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Author Topic:   AntiHive hysteria: connotations and denotations
Rang posted 12-01-98 07:17 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Rang   Click Here to Email Rang  
Recent anti-Hive hysteria on this forum has been violent and omnidirectional. I find it baffling that the Hive is singled out for hatred. So, I have attempted to reason out the cause. I will examine two examples (Communism and zen/Buddhism) and ask for comments.

Judging by this forum, most nonhivers fear and hate the Hive. Why? I contend that it is not purely because of intellectual reasons, but partly because of emotional reasons. The Hive uncomfortably reminds them of communism and triggers memories of early childhood propaganda against the "red menace." Furthermore, the recent collapse of the USSR has been seen as a failure of communism; thus, the "communist" Hive must be a failure. Any view of the Hive as other than a failure is counter to their belief. A successful Hive would mean that the anti-hiver's judgment is wrong. Therefore, the anti-Hiver feels that his personal ability to reason is at stake. He cannot be wrong, he says to himself and takes any disagreement as a personal insult. In an effort to cover this insecurity, the attacks against the Hive become ever more intense. This association with childhood propaganda and personal insecurity is hilarious in light of the fact that the Hive might not really be communist after all!

To support my previous point of Red Menace propaganda connotations having a subliminal affect on anti-Hivers, allow me to introduce another example. Take the exact same Hive, and describe it as following a mixture of the philosophies of Buddhism/zenism(sp?), martial arts, and Confucianism. E.G. the denial of emotions, physical and emotional pain, cold unemotional analytical thought, absolute discipline over self, conformity, society over individual, duty to country and courtesy, etc. Once you do this, the people who would become antihivers...are not. When they look at the two labels for the Hive, they would detest the one, and embrace the other. Despite the fact that the substance of the Hive has not changed! This proves the previous paragraph's arguments about connotations being the source of antihive hysteria. Connotations driven by ignorance and propaganda.

The emphasis of society over individual is seen as limiting and despotic under the Red Menace label. But under the second label, it is seen as self-sacrificing, admirable, noble. The denial of emotion and pain is seen as inhuman under the Red Menace label, but seen as admirable discipline and strength under the second label(kind of like the way we admire martial arts experts able to stoically withstand pain).

Connotations drive the fear and hatred. And if you base your thoughts purely on emotional connotations, then your reasoning is unsound.

Hothram Upravda posted 12-01-98 07:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hothram Upravda  Click Here to Email Hothram Upravda     
Altough i think i shall either create my own custom faction or us the Peacekeepers the Hive is one of my favorites.

And i agree, at no time did i think of the Hive as a Commie Faction. it seems to be a attempt to create Confucianist attitude in the colonists. And as these people come from a planet that has all but been destoryed by the horrors of unrestricted war and industry maybe to them the peace and harmony of a Confucianism style culture is what they look for.

Remember Communism failed because the people who became Communist never wanted to be it in the first place, or had no idea what they where geting into. Communism could theoriticly work, if the people in it where deticated to it, the hard part is giving that detecation to the next generations.

Personly i do not see any faction as being overly hated. I have problems with each .

Hothram Upravda

SnowFire posted 12-01-98 07:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
Yup, I would have no problem with the state you just described. It might not go anywhere, but it doesn't enforce its will with an iron fist. That's the key difference between the two: a cultural thing, or a state forced thing. And myself, I have nothing against communism itself: it could be a very good form of government. But so far all attempts at communism have been utterly perverted forms of true idealistic communism. So any fear of them comes not from their socialistic views, which I can at least understand (if not fully sympathize with), but their police state and their ruthless crushing of all opposition, be they pro-democracy advocates or pro-religion advocates. This government looks to fare no better than so many dictatorships masquerading as the kind of government you describe, Rang.
Brother Greg posted 12-01-98 07:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Brother Greg  Click Here to Email Brother Greg     
And as I have said before, I still see the Hive as the fullfillment of Utopian Marxism (even if that is an oxymoron). Although how that fits in with them being a police state is beyond me.

I think that maybe that is part of what makes people hate them so much. A police state sorta implies subjugating the populace, and that then implies all of the bad parts of Communism. So, maybe they have SOME reason to hate the hive so much.

