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  here is a religious controversy fer ye religous types

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Author Topic:   here is a religious controversy fer ye religous types
Dcreeper posted 11-05-98 11:26 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper   Click Here to Email Dcreeper  
Is it just me, or does it seem logical that
God and Satan are best friends?

I would love some input.. I'll post my thoughts after a few replys

DHE_X2 posted 11-05-98 11:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DHE_X2  Click Here to Email DHE_X2     
It would seem so, since both are in control of two powerful forces of the universe, good and evil, but I don't think so. I don't even believe in the devil. Humanity creates its own Satan through injustice, greed, hatred, et cetera. Oh and a little tidbit here: 666 actually stands for Nero Ceaser's name. As we all (should) know, Nero Ceaser oppressed and slaughtered Christians in the early days of the religion.
Abdiel posted 11-06-98 12:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Abdiel  Click Here to Email Abdiel     
Ok, DHE_X2, you don't believe in the Devil. Do you believe in God? And why would the evils of mankind preclude the existence of an even more evil entity?
Dcreeper posted 11-06-98 12:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     
heh I'm an atheist
..same belife here

actualy. i jsut thought of it this way... i had a few 'facts'
1. devil wants ppl to do bad things
2. devil gets all the ppl who do bad things and tourchers them ...wait a sec I thought he liked bad ppl
3. devil takes everyone god dont want

hmm it seems to me this devil is mearly an agent acting as 'temptation' and therefore is rather frienfly with god cause he help give them the freedom of choice.. whats choice without temptation? and this whole tourchering your subjects jsut does not fit unless you like that sort of thing when ye go to hell then its jsut another form of heaven it just keeps the ones that sucumbed to tempation away form the ones in heaven

JB posted 11-06-98 01:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     

Eh, hmmm. To put it lightly:

Did you ever pass spelling class in second grade?

If English is you native language, you should yell at your teacher. If not... yell at you computer

Abdiel posted 11-06-98 02:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Abdiel  Click Here to Email Abdiel     
Dcreeper, the fault in your "facts" is number 2. Where, pray tell, did you get the idea that the Devil tourchers (sic) anybody?

I'll tell you where. It's a fallacy created by the minds of men, propagated most effectively by mass media. Hell is not the Devil's kingdom, except in some perverse sense (read Milton to figure that one out). Rather, it is a place where all are punished, Devil included.

The Devil's motivations are presumably simply to hurt God as much as possible by causing as many people as possible to fail to come to the Truth of Christ. Whether or not he wants them to help wage a second war for the throne in Heaven is a moot point. This is the fault of your third "fact", though it is not exactly crippling to your argument. The Devil doesn't take people that God "don't want." He doesn't take anybody, in truth. God wants everyone, but he can't accept sin into Heaven, it would violate His just nature.

This is getting too long, but those are the most important points to raise, I think. Write with questions if there's anything in need of clearing up.

Zan Thrax posted 11-06-98 02:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zan Thrax  Click Here to Email Zan Thrax     
Actually, I would apreciate it if someone explained exactly what Satan's job description is. And an explination about the nature and purpose of hell would be nice too.
I'm interested in what the Bible says, and in what the various Catholic texts of the last two thousand years have added.

BTW, I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic, because while I hope that there is something greater than humanity, Christianity seems contradictory, Catholicism is far too controlling and hateful, and I just don't know much about any other religion.

GrimStoneKane posted 11-06-98 03:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GrimStoneKane  Click Here to Email GrimStoneKane     

God wants everyone!! everyone (yes even the abortion dotors....)

He Loves everyone (yes even the atheist)

Before Time was Time Satan was one of gods angels.....who thought he could take on god....

Hell is someplace i would not wanna be.....
The fires there burn you but never consume u
in aggony forever is not something i wanna go through

Think.. who created the world.... wanna hear my theory?

the universe created its self!! think about it!

The big bang sent Trillions of molecles off at near the speed of light.. what if 1/1000000 of those passed the treshold of time now the is something where there was nothing before...... these molecles created the universe..

But! who could have created time?

i thank u all for this lovly forum to chat about something till SMAC comes out

btw i'm christin flame me if you want

Abdiel posted 11-06-98 04:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Abdiel  Click Here to Email Abdiel     
Zan Thrax, I'm going to be perfectly honest. The best way to get a "job description" of Satan is to read Milton. I mean it. He sums up all the most relevant information in Paradise Lost. It's an amazing read.

Truth be told, though, it's wrong to talk about Satan having a "job." He was not appointed to the task of temptation, he's not supposed to torture the bad guys or anything. He is punished for what he did in trying to usurp authority in Heaven. He would just prefer to thwart the plans of God as much as possible by taking as many human souls with him as he can. Looks to me like he's succeeding fairly well. . .

DCA posted 11-06-98 05:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
What makes discussing religion sort of difficult for me is that most religious people seem to be living on an entirely different planet.

So, Satan tried to usurp God's authority, and is therefore currently punished in Hell. Unrepentent (sp?) that he is, he takes his revenge by pilfering human souls. Except for approving of Satan's rebellion (authority should always be challenged - especially absolute authority as in God's case), this stuff is quite difficult to argue with. Of course, I think it's all complete baloney, but it's no good pointing to facts, and all logic will do is to point out the occasional contradiction.

Better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven (ruling is quite boring too tho)

Heckler posted 11-06-98 05:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Ok just a few questions I have yet to get a decent answer to.

Question One.

Why would an omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient entity such as most agree god is, (especailly in Judao/Christian mythology) want anything to do with the primitive inhabitants of a planet orbiting a fairly average star out in the galactic and universal boondocks?

Question Two. (directed at those who think their religion is the only right one)

Why would the above being care how he was worshiped?

Question Three.

Why would said being care IF he was worshiped?


My personal opinion is that organised religion is bunk take a good look at what you get told sometimes and then read history. The stuff they shovel out belongs on a cornfield not in a "House of God."

Mortis posted 11-06-98 05:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
I think that God and Satan would be friends. They've obviously been doing their thing for a long time and are both good at them. I think at the very least they would have a lot of respect for each other.

Okay, now to the serious bit. I am an athiest, but I'm very optimistic, beliving that everything is posible. I think that the whole thing depends on what the devil thinks. The are two options, either he's pissed off at God for banishing him to hell and he takes souls for revnege. Or he is pure evil so he like taking souls and torturing them.

Although I haven't read the whole thing, I think a lot of the things in the Bible contradict themselves. Like if God loves everyone then why are people going to Hell in the first place. I would asume that God is more powerful than Satan, so he would have the power to take everyones souls to heaven.
And if he loves eveybody so much then why Noah's flood, I know that he said he'll never do it aging (never ever), but didn't he love everyone before then?

Plus... What about Judgment Day? Will the people that God loves less go to hell, will he say,
"Look, it's getting pretty crouded up here, would you mind taking some bad people of my hands?"

Mortis posted 11-06-98 05:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
I din't realy mean to bag the church like that, but I was on a role and I hit the submit button before I could read what I writen.
Abdiel posted 11-06-98 07:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Abdiel  Click Here to Email Abdiel     
Ok, Heckler, I'm going to do my best. No promises, though.

Number One seems fairly easy. In addition to the qualities you list, the God is a god of infinite Love as well. It is His Love that compels Him to care about the lives of us finite creatures.

I'm not sure that I understand what Number Two is asking, honestly, so I can't really help you. There are too many ways that that can be interpreted. I don't want to choose one and possibly choose wrongly. Perhaps you can clarify for me?

Number Three is difficult, perhaps. I suppose it's fairly easy to say that He doesn't need us, or any other creatures, to worship Him. However, given that He is worthy of worship, isn't it better for Him to be worshipped than for Him not to be?

P.S. I know that my answer to Number One appeals to God's Infinte Love. I know what someone is going to say. "How can an infinitely loving God allow people to go to Hell?" I wish to head this one off at the pass, if I can. God is not only all the other things, he is infinitely just, as well. It is not just that sinful people go to Heaven. Sin has no place there, it would violate God's very nature if it did. That's why there has to be a Hell, and it's why people must go there. There has to be a place where Sin is punished, since that is what is just. This is by no means a full and complete answer to every objection that can be raised, but I would prefer that this only serve to head off the most obvious attack, and thus lead to more thoughtful, and powerful arguments.

Come on, SMACers. . .make me proud!

talon54 posted 11-06-98 07:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
Well you guys opened this can of worms so here we go.There is no such thing as hell.It is a concept to cause fear in the masses so the church can control there followers.Would you place a soul in eternal suffering when that soul could not learn anything from it, if he is to remain there forever?If you would not do that,do you have more love than God has?And what do you mean are god and satan friends. Do you mean do they stop and have tea together.It is a myth to think that God intended evil to exist in any form.Every soul contains a little spark of god. Satan did not want to bow to the spark of god in man because he was too prideful and thought he was a higher being. At that point the war in heaven started and Satan and his followers began spinning their own pseudo creation with their own minds apart from the mind of God.If you take evil and turn the letters around you get a veil. A veil that hides the truth of god.Now lets add another piece to the puzzle.
Reincarnation. It used to be in the Bible.But in the 4th or 5th century at the council of Nicea, it was removed.So you have only 1 life and if you dont get that 1 right your going to burn. What a crock.Actually its all very logical and scientific. Youve been here for millions of years as a soul. you have put out energy in certain forms.Some conform to the mind of God, kindness,love,joy. etc. and some dont anger,hatred, fear etc. Your here to overcome your fears and be more godlike.You have probably heard of the word karma.Well when your thoughts and actions are not good, you create karma.So your here to balance that energy you have created or miscreated.Its like having to balance any energy system.And this is probably the most controversial part.Jesus cannot remove your "sins",ie he cannot balance your energy that you miscreated.It is one of the reasons why a lot of people do not believe in Chrisitianity today.That you can just rub a magic ring and say that you believe that Jesus is your saviour and all your sins are forgiven.Bah.You created it, you balance it and be responsible for it.Well thats my religeous lecture for today.

Heckler posted 11-06-98 07:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Evidently I was misunderstood in my questions.

Here is a clarification

Question 1.

God (Defined as above) why would such a being reveal himself to Mankind of all things?

Question 2.

This question was directed at everyone who says "my way of worship is the only right one and if you dont follow it you <insert form of punishment here>"

Why would God (as defined) care how we worshiped him?

Question 3.

God (again as above) why should he/she/it care if we worshiped him/her/it?


new questions

If God does care how we worship him/her/it why havent we all been punished? To my knowledge every religion on the planet has had at least one major change in its mode of worship.

As above if God does care how we worship is such a being worthy of being defined as god?


Why must God be a being of infinite love? Assigning a Human emotion to god is in my opinion not acceptable as part of a religious argument. In answer to why not I ask a second question. God by <western> definition must be Omnipotent, Present, Scient, any other attributes are not agreed on by the religions I am referring to.


Due to having no personal knowledge of eastern beliefs (including Hinduisim, Buddisim, and a multitude of others) I am asking the above questions in refrence to the mainstream Judeo/Christian (including Judiasim, Christianity (in all its forms), and Mohaemedisim (commonly refered to as Muslim)) However anyone is welcome to attempt to answer the questions.

dushan posted 11-06-98 08:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dushan  Click Here to Email dushan     
As DCA said, religious people view the world in a completely different way. Normal logic (to us) and observable rules of physics do not apply. I'm not saying this is bad (in fact I find it quite romantic, though I can't do it myself), just that any arguments are futile, as each side views the problem completely differently. Nevertheless such arguments are great fun, so I'll try to participate :-)

To start with, some things that don't make sense from my point of view:

-if god is almighty, and loves humans, why the hell doesn't he get rid of satan?
-why would an almighty being want humans to sacrifice animals for him? That's just ridiculous
-even worse: why would an almighty (and infinitely loving) being want humans to mutilate their babies (as jews do till today)?
-the idea almightiness is doesn't make much sense in the universe I live in :-)
-wouldn't an almighty being know how the mankind will develop and forsee what mistake he is making? Wouldn't he make his creation more suited for civilised life and less animal-like (we are very aggressive species, and it seems like we could be a lot more intelligent too)

From god's POV, satan's existence can be negative, neutral, or positive. It is clearly in the god's power to destroy satan, so it is unlikely he would bear his existence if he didn't like it. If it is positive (i.e. god's using satan as a tool against potential sinners), then satan, who hates god would probably try to do the most damage to god - by suiciding :-). My conclusion is that god considers satan to be of no importance... That could be used to derive very strange things about both god and satan :-), let me know if you don't like my reasoning.

