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Author Topic:   AFC Summaries
Borodino posted 12-22-98 12:06 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino   Click Here to Email Borodino  
This is the first post in a projected string of summaries of the AFC to allow those who have come since its inception to catch up if they so desire. ANy former AFC writers who would like to summarize their faction's history, please do.
Borodino posted 12-22-98 12:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
Main PK Characters:

Pravin Lal: The faction's commissioner, minister of health
Jeremy Allen Borodino: Minister of Extra-Factional Affairs and Lal's right hand man on policy
Ryan St. John: orphan, Borodino's nephew, a youth of about 20 earth years, currently apprentice explorer

Subsidiary Characters:
Valentina Narmonov: commander of the exploratory expedition of which St. John is a member
Adnan Makarios: Cypriot mechanic in the Narmonov expedition; half-Turk, half-Greek
Jomo Moi: cheif surveyor/cartographer of the expedition
Pria: Lal's wife
Amanda Tamati: Lal's cynical young Kiwi secretary
Dorian Kildare: Cheif justice of the PK

There are quite a few more (30 or so?), but everyone besides Lal, Borodino, and St. John received only a cursory treatment; although I did start a few sketchings of Makarios and Moi.

Capital city: Hope
Main port: Poseidon
Research/logging base: Avalon
Mining town: Vulcan Forge
Probably two or three others. We have only about 1500 persons and don't want to be spread to thinly.

Treaty of mutual assistance with the Believers. Text available upon request. Consular relations established.

Moderate industrial capacity. Latest industrial report available upon request.

Summary of PK events: soon to be published

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