How do you pro-hivers explain away the Police State under zen/buddhism?

Brother Greg.

Hothram Upravda posted 12-01-98 07:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hothram Upravda  Click Here to Email Hothram Upravda     
Well a major reason that i do not dislike the Hive is that unlike Commie or Police Nations, the people of the Hive had a choice. They choose to be in the Hive...

Hothram Upravda

Brother Greg posted 12-01-98 08:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Brother Greg  Click Here to Email Brother Greg     
And Yang uses Mind Control on them because???

Brother Greg.

Golf posted 12-01-98 09:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Golf  Click Here to Email Golf     
The dissertations of why the Hive is hated were great. But the ultimate truth as related by the game designers is is that the Hive is ruthlessly bent on the highest production of any faction. Controlling mindless, gullible persons who need some more powerful person as seen in the Chairman. They seek to erase all wants from society in a Zen way and in that increase their overall efficiency.
Octopus posted 12-01-98 10:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
Rang is absolutely right about the anti-Hive hysteria having its source in ingrained emotional reactions. Another contributing factor is the Borg, from Star Trek, which everyone associates with the Hive for some reason. A lot of people can't grasp the fact that you can have a cooperating community without totally eliminating individual creativity, etc., like the Borg do.

The reason that the Hive is an efficient society is because EVERYONE in it subscribes to the philosophy Rang describes. Living by that philosophy would make one person effective, but having complete confidence that everyone around you also lived up to that philosphy allows for an order of magnitude improvement in personal productivity. You never have to second-guess anyone, you never have to doubt the good intentions of others, you never have to figure out how the other guy is trying to screw you over or stab you in the back. Once these inefficiencies are removed from daily life, each Hiver is able to excel at whatever he or she does best, and to cooperate effictively with the other Hivers around them.

As to individualism, there would be ABSOLUTELY NO POINT in the Hive not understanding that each individual has different talents and abilities. In hives in the Insect world, specialization is quite common. The Human Hive will understand that by allowing people to do what they do best, without mundane distractions or pointless wastes of effort, they will be both happier and more productive. This is a net win for the Hive. Having everyone be completely identical would be a loss.

As for the security conscious nature of the Hive, this is an outgrowth of the desire for efficiency (efficiency leads to high productivity, which leads to benefits for every member of the Hive). Everyone will be happier and more productive if they have complete confidence in their safety and security. There is no "loss" of liberty in this society, since the philosphy of the entire society is more or less aligned with the philosphy of each individual member. Things like the right to protest are only useful to dissenting troublemakers, and those who are in the Hive would not have joined if it wasn't what they wanted. And removal of any troublemakers who do come and try to disrupt society will be beneficial to everyone (i.e. they won't be making trouble anymore).

As to the so-called "mind control", I can only imagine that the Hive is extending every available opportunity to every member. The Hivers value discipline, etc., but some people are just not strong enough to live up to the high standards that they would like to. Just as someone who is physically weak or disabled might seek some form of assistance, these people take advantage of the extensive knowledge of the mind and brain that are available to them, in order to better themselves.

People really need to start looking past the failed models that they're so comfortable with, like Stalin's regime and the Borg, and understand that the Hive is a truly new society, that has never been tried before. There are many benefits. People who argue against it don't want to acknowledge this, however, because it conflicts with the reflexive propaganda that starts coming out of their mouths. They can't deal with that sort of cognitive dissonance, so they resolve it by saying things like "the Hive is evil!".