Ok, so this is not very serious. A lot of the stuff I'd like to say has been said before (DCA, Mortis, Heckler and Zan Thrax).


PS: Mortis - from what you say you might be agnostic, not an atheist...

Heckler posted 11-06-98 08:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
My answer to the original question of this topic is thus.

Though I believe in God, I don't believe in Satan as I think that mankind has no need of help in performing atrocities (think Hitler, think Stalin, think Jhiad, think Crusades, think Inquisition and that is the short list.) Pleanty of evil acts (evil being defined as that which brings about more pain/suffering than happiness/enjoyment) have been performed in the name of God.

And another question (directed at the christians)

Of the above list of atrocities the crusades, and the Inquisition were performed by christians, Hitler was a christian. Did the people who commited these acts go to Heaven or Hell? Why? Where did their victims go? Why?


P.S. For those who havent guessed I like asking tough questions.

Heckler posted 11-06-98 08:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Ok I have an answer this time. God cannot be defined as existing "within" our universe. Any such being would break several known laws of physics (conservation of energy and relativity to name two) therefore God must be defined as existing outside out universe (or perhaps inside but existing on a higher Dimensional level, as opposed to our free movement in 3 space dimensions and controlled movement in 1 time dimension. However this ignores the philosophical possiblility that the universe we live in is not the one we see )

Concerning circumcision this was proabably instituted as a health practice as in the unsanitary world of old it was not only possible but proabable that the area under the foreskin would not be cleaned. This has been shown to cause some nasty infections after intercourse (in the woman silly.)


Patiently waiting for the standard form answer "God is so far above us we have no idea why he would tell us to do <blank> and we have no right to question him" so he can have a good laugh.

dushan posted 11-06-98 09:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dushan  Click Here to Email dushan     
I agree that the procedure was most likely intended for medical reasons. However, the bible suggests that the almighty god, instead of telling us how to maintain good hygiene of our private parts, just tells us to cut the skin off. Ouch. And it's not even up to the individual to decide - it's done to little children. Also, from what I've heard, there is no medical proof that the circumcision has any benefits whatsoever (that is, when the proper hygiene is maintained). I wouldn't be very happy if i'd have my organ mutilated by my parents. I know that some jews feel the same (although they weren't so lucky ). I have nothing against circumcision as such, I just can't believe parents are allowed to make the decision for their children.

I think this is just the tip of the iceberg - the religion forces people to do many other dubious things, not so easily observable. I think that children's minds are being mutilated too. The way children are brought up in religious families reminds me of education in communist countries (I spent a part of my childhood in one, so I know ). I believe the child should not be tought that god exists, told to pray, go to church, etc. Its mind is not fully developed till early teens, and it can't properly reason about the information it is being fed. In fact, when I was a very young child, I was cared for by my (religious) grandparents. I used to pray, go to church and I probably believed in god without any questions (though I can't remember very much). This is not in any way 'faith', and I can't see why any god would want humans to rape their children's minds like that. I'm sure you'll disagree on that one, but my mind is open - persuade me if you think I'm wrong.


Heckler posted 11-06-98 09:44 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
The problem with this is that untill you are capable of forming your own moral code you have no standard of what to judge your actions against. Thus some outside code must be given to children for them to follow. Where this code is to come from is the big problem, as if one grows up without something to hold yourself up to you tend to lack (the classic problem with a lack of "father" figure for young men) though this is not insumountable. Human behavior is very much based on what our parents defined as allowable as those are the only role models we have for a good portion of our lives.

Yep religious education has a lot of tie in with brainwashing both

Try to get them young. A mind with no other refferences can not tell what is right or wrong.

Keep them from ideas which contradict with those you want them to have. See above.

Make them feel like they belong. Children for the most part have a great need to feel as part of the group.

It is in my opinion a bit much.


I grew up in a very religious family and community, fortunately I never felt a great need to follow the group. So now instead of a brainwashed zombie I can actually think for myself .

Calculus posted 11-06-98 11:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Calculus  Click Here to Email Calculus     
I'm sorry but not all religions of "Judeo-Christian Mythology" as you call it, believe in either Satan or hell. As talon54 has said it so well, it was just a way for the Church to gain control on its followers. I have also heard what you've said about reincarnation, and I think it may certainly be possible.
Aga1 posted 11-06-98 04:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aga1  Click Here to Email Aga1     
If you dont belive in a devil or god then how do you explain exorsit's.Even the pope himself did an exorcisim.The movie the exorcist was based on a true story.And there have been sevral exorcisims in the world.
Spoe posted 11-06-98 04:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Placebo effect, psychologically speaking?

Someone has a nervous breakdown, thinks he's possesed. So people bring in a priest to do some mumbo-jumbo and convince the guy that he's all better? (to put it in (very) untechnical terms)

DCA posted 11-06-98 04:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Aga: Anecdotal evidence, though occasionally amusing, proves absolutely nothing. I think some of Freud's theories would explain the exorcism phenomena quite nicely. If it's true, as you say, that the pope has 'done an exorcism', I think that says more about the him and his church than anything else.

If I were you I'd dance naked in the middle of the street just to embarrass you.

DeStrider posted 11-06-98 05:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DeStrider  Click Here to Email DeStrider     
Wow, who would have thought to find a spiritual discussion on an Alpha Centauri board. Anyway, I'll try to answer some questions that have been posed since Abdiel posted last. BTW, Abdiel, I think we're pretty much on the same wavelength.

Many of my examples use a family as an analogy. To date, this has been the best way for me to visualize and understand God.


1. Why would God reveal himself to mankind?

Why does a human parent reveal himself to his newborn baby? Out of love for his children. A parent nurtures a baby from birth until the child can take care of himself. The child is not aware of what the parent is at birth, but his understanding grows as he grows older. Humans could ignore their newborn children as well. Why don't we abandon our babies in the street? For the same reason that God doesn't. Love.

2. Why would the above being care how he was worshiped?

Personally, I don't think he does care. If you had ten different children, and for your birthday they each gave you 10 different gifts, would you care what they were? Personally, I would accept each gift for what it was. Worship is a gift we give God.

3. Why would said being care IF he was worshiped?

Just imagine if you had children and they ignored you. You would feel hurt. Worship is a way to "spend time" with God. I believe that worship is a way to build a relationship with God.


Frankly, I don't think Satan takes souls. He
makes sure that they go to hell, but then he couldn't care less what happens to them. Imagine if you were really HATED someone, you'd want to get back at them any way you could. So, you'd figure out the way that would hurt them the most, and do it. By preventing souls from joining God, Satan hurts God the most he can.


Your questions are a little harder, but I'll try to explain my opinion on the matter.

1. if god is almighty, and loves humans, why the hell doesn't he get rid of satan?

God gave us free will. Why he did this, I'm not completely certain. He could have created a world where we were mindless robots and did the right thing ALL the time. However, we do have free will, and that allows us to become greater than robots. In order to have free will, there has to be a choice. Instead of trivial choices like apples vs. oranges, we were given good vs. evil. Eventually God will get rid of satan.

2. Why would an almighty being want humans to sacrifice animals for him? That's just ridiculous?

We don't anymore. I can't really comment on this one, since I have no idea why people originally did this.

3. Why would an almighty (and infinitely loving) being want humans to mutilate their babies (as jews do till today)?

Health reasons. Same reason for not eating pork. Don't do it, because refrigeration didn't exist, and people were getting sick as a dog off of it.

4. wouldn't an almighty being know how the mankind will develop and forsee what mistake he is making? Wouldn't he make his creation more suited for civilised life and less animal-like?

It's back to the free will argument. Yes, He could have made us perfect with perfect knowledge of good & evil. Those were the angels, and still some of them chose evil.

Heckler (again):

1. Did the people who commited these acts go to Heaven or Hell? Why? Where did their victims go? Why?

Humans can't judge others. There are many instances of people who led sinful lives and then repented at the end, and truly meant it, who were saved. For instance, the thief who died with Jesus. He realized he was a sinner, and was truly sorry. At that point in time, he grew spiritually and was forgiven. Likewise you can probably regress.
Since I'm not omniscient I have no idea. My best guess, though, is that they went straight to hell.


Religion != brainwashing

By your same argument, anything that your parents did for you, would also be brainwashing. By your definition, life is brainwashing. If your parents feed you "Life" cereal, you would be brainwashed either for or against it. If they had you listen to Barry Manilow, and you liked it, you could claim it as brainwashing. But, if everything else they exposed you to is not brainwashing, how is exposing you to their moral & spiritual code, brainwashing?

Aga & others:

Past exorcism's, what about miracles? Take Fatima. 70,000 people across 25 miles of Portugal witnessed the miracle of the sun during World War I. The best page for that is

Whew... If you guys have any questions at all, please feel free to ask away.

Take care....

Dcreeper posted 11-06-98 06:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     

therefore God must be defined as existing outside out universe

physics proves that leaveing ones universe or entering another will screw up the energy and theoreticly cause a kablooy(my physics tach actualy said kablooy today :P)

if god did exist in this different universe, it is more likely to by a high tech speciecs with far superior knowlge of energy


Just imagine if you had children and they ignored you. You would feel hurt. Worship is a way to "spend time" with God. I believe that worship is a way to build a relationship with God.
I have trouble fixing human concepts
on a non-human subject, it is highly probible that this god doesn't care and moved off to start another project on someother planet

Religion != brainwashing
do I sense a programer's typeing here?

Dcreeper posted 11-06-98 06:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     

therefore God must be defined as existing outside out universe

physics proves that leaveing ones universe or entering another will screw up the energy and theoreticly cause a kablooy(my physics tach actualy said kablooy today :P)

if god did exist in this different universe, it is more likely to by a high tech speciecs with far superior knowlge of energy


Just imagine if you had children and they ignored you. You would feel hurt. Worship is a way to "spend time" with God. I believe that worship is a way to build a relationship with God.
I have trouble fixing human concepts
on a non-human subject, it is highly probible that this god doesn't care and moved off to start another project on someother planet

Religion != brainwashing
do I sense a programer's typeing here?

"I prefer to be defined by what I am not,
by what I am."

Dcreeper posted 11-06-98 06:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     

typo typo...sigh
if god did exist in this different universe, it is more likely to by a high tech speciecs with far superior knowlge of energy

if gof fif exist in this different univiers, it is more likely that god is in fact ahigh tach species with lots better energy know how

"I prefer to be defined by what I am not,
by what I am."

Mortis posted 11-06-98 07:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
I sense some of you are saying that Exorsism, Healing, Visions and other "miracles" are prove of God's existance. I say that God is just a way of interprating them. You can't place your belive in God on a few supernatural happenings. What if its magic, what if its paraspycology, what if its ghosts. I think that God and the bible are simply interpretations of what happend.

For example 10000 years ago before the ice age ended the Medditiranian and the Black sea where both lakes, because the water level had droped there was a lot more land, and a huge delta north of the Black sea. Now when the Ice Age retreated the sudden rise in water level burst through the straigh of Gibralta and later into the black sea. Now you could say this could be used to prove Noah's flood. But you could also say that Noah's flood could be used to prove this.

It all depends on whether you take the top down approach or the bottom up.

Jojo posted 11-06-98 07:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jojo  Click Here to Email Jojo     
Don't you wish I was God, so I could answer the question?

Since I'm not, here's something the disturbed me recently. A Christian once used a (King James) Bible to confirm his theory that men exist to glorify God.
Now that same Bible makes it pretty damned (pun intended) clear that God created man (not the other way around!)

I was wondering what sort of God makes beings to glorify himself? Does God have some unresolved issues with His confidence that he needs to create preening little toadies to back Him up?

On a non-Judeo-Christian front, if reincarnation is a fact, then how come there seems to be an ever-growing abundance of souls on this planet? We had maybe 1 billion people a hundred years ago, now we have roughly 6 billion. I know that this assumes only humans have souls. If, in fact, all animals or even all living things have souls, then is extinction of a species a "good thing" in that it allows a soul to assume human form, which is apparently the only form which ponders its own mortality?

