not because you tried to take it away (ooka-chaka ooka-chaka ooka ooka ooka chaka) ) it would be a violation of your rights to a non-smashed head, not my rights to my axe.

Roland posted 12-15-98 07:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Saras, the underlying ideas in my questions are:

1. Are there prepositive rights, ie a sort of natural law
2. Almost no right is unlimited, it finds its limit in the right of others

"If you take away my axe (I like the example) you ARE violating my rights." - So you imply the answer to 1. is yes. Now let's say I have two axes, you have none. I only need one. You need one for hunting, to survive. I don't give you one of my two, you just take it. Are you violating my right ?

"Another example is also off-track - if I want to smash your head with my axe... it would be a violation of your rights to a non-smashed head, not my rights to my axe." - So, property is not just the right to have it and sit on it, but also to use it. But this particular use violates the right of others. When we are on the basis of natural law (see 1.), why is there only a natural right to property but no right for the satisfaction of the essential material needs ?

"Roads, policing and army cannot be provided by an individual. Charity can." - Can it ? Will it cover all those in need ? Will it be sufficient ? On the other side: If I'm very rich, I may run my private security. I don't need the police. But the policing you mean seems to cover not only my individual need for security, but also that of other people. But why should I, the very rich person, be taxed for something _I_ don't need ?

Saras posted 12-15-98 09:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
This is fun

"I don't give you one of my two [axes], you just take it. Are you violating my right ?" - yes sir.

"So, property is not just the right to have it and sit on it, but also to use it" - ???

You DO have a right to your basic needs (you can go and get some beer , for example), but it might clash with other peoples property rights (GET YOUR PHUCKING HANDS OFF MY BEER!!!), similar to me smashing your head with a stone axe (ooka-chaka ooka-chaka ooka ooka ooka chaka). Or is it vice versa - like your head clashes with my axe? ummm...???

"...Charity can." - Can it ?" - dunno, never been tried. IMO, the rich, seeing the poor, like someone on this thread said "dying on the streets" (I still dunno in which country), will donate MUCH more (less tax, mo money !!!). But that might take time to adjust, I have to admit, since the rich probably lost most of their compassion looking at their tax statements .

And I dunno myself why we speak of the rich here? The middle class pays most of the taxes in all countries that have one.

Roland posted 12-15-98 12:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
""I don't give you one of my two [axes], you just take it. Are you violating my right ?"" - "yes sir."

In the circumstances I described, I have to say: No, Sir!

"And I dunno myself why we speak of the rich here? The middle class pays most of the taxes in all countries that have one."

Well, it's about the same problem. Owning two axes should be pretty middle class...

And I want an answer to the police/private security problem!

Tolls posted 12-15-98 12:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
""...Charity can." - Can it ?" - dunno, never been tried."

Well, not quite...Victorian Britain was big on the charity thing...didn't work terribly well (you just need to read any of the reports on poverty in London from the end of last century to see that)...that's why the government eventually stepped in.

Saras posted 12-15-98 01:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
"And I want an answer to the police/private security problem!" - had to think about this one, but here you go:

Right to life and property, that are sorta protected by the police (dunno 'bout your countries, guys, but here... let's just say the cops are not doing their job very well) have to be protected for all citizens. Governments are created to protect it, therefore the taxation. Welfare sorta protects the right to "food and shelter". IMO, there is no such right, period.

P.S. I think with the last statement I found the basic thing we are arguing about...

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