Seely posted 12-01-98 10:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Seely  Click Here to Email Seely     
Yes indeed the Hive is maligned by those who see it as brutal dictatorship. Firaxis hasn't helped by describing it as a "brutally run police state" and making Yang's title "Chairman"-- directly associating him with that most infamous of Chairman, Mao Tse-Tung. I'm not sure why they've done that- but we've been given no real direct stats on The Hive, and perhaps the producers of the game themselves will simply make the Hive a brutal police state. I hope not, but who can say? I agree with Octopus, I like to envision the Hive as a new society-- I also agree that the members of The Hive were not pressed into its service, but manipulated by Yang and his powerful mind. This is entirely bad-- there will be those who believe in his vision, and those who are merely mentally swayed, and may perhaps become disillusioned later on, largely because of weak minds which lead them to greed and selfishness. This is where the police state term becomes a reality. Those whose minds aren't disciplined beyond selfish desires will hurt the Hive, and will need to be removed. See my analogy of The Hive to a large body-- one that must be patrolled by "defensive organisms" to curtail the spread of "disease"-- i.e. police removing dissenters from an efficiently run state. I've stated before that all anti-Hivers, Detractors, if you will, always focus on the lack of individuality, and think purely with democratic and capitalist minds based on self-gain. Remember, those already in The Hive have been conditioned away from such selfish desires, and work to protect their way of life. The Hive is not a collection of normal folks like you and me, thinking in our mass market economy, make-your-own-future-and-screw-anyone-who-gets-in-the-way style. That's where you Detractors are making your mistake, assuming that everyone in The Hive is an American at heart, with firm beliefs in all American constitutional rights. You've got to learn to step outside your preset beliefs and think in other terms. I have the same American-based belief system that you do, but I can see the value and power of a system like The Hive, and that's why I see it as my favorite faction in the game. I've been spreading Hive support on this forum at every opportunity. Likewise, I could just as easily write lengthy dissertations ("propaganda", if you will) on any other faction. That's right! Challenge me, one and all, to write just as convincingly on why The Believers or Gaia's Stepdaughters are the best faction!
(my dirty little secret is despite the fact that I love supporting The Hive, my second-favorite faction is The Morgan Conglomerate! Shhh... don't tell anyone!

Er, a Hive quote, for all you Hivers out there...
"I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do" --HAL 9000, 2001: A Space Odyssey

Element 394303

Unlearn what you have learned!

Seely posted 12-01-98 10:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Seely  Click Here to Email Seely     
btw-- in my post above, I wrote "this IS entirely bad"-- I meant, "this ISN'T entirely bad"
Octopus posted 12-01-98 11:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
"despite the fact that I love supporting The Hive, my second-favorite faction is The Morgan Conglomerate!"

Me too! The Hive is a lot more fun to argue for than any of the other factions, though.

SnowFire posted 12-01-98 11:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
Unlearn what you have learned. Spooky. Little things like the value of democracy.

"As to individualism, there would be ABSOLUTELY NO POINT in the Hive not understanding that each individual has different talents and abilities. In hives in the Insect world, specialization is quite common."

Yes, but insects are born to serve a certain purpose. The best way for people to find their purpose is to choose it, the perosn knows best. But then everyone will choose the easy jobs, or the "fun" jobs. None of the dirty and thankless work will get done. So the government has to assign jobs, and the government will not assign people to their pegs as efficiently as the free market.

Let's not even get into Octopus's ridiculous assertion that people willl volunteer for the sessions so they can learn to be less lazy. What inspiration is there without personal gain and profit? I think the biggest use of this will be on the "undesireables," cahritably refered to as tumors within the Hive. As for the dissidents, I agree that brainwashing them is good for the Hive, upon first glance at least. But is it good for the dissident? Of course not. And that undesireable might have a thing or two to teach the rest of the Hive, that they never will because they've been mindwiped.

If only my old thread on "Join the Human Hive! Work 12 hours a day!" was still around...

"Greed and selfinishness, so hated by the Hive, are great empire builders, if harnessed properly." -Morgan

Octopus posted 12-01-98 11:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
"ridiculous assertion that people willl volunteer for the sessions so they can learn to be less lazy"

Personally, I'd prefer if I had the willpower/motivation to exercise more than I do. I don't know if I'd submit to any sort of medical enhancements to correct that condition, but I believe that some people would. A lot of people believe in self improvement. Even learning simple psychological tricks can help you change behavior you wish you didn't exhibit. There will be a full spectrum of psychiatric care in the Hive. People who are truly disturbed (i.e. mentally ill) and people who just need advice and proven techniques can all benefit from advancements in psychology and psychiatry. To limit psychologists to just helping the truly insane is to throw away a valuable resource.