Also, why is it Judeo-Chistian? Why never, Judeo-Islam? The followers of Mohammed, as I understand, also use significant portions of the Torah, Talmud, etc.....

One thing seems clear to me, however, if God is a Christian God (i.e., Jesus is not a bastard), He seems to get off on creating servants. (Why elese would he create men and angels?) It is therefore most likely He wil enjoy playing SMAC, and its developers will not have to go to the nether regions.

MedIntern posted 11-06-98 11:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MedIntern  Click Here to Email MedIntern     
First off, let me first say I am a Christian, but rather liberal Christian at that. Wish to state several of my opinions and also several things I have learned in different theology classes.

1) Circumcision -- 1. There is no medical evidence, aside from studies published by the US Army, that circumcision provides any medical benefit at all!!!! The US Army, in WWI, found out that men who were circumcised developed less trench fever (or crotch rot as it is more commonly called) and decided to study the effects of circumcision. I feel their studies are inherently biased, as I would if Bayer produced a study stating aspirin is a panacea. In fact, circumcision is a procedure that has risks and causes decreased sensation to the glans of the penis. This being said, I am the father of a 8 month old son. He is circumcised. Hypocritical? Sometimes I think I am, but my brother had a genetic deficit with his penis that slightly deformed it and was ridiculed in locker rooms. In the South, the vast majority of men are circumcised and I did not wish my son to be ridiculed. Even so, there are many times I wish I had not done the procedure.

2.) Hell -- I do not believe in a hell as a location. In actuality, it was not until the Jews were forced into Babylon and exposed to the Babylonian religion which had an afterlife that heaven and hell became apparent to the Jews. Before that time, all Jewish writings from that period have no statement of heaven, hell, or any afterlife.

3) The omnipotence of God -- have several crises of faith with this one, especially where the Flood comes in. If I am omnipotent and omniscient, surely I could come up with a better solution than killing all the humans, (including the innocent babies, that another forum topic discusses). In the New Testament, he does--he sends his Son. If I am omnipotent AND omniscient, I would not fix a problem one way one time and a different way the next. One solution would be better than the other, and I would know it. Secondly, God promises never to destroy the world like that again. The only time I ever say I will never do something again is when I realize I made a mistake the first time. Granted, I am giving God a lot of humna characteristics, but after all, he made us in his image. The part of the flood that is most troubling me, though, is the destruction of newborn babies.

As I said before, I am a Christian. Actually, more of a Thomas Jefferson Christian than anything. His bible began where Jesus started his teachings and ended at the cruxifixion (sp?). No OT, no resurrection and no teachings of Paul. (who I believed turned Christianity into more of a religion of laws than a religion of love, which I believe.) If anyone is interested, read Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity by Bruce Bawer. Had some very thought-provoking viewpoints.


Spoe posted 11-06-98 11:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
. Thomas Jefferson's stated preference(he was a non-denomonational theist) was for the Unitarians. The main difference between the Unitarians and mainstream Christianity at that time(not today, mind you), was that they did not accept the Trinity. Several of the other early presidents(the Admas, I believe) were Unitarian, as were some other famous men like Henry David Thoreau(sp? mental freeze up here).
Shining1 posted 11-07-98 12:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Religion is an outmoded concept that entraps spiritualism in a shell of secularism and leads to fanaticism, dehumanisation, repression and dogma. It's also something that has swept the world and stood totally unchallenged right up to the last four hundred years.

Bad habits are hard to break.

Mithyrl posted 11-07-98 12:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mithyrl  Click Here to Email Mithyrl     
Science should be our true faith...after all we have progressed far to the point of cloning humans and soon we shall be Gods in our own right creating and destroying life as we know it. Oh we of small minds. We think that we are so above everything in the world and the science will be our savior. In the end we all must face our creator. We can argue what we "think" we know to be true and live our lives believing it to be so. But what matters really is the life we have lead, and the good that we have done for humanity. Even if you don't belive there is a God somewhere....what matters is how we treat the people argue about heaven..argue about hell....argue about if there really is a God. Your deeds will be the measure of who you are. But always believe....always hope there is something more. For without faith there is truly nothing at all.
Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 01:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Hey all. There seems to be a bit of confusion that I think I can clear up. Here goes:

God does not send people to Hell. Let me put it this way, Heaven is being eternally with God, Hell is being eternally without Him. God loved us enough to give us free choice. (Freedom, the same thing Canada, America, and most of Europe etc... are based on. Also, the same thing that the United Nations exists to promote.) God wanted us to love Him, but he gave us the choice not to. Guess what we chose? Yeah, we chose not to love God. This all goes back to Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden tree. You may object saying "I had nothing to do with that!" True, but you have sinned (as have I, continuosly and greatly) So, we have a problem. We all have chose to reject God, we have all sinned. And as Romans 3:23 and then Romans 6:23 say, (paraphrased "Everyone has sinned, and therefore does not live up to God's expectations. We all deserve to die." And we all do EXCEPT that God loves us more than that. So, God came up with a plan (This may seem like a strange plan to us, but remind yourself that you, unlike God, are not Omnicient) Well, since we are not perfect, we need something that is to make us right with God. Therefore God sent to earth His Son Jesus who lived a perfect life for us, and whom we killed out of our own stupidity. But, this was all part of the plan, God knew we were gonna do that 'cuz we are evil. Well, Jesus died, and so we were all doomed again right? All destined to die apart from God but then... Jesus rose from the dead and conquered this death so we have can be united with God again. All we have to do, is accept this gift from Jesus. THAT IS IT. Since we are sinful and fall short of God's expectations, no work can ever reconicile ourselves to God, only the work of God through Jesus' death and resurection can do that. So accept it! Accepting it is accepting a 'golden ticket' to heaven. If you don't get a ticket though, you'll find yourself without God forever when you die. And God is love. A loveless eternity is something you don't want. But remember this throughout your life GOD LOVES YOU!!!

That's the Christian doctrine in a nutshell, and I have tons of things I would like to address because I know that they will be asked, but I'll wait 'til then.

MedIntern: I would ask you to re-examine your beliefs. Jesus' death has nothing to do with salvavation unless we needed it in the first place, and Genesis (the Old Testament) gives that account. Also, Jesus constantly quoted the OT, He must have believed it. Also, in address to Paul's epistles, have you ever read Galatians? I think that if you do read it, you will find that Paul was very aggressively opposed to law. He stresses over and over and over again that the law has nothing to do with salvation, but only the grace of Jesus Christ. Anyway, what matters is Jesus Christ, and so if arguing about it divides us, then I'm not gonna do it. Thanks all you guys/galz for answering and aasking questions.

God Bless you all,
Larry Boy

DHE_X2 posted 11-07-98 01:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DHE_X2  Click Here to Email DHE_X2     
Right on Larry Boy! Couldn't have said it better myself (partly because I don't have the attention span to write long messag...)

I am Christian, Abdiel, go around the forums a bit, you'll find some of my posts about religion. I just happen to have some heterodoxical views. Not many, but some.

Aga1 posted 11-07-98 01:38 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aga1  Click Here to Email Aga1     
I am a Roman Catholic and proud of it.Roman Catholic from the day i was born till the day i die.And no intelectual is going to prove that god dosent exist.God and Jesus exist.

My 2 Cents

DCA posted 11-07-98 01:57 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Larry Boy: "This may seem like a strange plan to us" - Yup: Sounds like one of Baldrick's cunning ones. Well, I won't argue with you on the Bible stuff, which you undoubtedly know better than me, and which I see as 50/50 wisdom/crap anyway.

Interestingly, most people seem to be driven into religion to find some meaning in their lives; to me the idea of an omniscient / omnipotent being just makes everything pointless. God never needed to send his son to Earth, he could just change our memory so we believe it happened. Believing in God would be my final descent into nihilism: nothing is true, you can never be free, it's all just a game ruled by the ultimate puppeteer; the only possible rebellion is to tear the world down for its own sake.

A question though: Would we still have free will when we're in Heaven? If not, wouldn't it get annoying after a while?

Tom posted 11-07-98 02:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tom  Click Here to Email Tom     
I'm an atheist.
Does that mean that god loves me, but
since I don't believe in god, don't read the
bible, don't go to church & think that the
pope has too much of Parkinsons than to tell
me not to use condoms,
I will eventually go to hell?



Jack_Schitt posted 11-07-98 02:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jack_Schitt  Click Here to Email Jack_Schitt     

In answer to the post that started this
terrible thread, no it wouldn't seem that
they are best friends, best of enemys I would say
problem is, I don't believe either exist, as I am Buddhist



"You don't know me"

Talron posted 11-07-98 02:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talron  Click Here to Email Talron     
Some good stuff going back and forth here. Good job those of you explaining the orthodox views. BTW orthodox just means what has been generally agreed upon by Christians through the ages.

Just want to address a few minor points:
dushan: You said religious people aren't logical. First of all, if this were true the grand majority of the people from Einstein to Aristotle would be considered illogical. Isaac Newton spent more time on religious writing than the laws of physics. There have been and are many thinkers who are also Christians. One of my favorite authors is C.S. Lewis whose "Mere Christianity" might be instructive to any of you who care to do a little reading.
I personally wouldn't be a Christian if I didn't think it coincided with reality. It is because I see it as the best explanation out there for reality, and because I've seen it personally confirmed in my life that I stick to it. While there are limits to how far our logic can take us, where logic and science are applicable, Christianity should agree.
Along those lines:
Dcreeper: about the being entering or leaving the universe, we're talking about an omnipresent GOD here who created the universe, so terms like leaving or entering are not applicable.

Some other stuff . . .
Jojo said:
Also, why is it Judeo-Chistian? Why never, Judeo-Islam? The followers of Mohammed, as I understand, also use significant portions of the Torah, Talmud, etc.....

Judeo-Christians believe the Old Testament or Torah, etc. is authoritative while Muslims believe it has been corrupted. They don't know by whom or how it was corrupted, but since it disagrees with the Koran they decided it must be flawed. There are other differences, but I haven't looked into them much.

Talon54 said:
Reincarnation. It used to be in the Bible.But in the 4th or 5th century at the council of Nicea, it was removed.

Just yesterday I read the statement produced by the council of Nicea (The Creed of Nicea)and it didn't have anything to do with reincarnation. They certainly didn't edit the Bible as you seem to imply. Your tirade was interesting, but lacking substance, just like some sermons I've heard

You claim Hitler was a Christian. I'm wondering where that idea came from. It's certainly possible he claimed to be a Christian (a lot of people have), but it seems unlikely that he was for obvious reasons (Jesus was a Jew; in the end people from every people, tribe, and language group are supposed to be in heaven; not to mention love your neigbor, etc.)

Well that's all I've got for now. It's been fun! I'm also glad to answer questions (or pass them on to the right people).

Talron posted 11-07-98 03:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talron  Click Here to Email Talron     
DCA: Would we still have free will when we're in Heaven? If not, wouldn't it get annoying after a while?

Yeah, we'd have free will, but it would be so stinking obvious what the right thing to do is that we wouldn't have any problem doing it. Remember, good isn't some arbitrary made up thing, it's what the omniscient God knows is the absolute best way to live.
As for getting bored, I doubt it. The infinitely creative God has been preparing a place for his people for quite some time now, and if we mere humans can come up with something like SMAC in just a few months, imagine what God can come up with.

Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 03:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Hey! Thanks Talron! I was gonna respond to that one. (-8

Tom, of course God loves you! More than you can ever imagine in fact! He died for you man, and He'd do it again if He had to, but he doesn't. Salvation is already free. Just take it Tommy! I'm praying for you Tom, and you say you don't read the Bible. Well, if you find any free time, I dare you read the book of John, if not for anything else, then for the entertainment value. Love you all!!!

God Bless,
Larry Boy

JB posted 11-07-98 03:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     
Heh. I hate preaching. Can you PROVE God exists? And don't ell me to prove He doesn't, it's up to you to prove He does. Also, sice God is omni(potent, scient), why are there atheists? Don't you think He would have converted all them? He could do it, if he is omnipotent. And why is monotheistic religion so YOUNG? Why didn't the Greeks believe in God? Or the Amerindians? Or the Chinese? Or the Egyptions (The list goes on). Why would He tell the truth to a few people in Europe, and not the rest of the world? If he loves us all, why doesn't he seem to have cared about anyone but the Europeans? From this alone I base my dis-belief in God. And I'm only 12. If I'm run over tomorrow by a truck, will God have mercy on me for not believing? What about all the babies who have abortions and have not taken part of ANY religion? What about the millions of Greeks and Romans who died thousands of years ago? Did they all go to Hell for believing in Jupiter and Zeus? THAT is the problem that I see logicly in an omni(potent, scient) being.

