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  Need help to modify a modpack(part one)

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Author Topic:   Need help to modify a modpack(part one)
DinoDoc99 posted 09-05-99 12:30 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for DinoDoc99   Click Here to Email DinoDoc99  
I just downloaded the Star Trek mod pack from and found out that a lot of the so-called custom factions are only cosmetic remakes of the original files. Now on to the real point of this post. I have no idea how to make a new faction balenced and was hoping I could get some help, at least, modifying each factions most important stats. Sorry, in advance, for the length.
; FACTION FILE: The Klingon Empire
; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc.
; ALPHA CENTAURI reads the rules of the game from this file at
; startup. Feel free, at your own risk, to experiment with editing
; this file. We recommend you make a backup copy of the original.

The Klingon Empire, The Fundamentalist, Klingons, M, 2, Gowron, F, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1,
Politics, Fundamentalist, PROBE
Values, Knowledge, nil
Strong, Belv.,
Jessica, Westcott, Jessica's Faith
Commander, pious, fanatic, devout, Fist thumping,
Combbat Freak
embrace the truth of the Gowrons Words
to embrace the truth of Gowrons words
imposing his extremist moral code on everyone else
imposing your extremist moral code on everyone else
shove your combatant extremism down my throat
pounding her fists
pounding your fists
fist thumping extremism
fist thumping extremism, M1
life of combat, M1
bizarre klingon practices, M2
tithe, M1
upholding standards of decency and morality
my Klingon Warriors
Klingon High Council

Great Conclave
Great Zion
Far Jericho
Redemption Base
Children of Kahless
The Honor of Kahless
Judgement Seat
Valley of the Faithful
Blessed Redeemer
The Glory of Kahless
New Eden
Terrible Swift Sword
Time of Salvation
Eternal Reward
Righteous Sentence
Throne of Kahless
The Rapture
The Hand of Kahless
The Coming of the Lord
Sanctity Base
Hallowed Ground
Divinity Base
The Word of God
Revelation Base
The Holy Fire
Divine Warrior
From On High
Kahless's Hope
Hall of Heroes

He Walked on Water
Loaves and Fishes
Belly of the Whale
Fisher of Men
Port Grace
Water to Wine
Consecrated Waters

I, Gowron, will rule this planet
^ -- Chancellor Gowron,
^ "The Hard Struggle"

^LEADER: {Chancellor Gowron}
^BACKGROUND: {Leader of the Klingon Empire}
^AGENDA: {Life Combat}
^TECH: {Social Psych}

^+25% Bonus when attacking enemies, because of unmatched skill.
^+1 PROBE: {Unmatched warriors difficult to brainwash}
^+2 SUPPORT: {Citizens eager to defend conquered territories}
^-2 RESEARCH: {Values warriors more than scientists}
^-1 PLANET: {Wish to claim Planet for themselves}
^Accumulates NO research points until MY 2110.
^{May not use Knowledge value in Social Engineering.}

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"$NAME1, it is Kahless's Will that we end this honorless conflict.
Pledge Blood Truce with me and I shall spare your life."

"As you wish. Truce pledged."
"I'll see you in hell first, $NAME3."

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"$TITLE0 $NAME1, I've decided to offer you a Treaty of Friendship. Sign it!! We are not the most patient of peoples."

"Amen, $NAME3. Lasting peace is a great gift indeed."
"No. Your bloodlust makes me shiver, $NAME3."

# ; This line must remain at end of file

White_Cat posted 09-08-99 05:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for White_Cat  Click Here to Email White_Cat     
You're right, that is a pretty crappy FacPack. Cardassians as peacekeepers? Ugh.
Lord Beselwick posted 09-22-99 08:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lord Beselwick    
Actually whatever idiot designed this made the Dominion the PK's White Cat. But as I used to watch DS9 fanatically I'll do this myself.

University - Caldonians (A minor species, but love research)

Gaians - Can't think of anyone.

Morganites - Ferengi

Hive - Dominion or Romulans (Think Tal Shiar)

Believers - Dominion

Peacekeepers - Federation

Spartans - Cardassians or Klingons

Tally Ho,
Lord Beselwick

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