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  New Faction-Hacer Alliance

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Author Topic:   New Faction-Hacer Alliance
dinoman posted 07-18-99 04:39 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for dinoman  
I've play tested them, and they seem to be balanced. They rule as builders and stink as conquerers. I'd appreciate comments.

Hacker Alliance, The Hacker, Alliance, M, 1, Bryan, M, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
Values, Knowledge, RESEARCH
Politcs, Fundamentalist, nil
Alliance, Alliance,
Julia, Bond, Julia-Net
Cyber-Consul, ingenious, psychotic, cyber-skilled, insane
continue our quest into cyberspace
to contuniue our quest of exploration and expansion into cyberspace
insanely taking over various systems which should not be tampered with
insanely taking over various systems which should not be tampered with
letting the machines run wild
dreaming up new ways to replace humans with machines
dreaming up new ways to replace humans
creating unethical technology
unspeakable tech, M2
computer skills, M1
cyber-love, M1
research grant, M1
pushing the boundaries of computers
Hacking Rovers
Standard Hacking Procedures

Hacker-Net Central
Cyber-Net 1
CompNet of Planet
Planetary Archives
Razvitia Progress Base
New Los Angeles
New New York
Planetary Net Alpha
Hope in the Code
New Net
Zeta Chip
Computer Monitoring Station
Silicon Prospect
Mir II
Tech Center


Information. Every second it zips back and forth and back
and forth across cyberspace. Millions upon billions of
0s and 1s, just waiting for someone with the right tools...
to come and take a look.
^ -- Cyber-Consul Bryan Weaver,
^ "Planet: The Ultimate Hacking Ground"

^LEADER: {Cyber-Consul Bryan Weaver}
^BACKGROUND: {"The Death Angels" Hacker Gang, Unity Computer Officer}
^AGENDA: {Protection of the domain of Cyberspace, freedom to hack.}
^TECH: {Polymorphic Software}

^+3 RESEARCH: {Hacking Skills}
^+2 PROBE: {Skilled at defending computer systems}
^-3 POLICE: {Freedom loving}
^-2 MORALE: {Hackers don't like to get killed}
^Automatically gets any tech known to 3 other Factions, because of skill in hacking.
^+1 DRONE for every three citizens {(some people just aren't good with computers)}
^{May not use Fundamentalist Politics.}

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Call off your dogs, $NAME1. I am ready to pledge Blood Truce
if you will allow us to continue advancing computer technology."

"Very well, but do not provoke me further."
"No, $NAME3. All you want to do is hack into our systems."

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"We do not want to fight, $TITLE0 $NAME1. Will you sign
a Treaty of Friendship and leave us to develop Cyberspace?"

"Of course. We must certainly strive to win freedom everywhere."
"No. I don't want you stealing any of my research during peace, $NAME3."

# ; This line must remain at end of file

MechaDestroyer posted 07-18-99 06:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MechaDestroyer  Click Here to Email MechaDestroyer     
Why are their bases based on computers on hacking computers if their about constructing things?

"The Plague of Confusion"

Penny Foh Yu Thot posted 07-22-99 07:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Penny Foh Yu Thot  Click Here to Email Penny Foh Yu Thot     
The SHARETECH 3 is a bit heavy I believe... (The Universal Trans give you sharetech 3 and it's way down the road). Aside from that it looks like a pretty balance and interesting faction...
But as I said with the SHARETECH 3 you don't really have to do anything drastic, just sit and wait for the others to hand you over their tech for free! Throw in that +3 research and you're sure to be ++++++AHEAD in tech no matter what you or the others do which is a bit unfair to me...

Just my 2 cents worth

dinoman posted 07-22-99 10:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dinoman    
Yeah, your going to be ahead in research, but did you see the extra drone for every 3 citizens. The UoP gets one for every 4 and many people have said that that alone cripples them. Plus, the Hackers get -3 Police, so until you get Thought Control, there's no way you can control them using police units. So, you can either divert energy to psych, which slows down your research rate, use doctors and such, which eliminates portions of your workforce, or build many anti-drone facilities and secret projects, which gives you less time to build other facilites and secret projects. Also, if you think they're too balanced, you can still use them as an AI faction, 'cause the AI is about as good with them as it is with Morgan.
dinoman posted 07-22-99 10:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dinoman    
Sorry, I meant too unbalanced, not too balanced

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