Wow. Sorry, I got a little carried away.

DCA posted 11-07-98 04:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Well, I'm afraid we're not really speaking the same language here. To me, the fact that life is going to end is what gives it meaning. I don't think it's possible to be perpetually happy; you must also be sad sometimes or your happiness is never contrasted by anything, and therefore ceases to exist.

Talron: If you always know what is the right thing to do, you don't have free will. As you would of course never do the wrong thing (that's rebellion, non?), there would always be only one path to walk; you never get to choose. Dictatorship through discourse (Foucault?).

DCA posted 11-07-98 05:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Thank God for not existing.
talon54 posted 11-07-98 05:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
To talron:
You mean because you read the Nicean Creed that means that there were no books removed from the bible? (Sigh)What kind of a logical leap is that? The Nicean Creed deals with the main argument raging at the council during that time which centered around Arius,a pastor in the Alexandrian Church,who taught that Jesus Christ was not equal or eternal with the creator, but as the Logos, was the first and highest of created beings, "divine only by participation",By Gods Grace.In other words was he totally one with God or just the highest being that has ever been created. Thats all the Nicean Creed
addresses.Nothing else about the activities of the Council are addressed in the
statement.But being the substance guy that you are,Im sure you can look up the Empress Theadora,in your history book.I'm sure that you can find a pope who was, by her orders ,assasinated during that period. He was killed over these very issues.And there were books removed at the council!Of course I wasnt there so I'm not an eyewitness.What other parts of my statements lack substance by the way? Peace Brother!
talon54 posted 11-07-98 07:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
To reply to some of Hecklers statement more specifically.
Why would God care if we worshipped him?

I think it is erroneous to assume that an omnipotent,omniscient, omnipresent being does not desire to be loved by someone or something,especially if you created everything and everyone in the first place.
To not think that God desires Love from us is to project a human idea of what God is upon him.All creatures and beings need Love. Why shouldnt God also desire it.Also from Gods point of view he has the Handbook for Ultimate Happiness and Joy.If worshipping God
means you can also learn these rules, why wouldnt God want you to participate."Of course the trick is you have to believe that following what God believes in will make you happier than you are now".You also have to have an idea of what it would be like to be happier than you are now,but enough of that one.

Why arent we all being punished for worshipping incorrectly?
Ill say it again. God is not in the punishment buisness.However he is in the teaching and learning buisness.Which again is why the impersonal law of karma was set up.You get back what you give out.Again a punishing God is a human projection placed on God by those contaminated by CCJ, Criticism,Condemnation,and Judgement,further promoted by the hellfire and damnation promoters at your local church,not all of them mind you."Son you were born in sin and your going to hell if you dont believe in our doctrine.Makes you feel like getting closer to God don't it? Its a shame because it creates a great distance between man and God,
because you feel like your such a lowlife that you can never get near God.The things that you see happening to people are for the most part there energy coming back to them.
It may cause pain and suffering but it is not Gods punishment.

I really dont think god gives a hooey how you worship him as long as you meet two criteria.

1. Your not harming anybody else.
2. What your doing is actually bringing you closer to Him and helping others.In other words your not just jawin in the wind and wasting your time.That one is really my opinion.

Your right that all the worlds religions have changed their doctrine.All religeous movements lose their original divine spark and become somewhat corrupted.But all the seven major world religions are valid as far as worshipping God goes in their original form.They each outpicture a different aspect of God.I belive that if your a good Bhuddist you'll go to heaven. Or a good Hindu,whatever it is.Some one quoted on the past forum that you get to heaven in spite of your religion not because of it.

Rebuttal. Ascribing human emotion to God.

Ill ask you a question? What makes you think that Divine or Infinite Love is the same thing as a human emotion?Yuo'll have to research that for yourself.

I would also like to pose a another question?
Would the universe ever come to existence out of Divine Hate?Is there such a thing as Divine hate? I dont think so.
Finally I would like to address Miriams picture and how this shows societies picture of a supposed religeous person.Does her face reflect a person who is in the Presence of God a lot?Or rather how society views a kind of stiff overly righteous fanatical believer?
To me she looks like she's about 5 bowls of prunes away from even beginning to be relaxed. Maybe its just me,but I think religeous people are being stereotyped in this portrait.I wonder what the artist was trying to portray? My sermon is over.Hallelujah brothers.We will now pass the offering tray.Please leave your Smac demo disks,sigh, (if they were only here) as a token of your appreciation of the many precious gifts you have recieved today.Amen!! (Organ music rises and the chorus sings.)

Heckler posted 11-07-98 02:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Ok a lot to respond to

Exorcists - This has already been covered quite well, suffice to say that any good student of psychology can name you pleanty of ways for this to be explained.

Why would God reveal himself to mankind? - Though several answers have been given none have yet been able to withdraw Human attributes from God and still do so.

Larry Boy - Please bring proof of your statement, or at the very least a logical line of reasoning.

Jesus - Ok for those who care to look there is more than enough historical evidence show that Jesus was hardly perfect. No I cannot at this time bring refrences my library is currently in storage in the U.S.

Hitler - This is a valid point I simply assumed that he was a memeber of the formost religion in his lands i.e. Chritianity. However, the question still has not been fully answered and I urgently wait for some to do so.

Of the above list of atrocities the crusades, and the Inquisition were performed by christians, Hitler was a christian. Did the people who commited these acts go to Heaven or Hell? Why? Where did their victims go? Why?

If some of those who claim that belief in Jesus is pancea would please answer this I would greatly appreciate it.


I'm thinking about more questions.

For future knowledge, those who wish to say how God "feels" about something would you please be so kind as to present documentation signed by him? Thank you.

JB posted 11-07-98 03:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     
If he's omnipotent, how can he let himself be sad? Why should he want to have every human on Earth warship Him to make him feel better? Why would he need it?

Amd you still didn't tell me why He would choose to reveil the Truth to a froup of Europeans a few thousand years ago, when He could have reveiled it to EVERYONE at the same time in the time of Creation.

Talron posted 11-07-98 05:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talron  Click Here to Email Talron     
To talon54:
Sorry about that, I should have done some reading up before I wrote about the Council of Nicea. It makes sense that they were also involved in the canonization process. I just assumed that since the point of the Creed was to combat Arianism that that was also the point of the council.
I do agree with a lot of what you're saying in general like about worship and stereotyping of religious people, but I don't see the major world religions as being reconcileable, so your "religious lecture" seemed a bit incongruous to me personally. After giving it a second look, I can see that there's a lot of thought behind it. I'd like to apologize for dismissing it so lightly. Let the debate continue!
talon54 posted 11-07-98 06:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
I dont understand what your driving at with this human attributes and God thing?Are you saying that because we attribute human attributes that he is just an invention of man?Shouldnt the creation, man, reflect something of the creator who made everything.So when you see an example of love on earth why cant that be the same as GoDs love or a reflection of Gods love.I believe it says: As Above, So Below.
The same thing with an act of mercy on earth.Why cant this reflect an attribute of God, the mercy of God?Is this like a bad thing or something?Would you rather have God have no emotions at all?Can you enlighten me more about whatyour driving at with these human attributes? Also no argument is going to change your opinion about God.You have to meet Him halfway, that is called Faith.It doesnt mean that you cant question things, but you have to put them aside long enough for God to answer you.And since I cant seem to get a hold of his Secretary, I dont think hell be signing any statements lately about the fact that he really feels a certain way.
talon54 posted 11-07-98 06:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
To Talron--- I also have to apologize for being flippant in some part of my answer.I get defensive sometimes.Were all trying to get to the same place after all.Cheers
Spig posted 11-07-98 07:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spig  Click Here to Email Spig     
I want to EVERYONE here what happened to me today. I was filled totally with the holy spirit - Gods messanger on Earth. I feel amazing, and I know that I have a little bit of Christ Jesus in me.

I'm no theologan - I'm only 13, so I don't know much about Heaven and hell, but I know the Almighty God loves you and me, infinately more than we could ever love Sid Meier, and if you don't already know Him, then I suggest you try to meet him. As I type this I am quivering with happiness, and I feel fulfilled.

'I am walking in the light of the Lord'


Mortis posted 11-07-98 08:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
What have you been smoking?
Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 08:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Just a quickie. I keep hearing this phrase "Assign human attributes to God." Or something like that. That is a faulty assumption, you see, Christians are saying God is love BECAUSE that's what God told us. Humans get emotions from God, not the other way around. That's like saying Sid Meiers Civilization one got severl of it's aspects from Alpha Centauri. NO! That's silly, it was made years before Alpha Centauri. Heckler, what statement is it that I said that you wanted me to prove?

I think that this answers several statements. God reveals Himself all over the place. The very fact that there is love is evidence of something above matter. You can twist logic around, but matter and energy cannot create something like love. Without God, the universe is like a giant calculator, everything is defined by sets of laws, and everything happens under nothing's free will. Nothing has a choice. A planet cannot decide to shift its orbit and go the other way, a star cannot decide to give off only blue light rather than white light, a tree cannot decide whether it will produce cherries or apples, and a human being cannot decide to play the game alpha centauri. It is all programmed into us by the laws of the universe. In this hypothetical universe, there is not feeling, there is no free will, there is no philosophy, there is not evolution, there is nothing worth anything. How can anyone say that they can have meaning doing what is right if there is no right? It makes no sense.

As for the history of Jesus, there were 17 secular historians who talked about him, and a multitude of Jewish historians that wrote of Him. Obviously, the Jewish historians would not want to say anything good about him as their entire belief system is based on Him not being perfect. The Romans (most of the secular historians) also did not want Christianity to spread and considered it a cult and a pestilence. HOWEVER, there were many things recorded about Him saying that He performed miracles (They claimed it was an occultic practice he learned as a child in Egypt) that he did heal people, and they confirm many Biblical accounts of His life. What documents prove that He was not perfect when over 24,000 within about one hundred years of His life do?

This is a great forum, I too agree that there is much though put into it. Religion is obviously very important. As several people have mentioned, it has been the cause of may wars/conflicts/and inhumanities in history. I hold to the truth that Christianity approves of none of them. They have all used religion as a guise. Hitler was not a Christian, and not only was he wrong in what he did, but the church in Germany was wrong not to stop him. Jesus would have been the first to confront him.

Well, thanks for the ideas and thoughts again. I hope to respond to other stuff later. Have a great week everyone!

God Bless,
Larry Boy

Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 08:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
One last thing... AMEN SPIG! Don't stop at this spiritual high though, keep on going! Yeah! Praise God!
JB posted 11-07-98 09:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     
Well, is it possible that your "spiritual high" was caused by non-spiritual means? Perhaps you are having a hormone flux

I know I sometimes get a "spirtual high", but not with religion: I get the greatest feeling when I learn something new, like, yesterday, I learned how your nerves generate electrical signals. VERY COOL! I was in a gret mood for the rest of the day.

And how do you know there is anything religious to do with your "high"? Perhaps you are just having a good day. Perhaps it was something you did. I'm sure science can explain why you feel so good, so I don't think it's very smart to credit it to spirits, especially when you have no proof of it. That's another thing I don't like about religion- anything you don't understand you say we "weren't meant to know", credit it to God, and leave it at that. I hate that. We should never assume we "weren't meant to know something", because it stifles our creative abilities.

"Fantics assume we know the Truth already, and edit evidence to fit it, while scientists assume we know nothing and edit their Truth to fit the evidence."
-- I have no idea, as I made it up, but I'm sure it's been said

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 11-07-98 09:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
I suppose I could jump in with an upisde for religion. It's a scientifically proven fact that prayer reduces blood pressure over time, & has some immediate effects involving the loss of cholestoral. Now, I'm sorta religious, but I don't attribute these to Gods miracles, I attribute these to the inner peace feeling you get while praying. It works almost like a curse. When you curse someone, you have to tell them, because if you tell them, they think they're going to die, & because they keep thinking they're going to die, they do. Simple enough.