"What inspiration is there without personal gain and profit?"

The members of the Hive value service to society, and also understand that it is each members obligation to contribute in the best way that they can. You may be solely driven by greed, but don't insult every other human by implying that they are as well.

"But then everyone will choose the easy jobs, or the "fun" jobs."

Read Rang's explanation above. The people in the Hive value service to society. And, personally, I would find no satisfaction in my work if my job were too easy. In addition, the advanced psychological screening techniques of the Hive will allow people to better direct their efforts into jobs that they will be well suited for, rather than the hit-or-miss trial and error approach followed by current societies.

Seely posted 12-01-98 11:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Seely  Click Here to Email Seely     
Ah, Snowfire, you fit my example perfectly of someone who can't think beyond everything that's been mashed into his head.
"What motivation is there without personal gain and profit?"
You must not have read my post-- the members of The Hive aren't thinking that way. Yes, there are those who have been brainwashed, and may dissent. They will be removed. No, that's not good for the dissenter. But that's irrelevant! Who cares about the dissenter in The Hive! He has nothing of value to teach it except selfishness! That's why he's a dissenter!

Open up your mind to different ways of thinking, SnowFire. Like I said, you're falling into every mental trap I just decried in my earlier post. Your own narrow-mindedness is exactly the type of thinking for which you're ostracizing The Hive!
And btw, it was Yoda who said "Unlearn what you have learned!" And who doesn't like Yoda?

Brother Greg posted 12-01-98 11:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Brother Greg  Click Here to Email Brother Greg     
As Octopus will tell you, I am one of the few non-hivers who occasionally stick up for them. However, it must be pointed out that what Firaxis seems to have in mind for them is far far different from what some of you wish.

As has already been pointed out, Firaxis have described the Hive as a "brutal police state" or words to that effect. And on top of that they have stated that Yang uses mind control on them.

That I think is what would annoy most people, not losing personal freedom, but being forced to follow the equivalent of a communist dictator.

Methinks that for the faction that you want, you would have to create a custom faction, because the visoin that ye have just don't seem to match Firaxis' implementation.

Brother Greg.

Seely posted 12-01-98 11:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Seely  Click Here to Email Seely     
Yeah, Brother Greg, Firaxis' apparent position worries me, as I stated above. But since the game is so dreadfully far away, we'll just have to indulge our fantasies while we may...
Octopus posted 12-01-98 11:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
Brother Greg: Firaxis doesn't give us a lot of info, so we've got to take what we've got and run with it.

We know from Yang's faction quote that he wants you to "Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity." I take this to mean that each person has to understand that he is a part of a society, and that functioning WITH that society, in a unified manner, is what Yang stands for.

We also know from the previews that the Hive is an "efficient machine", which fits in with my conception of them. Effiency comes from lots of specialized people working together.

We know that they've been described as "an atheist police state". The atheist part is perfectly understandable (no silly distractions ) and the "police state" part I explaind in an earlier post. Basically, high security is valued, and the "loss" of individual liberties is not missed.

We know that they use "mind control", and I've been playing that off as psychiatric help, which it will be for some, but dissenters probably will be "corrected". It's for their own good .

AUH2O keeps dragging out "culture of serfdom" every few seconds when he talks about the Hive, but I think that is outdated info, and Firaxis has realized that they made a mistake, which is why none of the newer previews mention it (I've never actually seen this quote, by the way, outside of AUH2O's posts, so I consider it hearsay, and inadmissable as evidence ).

So, I think my conception of the Hive is pretty close to the mark. It is mostly made up of people who truly believe that a new society based on community and cooperation is the best way to thrive on Planet. There are a few dissenters, but they are either removed by the police or "returned to society" with psychological "help". Security is a high priority: for efficiency, to get rid of troublemakers, and to protect the Hive (if this forum is any indication, the Hivers are going to need all of the protection they can get ). I think that this explains everything that we know about the Hive. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. But I'm proabably closer to the mark about the Hive than the "freedom loving" Spartans are about their faction.