Another upside, religion gave civilizations throughout history, a will & a reason to do things. It may be war, which is bad. But don't forget, the reason the pyramids were built for the Egyptian religion. Plus, would people back then do anything of importance, if they had nothing to look forward to after they die. I doubt alot of people would try hard on such works of art such as the pyramids, if they didn;t think they'd have a place next to the king/God.

I don;t wanna get involved anymore in this, religion is a touchy subject, & it seems a majority of this forum is atheist.

Octopus posted 11-07-98 10:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
YYYH: You shouldn't let being in a minority position scare you away from making posts. And you certainly shouldn't let the touchiness of a topic scare you away -- those are exactly the topics that are the most important to discuss! What kind of Spartan are you going to make if you keep running away?

I'm an atheist myself, but there are a lot of atheists out there who can be just as fanatical and hard-headed as any "religious wacko". If atheists are not constantly exposed to the many resonable people who hold religious views, they sometimes tend to grow complacent and (ironically) begin to adopt holier-than-thou attitudes.

The most ardent believers in any cause are the converts. Since most of the world is in some way religious, almost the entire population of atheists are converts. I think that this may account for the "aggressiveness" with which some atheists pursue the debate. It is my experience that almost all of the "religious" people I have met regarded it as a simple, personal, private thing that they did on there own. I have met numerous atheists who are very "fanatical" in their crusade to prove that religion has caused nothing but problems in the world, and that everybody would be better off as an atheist.

Atheism is a position held by many intellectuals, and Atheists have been quite adept at casting their position as the morally superior one, making the mildly religious afraid to speak out for fear of being stigmatized as a fool or a nut. So, if you are religious, speak out!

(By the way, Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey, I'm not targeting you specifically, other than the comment meant in fun at the beginning, your post just reminded me of a social phenomenon that I see in our society).

Dcreeper posted 11-08-98 12:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     
Yo_Yo_Yo- actualy prayer is very clsoeoot meditation (no i have no facts, these are personal obsevrations) ye need put yer hands together and while mentaly praying, since yer concentrateing on this prayer thing your body has a habit of relax, blood pressure is often caused by stress, if ye look ate what mediation is known to do.. I dont dout the effects are the same

-- Larry
1. very intelegent people think differently from the average person.. this makes it difficult for many atheist to belive any human characterisics put into god as he is so vastly more intelegent and wise he very liekly sees things very differently
2. (personal)Defintion of love: The instinctive need to care and protect for one's species. note: any 2 ppl that are mentaly compatible will 80% love each other, and I dont just mean yer mate call it 'brotherly love' if ye want, if careinf for one another was not nessisary for survival then love would not exist example: the snake
the snake(suposedly) does not have the feeling of love because it is unessisary, when it lays its eggs, it covers them the best it can the leaves and does not return, hatched snake are on their own.. if this god equaly loves all.. then y do snakes not have the right to love one another?

3. .. okay this is realy a question, Larry, are you a preacher? or related to one? I am seriously curious cuz ye would do well on one of them tv 'god loves' shows and I'm kinda wondering if ye ARE on one of them

Dcreeper posted 11-08-98 12:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     
doh, typos...
very clsoeoot meditation

very close too meditation
HermitTwig posted 11-08-98 01:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HermitTwig  Click Here to Email HermitTwig     
I don't believe in God (or at least religion). I believe in science myself. Religion, to me, is just a faulty way to explain the unknown. But don't get me wrong, here. I think science leaves open the possibility for a god to exist. But religion today does not allow for science to exist as it is. Religion contradicts science, but science only expresses the truths out there, and in many cases it contradicts religion. Plus, I have to ask myself: If God exists, and god created the earth and the rest of the universe, what created God?

Another controversy for ye: In many cases, would we (as a species) not be better off without religion? Think about it. Conflicting beliefs between the major religions is a main factor in many wars and aggression between nations. A perfect example of this is Iran and the U.S.. Iran hails the U.S. as the great Satan; why?? Because of religion. Our beliefs of religious freedom (among other freedoms, i.e. women's rights) conflict with what their religion tells them what is "right".

I also think that in the future, there will be less and less support for religion. They will lose thier following. Look at the past compared to now. A far less number of people actually belive in religion than even a hundred years ago. And why is that? Because that many more people realize that religions explanation of the creation of the universe among other things is a crock. According to the bible, the universe was created in seven days. According to science, the universe is roughly 15 billion years old, and the earth itself being 5-6 billion years old (if I remember right). So, religion changes their views to meet that of science, so they say that one day could actually have been many million or billions of years. Each time something new like that comes up, relgion changes their views, much like the earth acutally revolving around the sun, etc. And everytime they do that, I think that religion looses more and more of its credibility, until eventually, pretty much everyone will think it is a load of sh!t.

I apologize if I offended everyone or anyone, but tough.

Larry Boy posted 11-08-98 02:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
JB: A 'spiritual high' is very different than any other type of high whether it be emotional, physical, or well, drug induced. Ok, so I don't exactly know about that last one. (-8 I can't think of any way of explaining it. It's like trying to explain what ska sounds like to someone who is deaf. It is just not in their experience (assuming they have always been deaf

I also disagree that science can explain everything. (And I realize that you didn't say that, I'm just building off what you said) Science is great, but not everything can be explained, and not everything proven scientifically. For instance, you can't prove that George Washington was the first president of the US because there is no way of repeating it again and again in controlled circumstances observing and recording data. It also cannot explain conciousness, or actually anything spiritual. A person could argue that it can, but I don't think they would get very far proving it.

DRCreeper: I sure hope God thinks and feels differently than we do about things! He wouldn't be much of a God if didn't. (-8 But as far as I believe, God does tell us much about Himself in the Bible. That's what we know what God is like.

You think that love is instinctive eh? Why do so many people hate then? How could racism be explained if love is part of genetically. How can hate be so prominent? What makes us love some things and not others? I don't understand what you are saying about 80% of people loving one another. I think that maybe there was a typo of some sort there and I'm not quite getting it. I don't know about the average person, but I can honestly say that I love everyone, not just 80% and not just who I am mentally compatible with. I'm sure you have a good explanation for this because you seem to be a very logical and intelligent person, and I doubt you would believe something unless you could prove it quite well.

You asked about me be a preacher or a tele-evangelist. As far as I know, I'm just some 16 year old kid who loves Jesus! (-8 I was Jr. Pastor of my old Church (I recently moved out east) and I did preach a few sermons. I'd love to go into seminary and become a Pastor, that's what I am studying to do. But I would also love being a missionary. Hey, whatever! (-8

I have to agree that athiests have had their faults, but so have religious people and lots of Christians! It's nice to know that we don't have to be perfect for God to love us. For those of you who are athiests, how much faith do you have the there is no God? It must require a lot of faith to believe that there is this universe that has just always been here, and that despite the odds, you evolved from mere chemicals and now sit in front of a computer screen with this thing dubbed as 'conciousness' and you have no idea where it came from. It also must be very confusing to think that when you die, you will simply not exist, and that if you die at the age of 30 or the age of 80, it really makes no difference in the scheme of things. The universe after all, can go on without you right? Well, whether you care or not, I love you regardless, and if you die without knowing Jesus Christ, I will cry a lot. And you do make a difference in my life even if you have no effect on the universe in eternity. I LOVE YOU ALL AND SO DOES JESUS!!!

God Bless,
Larry Boy (-8

Larry Boy posted 11-08-98 02:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
HermitTwig: Sounds to me like you have an awful lot of faith in science. Science however, is not God, and is as faulty as religion has been in the past. Science doesn't always seek truth nor does it fit itself to the facts. Science changes daily. The Christian doctrine (at least mine) has not changed for 2,000 years! Science once said that things fell to the ground because that is where the belonged. Science once said that the earth was the center of the universe (note that the Bible does not say that), science once said that the earth was a few million years old. Science once said that we evolved from neandrathal. Science said that matter and energy were different things. Science held not long ago that dinosaurs and birds were not related. What will science 'discover' tomorrow? Don't fool yourself into believing that science is always right. And I agree that science and religion can co-exist. By the way, I don't know any Christians who think that the days in Genesis represented millions of years. That logic fails for many many reasons, and is only held by those who have no clue what they believe or why they believe it.

I hope that I didn't sound to harsh there. I didn't mean to, and if I am offending anyone, please let me know because I will try to minimize it. But sometimes the truth offends. Jesus sure wasn't afraid of dishing out truth even if it offended. Anyway, PLEASE have a great week!!! I love 'ya all, and may it be known that if you need anything, I'd be super happy to do anything I can for you.

God Bless,
Larry Boy

Mortis posted 11-08-98 07:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
Larry Boy - Exacly! You just made my point for me. Science is always changing, always updating always making sure that it is right. If someone makes a mistake in Religion then there is no way of making sure that what they said was right or wrong. With science you can prove what you are trying to say over and over again. And if you can't then something is wrong with your theory.

And you can't judge science, by it's early days because then it was a lot like religion. Someone had a theory, they thought about it, and if they liked the idea they told everyone that it was true. And they belived them. Only in the last few hundered years did scientists realy start checking and rececking their data to make sure that they where right.

And most new discoveries in science build upon past discoveries, giving them more meaning. Very rearly do you see a new theory that proves an old theory wrong.

talon54 posted 11-08-98 08:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
Im not sure that I understand people who say they believe in science.Believe in science to do what?AS a model to base your life on as far as behaviour and a code for living by?I dont really see science addressing those issues.Science as a way to make you happier?
There are two opposing views between religion and Science that make them quite different. Science uses reductionism to tear objects down to their smallest part so that the can be studied and explained,whereas religion tends to deal with the universe as it is and explain it using supernatural,(something above and beyond the senses,)causes.It tries to explain the big picture just as it is.Also it tries to define your relationship to the universe as a whole.Which is where you get so many codes of conduct from the various religions.I think science indirectly benefits our lives, but Im not sure thats it's main purpose.I think the perfect state would be for science and religion to work together to benefit our lives.
Mortis posted 11-08-98 08:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
We should get Miriam and Saratov in here.
talon54 posted 11-08-98 08:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
By the way, a day in the Bible represents a cycle of time. It doesnt have to mean 1000 or a million years, but certainly isnt meant to be taken literally like a 24 hour day.Many things in the Bible are archetypes representing different spiritual teachings.
Imagine knowing very high spiritual truths and having to communicate them in the days when Jesus had his mission.He had to speak in a language people of that day would understand, thus the parables.He couldn't very well talk about energy fields to goat herders.Many things in the Bible are the same way.If your openminded enough you might want to study the Hindu teachings of the cycles the universe goes in and the different ages.
Ya dont have to believe it, but you could look at it.
Heckler posted 11-08-98 10:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Ok going to go down the list

Larry Boy - As someone else pointed out God is so far above us by definition we cannot ascribe our atributes to him they will not fit. In addition the question I was asking you to answer was,

God Love You!

Please define this it is far to ambigous <sp?> going by term please Define God (or are you using my definition?) Love (or are you using Dcreepers' definition?) You (please clarify under what conditions this applies)

Thank you

In addition I ask you to answer the question

Where (heaven or hell) did the purpetrators of such acts as, the crusades, the inquisition, the holacaust, and other similar atrocities go? Why?

Part two of the above
Where did the victims of the above atrocities go (heaven or hell)? Why?

Lastly I have had the privilage of studying not only the Christian bible but also the Jewish Talmud and though several of the stories in it about Christ are not flattering (one relates how he violated the most holy day of the jewish year) several praise his scholarly excellence bringing him as an example of how ones origins should not interfere with ones life.

talon54 - Why should a day in the bible change what it means? The bible is at least in part a history of geneoligies in such a historical book it would be counterproductive to change the meaning of such a basic term as "day." Secondly Jesus was not for the majority of his life teaching to goatherds he was speaking to fairly learned men (for instance in order to be included on the jewish high court at the time one had to know 70 different languages, have a commanding grasp of biology, mathematics, and astronomy, aside from being familliar with the entire Talmud (a volume which is over 30 books)) I am fairly certain that they would have understood energy and fields fairly well (admittedly this knowledge was not as advanced as our current science but was at least on par with that of the greeks.)


Who is still waiting for someone to present a logical answer to his questions

Larry Boy posted 11-08-98 01:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
I will say it again. We do not assign human characeteristics to God, He created us, and thus our characteristics. The difference between God and us, is that He always chooses love and good while we occasionly if not most of the time choose evil.

I don't know if I can define love to your expectations. I'm not a scholar, but here goes. There are I believe 8 definitions of love, in my opinion there are only 7 because two of them have to do with sexual attraction and I would probably lump them both into the same thing. The word for love that is used to describe God is in Greek 'agape'. Agape love is unconditional pure love. Agape love is described in 1st Corinthians chapter 13, I'll quote a bit of it: "And now I will show you the most excellent way... Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres. Love never fails... And now these three remail: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." That is agape love, God's love. It means that no matter what we do, no matter what happens, He loves us. He loves us like the perfect Father loves his children. He would do anything for us. He even sacrificed His own perfect Son that the rest of His children could then have a good relationship with Him. That's God's love. That's my definition. Also, see John 15:13 and surrounding verses "This is love, that one would lay down his life for his friends." and 1st John chapter 4.

Dealing with the issue of the attrocities, I cannot say where those people went. Number one, because I never met them. Number two because I am not the judge of this world, God is. He will decide, and this is the basis for His decision: Did this person love Jesus Christ with all their heart, and all their mind, and all their soul, and all their strength? Now, you don't need to know Jesus' name to love him. One of my friends was a missionary in Thailand and he shared Christ with an old woman there. After he told her, she said "I have loved Jesus all my life, but now I know His name." You see, God reveals Himself to everyone, look for Him in your own life. Anyway, God is the judge, and I trust His judgement perfectly though I suspect some of you may not. I guess that's something I can't address. About the attrocities that were committed: The Bible does not define degrees of sin, only degrees of earthly punishment. The Bible's position is that if you sin, you deserve to die. That includes me, that includes Hitler, that includes you. It is Jesus and Jesus only that saves a person and brings them to God, not how, when, or how often they sin and what good deeds they do. The Bible says in Matthew 5:19 that if you break one commandment, then you have broken them all. That is the grace of Jesus Christ, that no matter what you have done, are doing, or will do, you are forgiven because of God's love. If you are willing to accept Jesus who is that love, then you accept complete forgiveness and God will change your life. So you cannot say that one person is worse than another. You can't pin one person and call them more evil than yourself because you are not the judge. As for the victims, they are just like the victims of our lies, or out deceit. It is not what happened to them that matters, but do they have faith in Jesus? I hope that answers your questions.

Mortis: My point was that science has been wrong, and true religion never has. As you said, science only started to be science in its own form within, well, the last two centuries in my opinion. Religion has been around since the beginning of time. In my opinion, this gives Christianity a big advantage in reliability over science. Also, what makes you think that science is so wonderful. I mean, it is true that it has done good things like medicine etc. but it also developed nuclear weapons, and biological and chemical weapons. I would go so far as to say that if there had been no technical advancement past say, the iron age, Hitler would never have been able to kill so many people nor would have Stalin been able to. Those 10 million people that Hitler killed probably would have had pretty good odds against the German soldiers had the germans been armed with bronze spears. Don't you suppose? Let's say science gets to the point where we can use matter and energy easily and exchangeably. For instance, I can walk up to a machine and ask it to make me a plate of spaghetti. Great, but can't someone else ask it to make them an anti-matter warhead? Boyd says it like this: As our power grows, and our decisions have the ability to affect more and more people, we can either hurt or help more. So in the end, doesn't it matter about the morality of the people rather than the technology they have? Let me go back to Hitler to show this. Hitler, had he been a moral person, could have helped a lot of people with his power, like a mother theresa with a world power behind him. Instead he used it to kill and destroy. Isn't it more important that we develope moral character and not scientific developement? I am not agains technology, if I were, I wouldn't be typing this, but I think that morality and in fact religion is far more important. I'm eagerly awaiting your thoughs.

One last thing Heckler, Jesus wasn't just speaking to the well thought Jews of His time, He was talking to everyone who would live for at least the next two thousand years on earth. The Gospels that we have were written by fairly common men, though Paul who wrote most of the epistles was quite learned, the others were Matthew: a tax collector, Luke: A doctor (not like today) John: A fisherman I believe, and I'm not sure about Mark. The writers of the Gospels were sharing the message of Jesus with common people so what they included was the simple stuff. It is possible that Jesus did speak about energy fields etc. with the people would understand it, it just wasn't recorded because apparently God doesn't think that is as important as the message. Anyways, I will say it again because I mean it: I love 'ya all!

God Bless,
Larry Boy

Larry Boy posted 11-08-98 01:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
I will say it again. We do not assign human characeteristics to God, He created us, and thus our characteristics. The difference between God and us, is that He always chooses love and good while we occasionly if not most of the time choose evil.

I don't know if I can define love to your expectations. I'm not a scholar, but here goes. There are I believe 8 definitions of love, in my opinion there are only 7 because two of them have to do with sexual attraction and I would probably lump them both into the same thing. The word for love that is used to describe God is in Greek 'agape'. Agape love is unconditional pure love. Agape love is described in 1st Corinthians chapter 13, I'll quote a bit of it: "And now I will show you the most excellent way... Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres. Love never fails... And now these three remail: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." That is agape love, God's love. It means that no matter what we do, no matter what happens, He loves us. He loves us like the perfect Father loves his children. He would do anything for us. He even sacrificed His own perfect Son that the rest of His children could then have a good relationship with Him. That's God's love. That's my definition. Also, see John 15:13 and surrounding verses "This is love, that one would lay down his life for his friends." and 1st John chapter 4.

Dealing with the issue of the attrocities, I cannot say where those people went. Number one, because I never met them. Number two because I am not the judge of this world, God is. He will decide, and this is the basis for His decision: Did this person love Jesus Christ with all their heart, and all their mind, and all their soul, and all their strength? Now, you don't need to know Jesus' name to love him. One of my friends was a missionary in Thailand and he shared Christ with an old woman there. After he told her, she said "I have loved Jesus all my life, but now I know His name." You see, God reveals Himself to everyone, look for Him in your own life. Anyway, God is the judge, and I trust His judgement perfectly though I suspect some of you may not. I guess that's something I can't address. About the attrocities that were committed: The Bible does not define degrees of sin, only degrees of earthly punishment. The Bible's position is that if you sin, you deserve to die. That includes me, that includes Hitler, that includes you. It is Jesus and Jesus only that saves a person and brings them to God, not how, when, or how often they sin and what good deeds they do. The Bible says in Matthew 5:19 that if you break one commandment, then you have broken them all. That is the grace of Jesus Christ, that no matter what you have done, are doing, or will do, you are forgiven because of God's love. If you are willing to accept Jesus who is that love, then you accept complete forgiveness and God will change your life. So you cannot say that one person is worse than another. You can't pin one person and call them more evil than yourself because you are not the judge. As for the victims, they are just like the victims of our lies, or out deceit. It is not what happened to them that matters, but do they have faith in Jesus? I hope that answers your questions.

Mortis: My point was that science has been wrong, and true religion never has. As you said, science only started to be science in its own form within, well, the last two centuries in my opinion. Religion has been around since the beginning of time. In my opinion, this gives Christianity a big advantage in reliability over science. Also, what makes you think that science is so wonderful. I mean, it is true that it has done good things like medicine etc. but it also developed nuclear weapons, and biological and chemical weapons. I would go so far as to say that if there had been no technical advancement past say, the iron age, Hitler would never have been able to kill so many people nor would have Stalin been able to. Those 10 million people that Hitler killed probably would have had pretty good odds against the German soldiers had the germans been armed with bronze spears. Don't you suppose? Let's say science gets to the point where we can use matter and energy easily and exchangeably. For instance, I can walk up to a machine and ask it to make me a plate of spaghetti. Great, but can't someone else ask it to make them an anti-matter warhead? Boyd says it like this: As our power grows, and our decisions have the ability to affect more and more people, we can either hurt or help more. So in the end, doesn't it matter about the morality of the people rather than the technology they have? Let me go back to Hitler to show this. Hitler, had he been a moral person, could have helped a lot of people with his power, like a mother theresa with a world power behind him. Instead he used it to kill and destroy. Isn't it more important that we develope moral character and not scientific developement? I am not agains technology, if I were, I wouldn't be typing this, but I think that morality and in fact religion is far more important. I'm eagerly awaiting your thoughs.

One last thing Heckler, Jesus wasn't just speaking to the well thought Jews of His time, He was talking to everyone who would live for at least the next two thousand years on earth. The Gospels that we have were written by fairly common men, though Paul who wrote most of the epistles was quite learned, the others were Matthew: a tax collector, Luke: A doctor (not like today) John: A fisherman I believe, and I'm not sure about Mark. The writers of the Gospels were sharing the message of Jesus with common people so what they included was the simple stuff. It is possible that Jesus did speak about energy fields etc. with the people would understand it, it just wasn't recorded because apparently God doesn't think that is as important as the message. Anyways, I will say it again because I mean it: I love 'ya all!

God Bless,
Larry Boy

Larry Boy posted 11-08-98 01:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Sorry about that double-post. My server was spazzing more than usual. (-8
HermitTwig posted 11-08-98 04:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HermitTwig  Click Here to Email HermitTwig     
While I admit that science is changing, but that is one of the fundamental ideas behind science: a more perfect explanation. I'm sorry, but an omnipotent being created everything does not cut it for me. You're right that science will most likely never be able to explain everything. But neither will religion. But the changing in science is due to the difference between a theory and a law. A theory is something that cannot yet be proven, and yet it offers a possible explanation. A law is an explanation that has been found to be absolute; which is also why there are not many laws in science. In fact, the only laws I can think of right now involve motion.

Another picking point I have is evolution. I am a strong believer in the theory of evolution. I admit that some people may have the order of succession out of whack, but nonetheless, I still think that the theory itself holds true: Survival of the Fittest is what it comes down to. If you don't think that this holds true. Look at the world of medicine, in the past couple of years. Some of the biggest scares have come from new strains of bacteria and new viruses. Bacteria are remarkable in their ability to quickly evolve. Less than 20 years ago, we could treat many bacteria, especially the common ones such as E. coli. But now, extremely common bacteria have become resistant to our antibioitics because a few have spontaneously mutated, and these mutations provided them with an ability to produce a protein that disables the anitbiotic (note: I am not saying that all mutations in bacteria give them resistance to antibiotics, and resistance to one antibiotic does not necessarily mean that it will be resistant to the next antibiotic). This is the basis behind my project in my ap bio class. Through continuous exposure to antibiotics, we are going to force a previously nonresistant strain of E. coli to become resistant; or it will die. Those that develop the resistance will surivive and procreate, those that don't will die. This is evolution. A friend of mine that is extremely religious and does not believe in the theory of evolution is helping me on this project. I don't think he realizes what the real meaning of this project is.

You can't tell me that evolution does not exist or take place. If you do, you are ignoring the facts. I could go on with my other arguments (such as the creation of the world in seven days), and I probably will later, but I have to go.

Larry Boy posted 11-08-98 04:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
HermitTwig: I stated in several other forums that I do believe in micro-evolution. You're right, THAT is a fact and I would never deny it. Macro-evolution (the changing of species) is however a falicy. Bacteria micro-evolve quickly because they reproduce so fast. The chances of getting a right combo in their genetic code increase greatly because of their productive rate. No one, however, has seen any organism evolve past the genetic limits that they already have. No creature has ever gained a chromosome. Things cannot change species. By definition, species differ when that particular species can only reproduce a fertile offspring with another of that species. That means that if a new species were to evolve, it would die off because "it takes two to tango". That is of course on a sexual level. This cannot be held up against an asexual creature such as bacteria.

Also, laws have been deemed incorrect. Even now, Einsteins THEORY of relativity (not saying I disagree with it, just emphasizing the word 'theory') has begun to make us second guess Newton's LAWS of physics. These laws which as you say are "aboslute" are being re-thought. Certain parts of gravity don't work out when REALLY big things or REALLY small things are interacting, or at extremely high energy levels. It seems to me that all laws are absolute until they are proven otherwise. (-8

Religion cannot explain everything, only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can do that. That is what Christianity is. Too bad it's not a try-before-you-buy deal or everyone would be able to see how amazing Jesus in your life is. Have a great day Hermy, and everyone else too!!! Love 'ya!