Imran Siddiqui posted 12-02-98 12:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
I have to go with Brother Greg on this one. Firaxis has described the Hive as a police state. My idea is that Yang lured people to him by the same rhetoric that the Hive-defenders are using, but when they landed and he realized it couldn't work. He used mind-control and police brutality to get them to go along with him. My thoughts, like I've said before, the Hive is EVIL.

Imran Siddiqui

SnowFire posted 12-02-98 12:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
Did I say that I would pick the easy jobs? No! And I don't think you would either! I'm talking about the great mass of humanity. When properly motivated, it can do wonderful things. But just look at our soceity, where membership in volunteer organizations is declining steadily. It's scary, but humans need some motivation to work for soceity. In the past this was supplied mostly by God. But that is fading right now. Call me pessimistic, but I don't think people will be working hard because they want to: they'll work hard because they'll get beaten senseless if they don't.

I also agree that Firaxis apperantly wants the Hive to be the bad guys, and I'd be only too happy to oblige. Again, I have nothing against the Hive you describe: I just really doubt that's what it shall be.

Octopus posted 12-02-98 12:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
"I'm talking about the great mass of humanity."

But you shouldn't be talking about the great mass of humanity. Remember, each faction gets to do some cream-skimming. The Hive is the most community minded 14.3% of humanity. The fanatical government of the Beleivers' faction could never survive if it was a cross-section of humanity, but it isn't. The Believers are the most religious 14.3% of humanity. And so on.

"I also agree that Firaxis apperantly wants the Hive to be the bad guys"

Personally, I think Firaxis is setting up the Hive as the faction you hate to love ("damn, I'm supposed to be opposed to everything they stand for, but they're such and effective faction...") rather than the faction you love to hate (this is the "die, Hive, die!" attitude of Imran).

Imran: "realized it couldn't work". This is the kind of thing that anti-Hivers love to say without supporting it. This is the reflexive anti-communist crap that Rang is talking about.

Tom posted 12-02-98 01:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tom  Click Here to Email Tom     
It's a lot more fun to play the
bad guys anyways.

I love big brother

Roland posted 12-02-98 05:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Who says the Hive is like the borg ? Rubbish!

The Peacekeepers are like the borg. We need to resurrect the initial mission charter. We need to pacify the traitor factions. We will bring our ideals to you, and if you have been so brainwashed not to realise that we are right, we will force it on you for your own best.


Rang posted 12-02-98 06:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Rang  Click Here to Email Rang     
"It's scary, but humans need some motivation to work for soceity."

I agree with Snowfire's assertion that humanity, left to itself, might well follow this pattern. But this obstacle is overcomed by two factors.

1) Octopus's point that the Hive, just like any other faction, is NOT a representational cross-section of humanity. Thus, this obstacle might not be a real problem. (Notice the eagerness of Yang's cadets in the story. The Hive's members are not randomly selected.)

2) "Mindcontrol" technology. This is only a refinement of what already exists. People are "mindcontrolled" through education and upbringing. Look at people in different societies on Earth and examine the differences in their philosophies and thought patterns. You will see that the differences are rooted in societal/government influences during their formative years, and constantly reinforced in later years. (e.g. America: it's okay to lie or do terrible things if you can find a loophole in the law..."legally accurate")(e.g. Iran: It's unnatural for females to show their faces in public...Koran teachings in school, conservative indoctrinations, etc)

Many seem to think that associating with a "brutally police state" is bad. I contend that "brutal" means efficient, which is a good thing. (Often efficient and demanding bosses are called brutal by employees.) As for "police state," if I were to offer you the choice of either playing a democracy that's prone to riots every few turns, or a police state that has no riots...which would you choose?

Those who feel that their freedoms will be limited are looking at the Hive from the wrong perspective. Look at it not as a citizen being ruled, but as a person ruling a civilization. As a player, you will be ruling, not ruled. And anything that makes ruling and winning the game easier -- like the lack of riots -- is to be appreciated. Not detested.

DHE_X2 posted 12-02-98 06:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DHE_X2  Click Here to Email DHE_X2     
Actually, it would have to fit your style. I'm sure FIRAXIS has made each of the factions equally playable.

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