God Bless,
Larry Boy

Octopus posted 11-08-98 05:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
Larry Boy does have a point on one thing. Even though the theory that "Natural Selection will cause desirable traits to propagate through a population in succeeding generations" is almost self-evident, it does take somewhat of a leap of faith to say that all of the biological diversity around us arose that way (I believe it did, by the way). The reasons that I believe in evolution via natural selection is that it is "simpler" in the Occam's razor sense: we already have a mechanism that results in genetic differentiation (Natural Selection), so it is "reasonable" to assume that this process resulted in all of the differentiation we see around us every day.

By the way, Larry Boy, I don't think it would be TOO difficult to cause a population to differentiate so much genetically that it prevents interbreeding (speciation), but that doesn't necessarily break your argument. Anyone care to run the experiment? (Or has it been run already?).

talon54 posted 11-08-98 07:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
To Heckler
:Your correct in that Jesus spoke to a wide range of audiences that had various educational backgrounds.The thing about letting God speak through you is you always say the right thing at the right time to whoever you are speaking to so that you get your message across.There was also an inner teaching meant for those who could understand it, and an outer teaching for the masses.

People who committed atrocities where did they go?
Since I have stated that I dont believe in hell,they didnt go there. Since I also believe in reincarnation, I believe the souls on both sides ,those who committed the atrocities and their victims,rested in the spiritual planes before they reembodied again to start over.

I believe there are many planes in heaven, like octaves on a piano keyboard.It is seperated by higher and lower vibrations.
People who commit atrocities go to the lower planes for a while and it feels like your in hell.This is where the descriptions of hell come from.
If you saw the movie Ghost,you saw the bad dude,who got killed when he was hit by the car, get dragged down to the lower levels by the dark looking beings.People who commit atrocities have a low vibration,and so they are drawn to that level.

Their victims probably went to higher planes to rest until they came back.

Days of the Bible-- all I am saying about the days thing is that it was meant to show seven distinct,seperate cycles of creation.

The mind gets lost without the heart to guide it. Talon54 OUT.

talon54 posted 11-08-98 07:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
i forgot to add that the various levels of heaven I referred to is stated in the Bible as "in my Fathers house there are many mansions."
DHE_X2 posted 11-08-98 09:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DHE_X2  Click Here to Email DHE_X2     
ok short post here:

So called human emotions are not originally human, as Christians (Jews, Islamics) know, we were created in the image of God.

Science cannot disprove or prove God, to believe in something is the basis of faith.

Talon, interesting interpretation. Slightly heterodox, but well founded.

Mortis posted 11-09-98 02:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
As DHE_X2 said, we are created in the image of God (apparently). So why couldn't we fully understand the exsistance of God.

Secondly, I think that everyone/thing has a dark side (I'm not saying that God and Jesus have a darkside, because I can't comment on that). With science as, with religion there are good things and there are bad thing. Many people have killed in the name of God. They knew that killing was a sin, they knew that God loved everyone, but they still killed, thinking that they had carried out God's wish. You can't label people evil, just because of what they done, especialy if others brought out the person's darkside.

Heckler posted 11-09-98 08:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Larry Boy, you believe that everything Jesus said is completely true and should be followed to the letter corect? If that is so I assume you are familiar and follow the jewish laws of diet, family purity, and prayer (to name a few quick ones there are over 600) as and I quote "not one jot (generally agreed to refer to the Hebrew letter vov shaped somwhat like a lowercase L) or one tittle (again thought to refer to the Hebrew letter yud shaped somewhat like a single quotation mark ' ) will go out of it" he was according to every commentary I have ever read referring to the "Old Testament" or jewish pentatauch.

To those who claim that because God created man in his image our emotions are not ours but his this contradicts the idea that God loves everything if our emotions come from him where did we get hate, anger, frustration? Second point (which has been made before) God is Omniscient an intellect of that caliber is beyond our ability to compare ourselves to, it would be akin to saying that Einstein was the same as the rest of us when it came to understanding physics.

Is there anyone lurking who differs in opinion on the attributes of God (i.e. he/she/it is not Omni-potent, present, scient) a new opinion would be refreshing.


Larry Boy, please dont be upset when I ask you to concider again my previous question about the perpertrators and victims of atrocities you have yet to offer a truly satisfactory answer and have in my opinion danced around the one your beliefs seem to show "must" be true.

P.S. In my opinion we were created in the image of God in that we were given the gift of being able to alter our environment to suit us better, and have free will.

talon54 posted 11-09-98 08:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
The emotions or feelings of God and man used to be the same when the earth and all its inhabitants reflected the exact same Image of God.As Above so Below.Down to thoughts, feelings,energy patterns,down to the very atoms themselves all reflected as Above so Below.These feelings and thoughts took the very shape that you see reflected in nature, such as the Golden ratio found in the DNA structure,geometric patterns that you see in crystals and in leaf patterns and so on.
For good or for ill--God gave man free will
out of love for his creation,not wanting robots to follow him. Man chose to go his own way and started miscreating and inverting these enrgy patterns into imperfect thoughts such as anger,hate,envy,malice,whatever you consider to be a negative thought and feeling.Until you see the condition of the world as it is today,not all bad,but not as perfect as it could be.These imperfect negative feelings are bounced off one another and magnified until you get genocide,racial hatred and so on. Talon54 out.

Zoetrope posted 11-09-98 11:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zoetrope  Click Here to Email Zoetrope     
HermitTwig: You say you believe in evolution, yet your account of it suggests that you don't know what it is.

The way some people appeal to mutation verges on the mysterious, like an appeal to miracles to explain everyday processes that don't need them.

Natural selection does not imply mutation. It just means that some individuals die with fewer offspring than others. When you use antibiotics some bacteria die, so they cease multiplying, so there are fewer of those in future. But some bacteria don't die, so there are more of those.

The bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics weren't produced by mutation as a result of applying the antibiotics; they were always there. Now that the other bacteria have been killed, they have the world to themselves, and since bacteria multiply very fast, they fill it very quickly.

Natural Selection is just a fancy term for Death.

Zoetrope posted 11-09-98 01:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zoetrope  Click Here to Email Zoetrope     
Someone in this or a similar thread asked why monotheism is so new, and why only Europeans held that belief.

Because the question is wrong in fact.

Native Amerindians do believe in one God, creator of all things, whom they call the Great Spirit.

Australian aboriginals have dreamtime legends in which the creator visits the land in humble form, and teaches moral lessons to those who are willing to receive them. They conceive of the creator as distinct from the dreamtime ancestors, who subsequently reshaped the land. The dreamtime legends are mostly about those ancestors, but they speak of the creator as being before them.

Aboriginal legends are similar to ancient Greek mythology, which also saw animals and inanimate objects as transformed human beings. (Like Lamarckian evolution in reverse!)

The ancient Greeks believed that the Olympian gods were descended from earlier, more primitive (at least morally more primitive) beings, and that all things were eventually derived from the primeval `chaos' which by stages was replaced by a more orderly

Incidentally, when the English renditions of the New Testament speak of the `world' it's a translation from the Greek word `cosmos'.

Were the Greeks monotheistic before Christianity? Socrates, Plato and Aristotle believed in The One, who was the source of all things.

In the ancient legends of many lands, the polytheists agree that the many gods are derived beings. So those of them who thought that the potential for order indicated that Mind always existed, even when the derived gods did not yet exist, deduced that there is an eternal Mind, even while they practised the daily rituals of serving the derived gods.

Monotheism in ancient China? Yes, it's called Taoism. Taoists call God the Jade Emperor, because they picture God's throne as being made from the substance that was most precious to the ancient Chinese. Jade was expensive because it had to be imported from
places as far as India. Jade was also regarded as symbolising eternal life. There is a similar image of God's throne in the New Testament, which pictures it as made of a precious mineral such as Emerald or Sapphire.

Monotheism in India? Yes, there are some strict monotheist movements within Hinduism, and Hindus generally believe in one God, and interpret the many lesser gods as manifestations of the one God's presence and activities in this world. Ask a Brahmin.

Do Buddhist believe in one God? Depends on the school of Buddhism! Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) himself referred approvingly to the Holy Land in the west. He also spoke of the need to live a moral life in this world, and that the conscientious would be rewarded in their life in the `next world'.

Buddha's Eightfold Way is not some morally relativist treatise, it is a set of firm principles by which a life should be lived:
Right Thinking, Right Action, Right Mindedness, and the others.

The first Buddhist emperor of India, Asoka (Ashok), renounced war as a policy, after leading a life of unremitting bloodshed before he became enlightened and saw the error of his ways. However, his government was not morally lax, it was strict. Offences were swiftly punished. No namby-pamby pseudo-`Buddhism' for him. I think you would find that the Dalai Lamas throughout Tibetan history have been quite stern to the severe lawbreakers, too.

Some people assert that Jesus learnt his teachings from Buddhism (though there's no evidence that he travelled to India), or that he learnt magic tricks in Egypt (though professional magicians failed to replicate his works), or that he was actually a Hindu
(though the historical evidence is of influence in the other direction). Orthodox Jews sometimes say that all that Jesus taught was already part of their teaching. You could make a case, based on partial similarity, for Jesus's teachings to come from anywhere you like, though the Orthodox Jews are closest to understanding, because he stated that his teachings are grounded firmly in the Tanach (Old Testament), and anyone who makes the comparison can see that they are.

Did Jesus demand that everyone become Jews?
No, he criticised everyone, Jew and non-Jew,
including his own supporters. When he met a person he would ask them to give up the one error that they were most attached to. `You lack one thing.'

(This theme of not being attached to the world or to one's habits, is very strong in both Buddhism and Christianity, but it's also in Old Testament texts that antedate both.)

The Roman soldier was asked not to use his position to extort people. The Jewish religious authorities not to demand that the people take on burdens too great to be borne.
A gentile woman was challenged to explain why she, whom the Jews considered a `dog' should share in any of the Jews' spiritual benefits;
instead of being huffy, she replied humbly that a dog may receive occasional crumbs from a family's table; he approved of her answer,
and they continued speaking.

In those days, Jewish men were not in the custom of speaking to women outside their household, so it was quite shocking to the authorities to see Jesus not only doing that, but giving women religious training on the same terms as men. Some people today still find it shocking.

At temple, the men worshipped in the inner court, while the women were relegated to the outer court, children had to be seen and not heard and to keep a resptful distance, and gentiles, if they were allowed in the precincts at all, had to remain at the extreme edges of temple. That isn't a Biblical requirement, but at the time it seemed the right thing to do. Jesus, however, taught men, women and children together.

Jews have always been keen on education, and since a mother is responsible for early education, she had to be well taught. However, as in most societies, it was generally considered that a woman's primary responsibility was to the family home, and that included cooking. Jesus went beyond that thinking, by commending Mary for wanting to study, ahead of Martha who wanted to cook.
Whatever some `modern Christians' may have asserted about `woman's place is in the home', in the first century Christian women were often highly educated and businesswomen in their own right.

A later example is Mohamed's first wife (his only wife until she died), a devout Christian, who owned her own trading business. They met when she hired him as a camel conductor (his early profession).

Later the `woman must not be seen outside the home' idea became entrenched, but it has no defence in the religious texts.

Kings always tend to mistreat women (and men and everybody), and the Torah (the Law of Moses) states that kings are a bad idea, and that although people want to have strong military leaders, they shouldn't, because then they will pay higher taxes, be conscripted into the army, and generally suffer mistreatment by their own leaders.

Was Hitler a Christian? Not that it's an excuse for him, but, no, he was a pagan.
Look at all the Nazi paraphernalia, the symbols, propaganda and paractices. Nazi rule was a conscious effort to mimic ancient Rome. The scantily clad (sometimes naked) women in the public ceremonies, the denunciation of native German writing styles as `Jewish' (!) in favor of Roman shaped letters, the obsession with `Reich' (Empire), the cult of the leader, the vow to serve the leader to the exclusion of all other loyalties, the imperial banners, the classical form of the buildings, the delight in public cruelty. It all reeked of the decadent Principate of the Caesars. But because of the perverted form of Darwinism that was their primary ideology, the Nazis were worse than the ancient Romans, who were proud of being a multiracial empire.

DeStrider posted 11-09-98 02:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DeStrider  Click Here to Email DeStrider     
Zoetrope: Actually, I have heard that Hitler originally was a christian, became an altar boy, and had aspirations to become a priest. However, something happened along the way, and his ideas became perverted into a master race and global domination. He is a prime example of "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions". You have to remember people commit evil not because they think it is wrong, but because they think that they, and sometimes others, will benefit from it. Hitler was someone playing Civilization with real people. I think he needed that level of
abstraction in order to commit the atrocities that he did. He moved little icons of infantry and tanks around on a board, and made decisions of "If it will unite the people, annihilate the jews." I guess that's why I use a lot of diplomats in these types of games .

Take care....

Larry Boy posted 11-09-98 05:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Wow, lot's of really thoughtful questions and answers today! Always a pleasant site after a long day at school. (-8

Heckler: I cannot read or speak Greek though I'm interested in learning it, hopefully this coming summer. Therefore, I must go by the translations that I have been given in English and the footnotes. The work gone into translating the Bible was one of the most amazing and impressive caliber, therefore I am fairly confident in the translation and yes, I do take Jesus Word as what it is in most cases. Sometimes just out and saying something is not the best way to put it. Jesus said things in extremes, "He spoke as one with authority". It is not, however, only Jesus' teachings that I believe, but the entire Bible, that is the protestant Bible and 66 standard books. I've never read straight through the Catholic Apocropha. In response to your quote on Matthew 5:17-18 "Do no think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of the pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." I disagree with your interpretation of this verse that suggests that Jesus' coming changes nothing in regard to the "Old Testament Laws". It is clear, if you take the Bible as a whole (I believe that to read something truly in context, your must look at it in the context of the entire Scriptures), then it is obvious that Jesus made useless the law of the old testament. That is what He means by 'fulfill'. Jesus was the answer to the Law, He was the man that the prophets foretold. The entire law was written to build up to Jesus, to prepare everyone for His coming and following His teachings. Jesus does not throw the Law aside (abolish it), but rather, He says "Look at this law! Look at these prophesies! Can you not see that this is telling you how to live right? You have taken it it completely wrong! It's not about legalistic interpretation, it is about your heart!" Jesus then spends the rest of the sermon on the Mt. addresses ways that the law was being mistreated including thoughts of hate being the same as murder, thoughts of lust being the same as adultery, evil intents of the heart of some people who divorced, speaking the truth always and not just when you say "I promise", treating people better than yourself, loving enemies, and on and on and on. The Law was written so that people's hearts would be on God, not so that their minds could be on some book. In this way, Jesus does not abolish the Law, but fulfills it by explaining how it was being misused and helping the people interpret it. If that is not enought, then just quickly glance through the book of Galatians. The entire letter was written to show that the law in itself means nothing, only when coupled with faith in Jesus Christ's life changing righteous does it mean squat. *Larry stops for a fwe quick breaths.* (-8

I'm afraid I don't quite understand your the second paragraph of your 11/9/98 8:00 response. Are you saying that we cannot grasp the fullness of God and we cannot put ourselves on His level as we cannot say that we are all equivelant to Einstein in physics? I'm sorry I don't understand, but in order to avoid more confusion on my part, I'll wait for clarification to respond. I'm sorry Heckler!

I'll try to answer your question better, or at least more simply. Basically, my answer goes like this: You cannot generalize everyone who committed an atrocity and everyone who unto whom an atrocity was commited saying that all of them will go to one place or another. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the only factor that determines the afterlife of someone. Since this relationship is personal, it would be impossible to say which group goes where because it is not a group issue. Thus, no one knows but God, and God will judge justly. That is my position. MUST it be so? No, but I believe there is sufficient evidence showing that my God is a just God to believe it personally. If this isn't a good enough response, I'm sorry, I don't know what is. What response would you like me to give you?

DeStrider: The O.C. Supertones (A Christian SKA band! (SKA FOREVER BABY!)) says it best in their song "That's just life in Orange County California" (Which you can listen to at their website Anyway, part of the song goes "Well if you was a Christian, then you never was just sittin' up in Church and saying what a Christian does..." No one can be a Christian and then not be. Perhaps you mean that Hitler went to Church? Ahhh! I don't even want to start thinking about that psycho though!

OK, I think that's it, off to Calculus! Have a great day all of you, and to quote my good fried Marcie "Jesus loves you! Let that make your day AWESOME! )

God Bless,
Larry Boy

Dcreeper posted 11-21-98 12:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     
yep.. oh well.. I was going for the most posts with that topic :P
dang american as ther 10th faction has 110

ugh, now I gotta start diggin out books for the author's name.. oi

Fantasy books/authors

WoT series (currently (IIRC)7 books by th infamous Robert Jordan)

R.A. Salvador ( excelent writer, but he kinda got tired of writeing the drizzt books but his contract said he ahd to write a few more, so his last few drizzt books stunk,, he has a new book out.. Deamon something I think suposedly its his pride and joy)

Mercades Lackey ( she is pretty good, her books have realy only 1 of two modes through out the books, 1 Realy good. 2 sucky sucky sucky)

Terry Goodkin, writine the sword of truth novels, very good writer, but a tad, um sadistic

Raymond E Fiest, cant forget the wonderful writer of the Rift War Saga and the books that tie into the same world

Sci fi.

I have not read sci fi, but I did find one author I liked
L.E. Modesit (Modeiset? egads i dunno cant find book, when pronouced its (Mode-ih-set))

Heckler posted 11-12-98 09:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Larry boy, your argument unfortunately matches exactly the same one I have heard many times. It has the same flaws, and I will try to show you one. If Jesus was the Messiah, and all the former books were just leading up to him. Then why has there been war since his coming and subsequent going? That was one of the prerequsites of the Messiah in jewish religious literature. Secondly no the work on translation of the Bible was not good, it was done by men who had not a direct translation to be as faithfull to the original as possible as their goal but rather as a tool to controll and mold the masses of humanity around them. The translation I gave you is based on three different english only texts (king james, and two lessor versions) and general quotes from the jewish talmud, I am pretty sure it is accurate.

Again you missed the point of the question. I wasn't asking about each side as a whole but rather that you take one individual from each side, one spanish priest, assume he truly believed, and then proceeded to torture others to force them to believe the same as he did (I will not go into the modes of torture used you might be eating when you read this) when that failed he proceeded to burn the victim alive. The victim even till the moment of death refused to submit. Now using those two answer the question. Please don't just eat what you are given spiritually constantly challenge what is placed before you, apply logic to what you are told and if it is found wanting say so. If you desire to continue this conversation please feel free to e-mail me but I do not wish to clutter the boards with a personal discussion.


Would someone please name one religion that to date hasn't commited an atrocity and then claimed that God gave them the right to?

Roland posted 11-13-98 05:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
I might find some: those that have not had the power so far to commit such atrocities. Besides, well... can't think of any.

Religion does evil by definition, and good only by accident.

talon54 posted 11-13-98 07:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
hmmmm I thought that was science that did good by accident?AAAh the never ending debate
never ends.

A quote by a Russian Author." A Man who cannot believe in something greater than himself cannot bear the burden of himself."

Roland posted 11-13-98 07:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
On religion being inherently evil (IMO, of course): "Those who are convinced they have a monopoly on The Truth always feel that they are only saving the world when they slaughter the heretics."
(Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)

Then I'd say "A Man who _has to_ believe in something greater than himself cannot bear the burden of himself."

Dcreeper posted 11-13-98 07:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     
hehe I have a hard time agreeing with that..

"A Man who cannot believe in something greater than himself cannot bear the burden of himself"

Aparently the actor had very little self-confidence, was this from a recent actor? If so I belive he/she should seek counciling.. such low self-esteem(hooo boy sp) can hardly be healthy

talon54 posted 11-15-98 07:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
Author not actor.Allright Im going to try this spelling aah Doestoyevsky. Sorry if Im wrong.Wrote Crime and Punishment,Brothers Karamazov and others.
Larry Boy posted 11-15-98 05:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Heckler: Do you really percieve me to be a brainless drone following every thing that everyone tells me? It takes a lot of evidence to move me into a certain belief. Don't believe until proven true, that's my philosophy on truths. What Jesus said in John 8 is true for my life, His Truth has set me free and until someon can prove this Truth to be untrue, I see no reason not to believe it. You urge me to prove this Truth to you, well, LET IT BE KNOWN THAT IF ANYONE IS SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH, JOHN 8 TELLS YOU HOW TO GET THERE. Following Jesus. If you are not searching for the truth, dismiss this message, and move on.

Heckler: There were a two confusing things that you said that I can't understand, please help me as I do want to answer your questions.
1. "Secondly no the work on translation of the Bible was not good" If none of it was not good, then aren't you saying it is all true or at least all good?

2. You said there are many things wrong with my statement, I'd like to see more of them so that I can revise my statement. The one you pointed out spoke of war. Yes, there was war before Jesus came at about BC 5 and there is war after Jesus ascended at about BC 30 or so. Jesus said "There will always be wars and rumors of wars." I guess I don't see what was disproven by that statement. Please help me out there. Thanks!

I'm sure most of the people reading my first statement are quite surprised by what it said. You are likely to dismiss it as foolishness. Why accept this truth when there are so many others? Well, you ask me to accept this truth of yours, and have been unable to prove it to me or billions of others, I have been unable to 'prove' my belief to those athiest on this forum. I would dare say that neither can be proven... except by experience. Now I have been an athiest, and I have been (and am) a Christian. Only upon becoming a Christian does it come perfectly clear. I testify that athiesm is false and Christianity is true out of experience. Can anyone do the converse? No, because once a Christian, always Christian. That is my explanation of my origional statement no matter how unfair it may seem. Sorry. God Bless, Larry Boy

JB posted 11-15-98 08:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     
You might have not been happy as an atheist, but happy as a Christian, but many find it the other way around. In fact, I know people who were raised as a religious person, but converted to atheism and are happier now.

--I testify that athiesm is false and Christianity is true out of experience.--

OK, so now we're getting blunt. I'll testify that religion is false and science is the correct thing to trust. Why? I know science isn't perfect, but we admit it. THAT is why science is different from religion. Religion doesn't admit it's errors, but scientists do, and they try to correct them. I've never seen a religion do that. Science is based on theories and data, religion is based on old texts, which many are afraid to contradict.

Dcreeper posted 11-16-98 02:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     

>>Wrote Crime and Punishment,Brothers >>Karamazov and others.

what kind of books are they? ( I'm an avid reader without any books to read :P).. other than that I realy got no comment cuz I dont know those books and therefore dont have any background data to reply with

talon54 posted 11-18-98 05:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
Crime and Punishment is about a man who commits a murder and gets away with it.But the man cannot escape the feelings he has about what he has done.It torments him throughout the book.Also about the police inspector who keeps on his tail about it.
This author is a little somber,not light reading, and this may be sketchy because I read it a long time ago.What kind of books do you like to read?
talon54 posted 11-18-98 06:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
I forgot about Karamozov.First ther is an old movie based on the book starring you wont believe this,William Shatner as the brother who is a priest.Yul Brynner and Lee J. Cobb and Richard Basehart are in it.It is a great movie.Basically the author has the brothers represent the different phlosophies.One is an atheist, the other is a monk and one is a gambler and a drinker.The atheist brother comes to town and there is a half brother living in the Karamozov house who admires his atheistic views.The half brother plots to murder the father who most of the sons hate, rationalizing with the atheist that since there is no God,man can basically do what he wants without any moral consequences.After all if we only live once and there is no God,where is ther any morality?Anyway that is the authors conclusions.The movie has other elements and is a great story.The book is just as good.

The Brothers Karamozov is the name.

Merlin posted 11-18-98 06:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Merlin  Click Here to Email Merlin     
In response to Heckler, I do not recall any atrocities that have been committed by a Buddhist who has then claimed they were given the right to do so by God.
Dcreeper posted 11-18-98 09:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     
actualy.. I thought Buddhists didn't belive in god
as for books.. egads

umm Fantasys are good, but for now I'm sticking to a few selected authors and the Forgotten Realms

Sci-fi is cool, but I have not read many
sci-fi books

talon54 posted 11-19-98 08:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for talon54  Click Here to Email talon54     
It looks like the religious debate has run out of steam. Quick sequay. Favorite authors,favorite genre.

Asimov (Foundation series.)
Ray Bradbury (all of them)
Robert Heinlein (all of them)*Stranger in a Strange Land
Fiction General

Herman Hesse (Siddhartha)
(Narcissus and Goldman)
(Beneath the Wheel)
Thomas wolfe (Look Homeward Angel)

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